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Best wishes to your magazine!

个人还满意,希望能帮到你,望采纳哦~~~~O(∩_∩)O~Dear sir\madam: I hope you are very First, thank you for your admission and publication of my Undoutedly, the magazine has high quality and good But, for its better developement, I have to provide a suggestion to If some inappropriateness, hope your In my opinion, after posting the page fee, it had better to give a If not, there could be a phenomenon that make people doubt the magezine's legality and Of course, we all hope the terrible thing shouldn't I wish your magazine better and yours 某某亲爱的先生\女士: 希望你一切安好。(你好。) 首先,感谢您认可并出版我的论文。毫无疑问,贵刊拥有高质量和良好的服务。但是,为了贵刊更好的发展,我不得不提出一个建议。如有不妥之处,望您海涵。我认为,作者邮寄了版面费以后,贵刊最好给予回复。不然,可能使人怀疑贵刊的合法性和真实性。当然,我们都不希望这样的事情发生。祝贵刊越办越好。 某某

我希望贵刊越办越好 I hope that your magazine will constantly improve

I hope your magazine better and better


杂志社的英文,是不是这样:Magazine Press

I hope your magazine better and better

Ladies and gentlemen, it's a great honor for me to receive this award together with MW 日本名要根据它的日文读音进行翻译 I hope your competition will attain even greater success! 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

I hope this program will be run better in the


我希望贵刊越办越好 I hope that your magazine will constantly improve

越来越好 [词典] become better and better; become better with each passing day; better and better; on the up-and-up; up-and-up; [例句]这几年她家的日子越来越好过了。Her family has had an easier and easier time these last few

wo xi wang gui kan yue ban yue hao

better and better


杂志社的英文,是不是这样:Magazine Press

1、Hope your show much 2、Hope your company developing much 3、 Thank you for your reception,hope your family Life is getting better and 4、Wish you better 5、Their relationship is getting much better\6、What's their relationship going on?

正式的说法:periodical office按我们中国人的习惯:magazine office

我希望贵刊越办越好 I hope that your magazine will constantly improve


(以贺词收到先后为序) 值此贵刊出刊100期之际,特向你们表示诚挚的祝贺并对你们多年来付出的辛勤劳动表示崇高的敬意!祝愿贵刊越办越好,为安徽文学艺术的繁荣和两个文明建设作出更大的贡献。 《文化周报》社 值此贵刊出刊100期之际,请接受我们《上海文学》全体同仁的诚挚的祝贺! 贵刊坚持高质量、高品位多年来一直保持着自己的特色和风格,成绩斐然。 再次衷心地祝愿贵刊越办越好! 《上海文学》杂志社 清明世界前程似锦 ——贺《清明》出刊100期 《警探》杂志社 雄关漫道真如铁; 而今迈步从头越。 ——《清明》百期祝贺 《小说选刊》杂志社 贺《清明》出刊100期 《清明》一百期 皖军一面旗 《文学自由谈》杂志社 江淮大地 百花满园 ——贺《清明》出刊100期 《钟山》杂志社 风兮雨兮 清且明矣 《北方文学》全体同仁 祝贺《清明》出刊一百期 喜逢清明雨 觅得杏花村 ——贺《清明》100期 《百花渊》编辑部 《清明》是一份享有盛誉的大型文学刊物,它所发表的许多优秀作品曾在国内外产生广泛的影响,在读者心中树立了一块文学丰碑。

I wish your magazine better and



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