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Tennis originated in the 12th century to 13th century France, the French missionary who was originally the game was imported American countries, as well as the rest of Europe, and gradually evolved into today's 1896, in the Greek capital of Athens, held a session of the modern Olympic Games, eight Olympic tennis event is one of the only sports Tennis project had to withdraw from the Olympic Games in 1924, until 1984 the 23rd Los Angeles Olympic Games, is set to perform again, to restore a 1988 Olympic 2004 of the 28th Olympic Games in Athens, Chinese athletes Li Ting and Sun Tiantian was the tennis women's doubles The 29th Olympic Games for the men's singles, men's doubles, women's singles, women's doubles four For the number of tennis players: men's and women's singles of the 64, men and women's doubles of the 32 Apart from the men's singles final by five 3-system, all the rest of the competition will be used Win 2 of 3; Apart from the men's singles in the fifth set and the remaining game of the third set, the game is competition, only净胜two of the set to win the competition (long-system), the other a draw-game winning system is used (tiebreak) Competition Rules points: the choice of venue and the first as a player or players to the right in preparation ago by throwing coins to After each serve, then the players in the next Board of becoming a player, and the players have become to the In the doubles competition, the first of each set of the first serve and it's athletes should decide which one to Similarly, opponents should also be in the second prior to the decision of who should The first to serve the athletes teammates in the third serve; second serve athletes serve teammates in the In this behind-the competition will act in accordance with this order to Athletes should be in the first session of each in the third and the back-end of the exchange of a few Athletes should also be set after the end of each from the two sides and the number of venues for the odd If a game ended after the two sides together and the number is even, then in the next set after the end of the first exchange In the draw in the semifinals, the team should be in every six minutes after the exchange of In any of the following conditions are sub-contractors missing: a ball in the second, failed to hit back over the net; directly touched the ball back the other sites outside the boundary of the ground, implants or other objects; counterattack air ball failed; deliberately racket ball more than once; athlete's body, rackets and during the live ball hit the net; shot over the net; parabolic shoot Rules are applicable to the singles doubles, but the doubles rules also have their own special requirements: service order, every set before the start of competition to determine catcher order that the party should first ball in the first at the beginning decide to the return of serve, and in this first set to continue to The other side should be the same in the second by whoever decided at the beginning of the return of serve, and in this double-disc of the first to continue to They should be in every peer in the rotation to 赛of etiquette: "respect for all persons and on the tennis courts," and this is at least the players code of conduct, but also the audience should be Be a tennis fan is not difficult, but be a qualified tennis audience is not easy and requires not only well-known tennis complex rules and to understand some common stands on the Admission backpack must be security checks, baggage can not be taken into the S Only allowed to enter with flexible packaging beverages S TV, radio will not be allowed into the Can not bring babies into the venue because they can not control the Concept at the time, the phone is turned off or transferred into vibration, quiet Stadium ban on Competition should be immediately N 1 player after the end of the game for only side not to sit down, Therefore, at this time does not allow field general admission 3,5,7, and so in the number of single or one after the audience to guide the help of admission as soon as If at the beginning have not been in the game to find their place, it should be the spot to sit down, for the next player to find at the To maintain competition at the beginning of absolute quiet, and will not create the voice of influence athletes to avoid speak Applause during refueling to pay attention to only one point at the end was really only began refueling Jiandao players after a fly ball, which must be one minute after the game before into the venue, not in the tens of millions of race, and interference with the ball thrown at the Filming is no The audience should be equal to both sides of the players to support and encourage, not to H





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温网征文,即“2009年温布尔登网球公开赛有奖博客征文活动”的全称,具体情况如下:2009年温网大赛有奖博客征文活动 派送精美好礼 新浪体育讯 2009年温布尔登网球公开赛即将拉开大幕,作为赛季过半的第三项大满贯赛,温网大赛的举办地全英草地俱乐部一直以来都被视为网球运动的神圣殿堂。绿色的草地,多雨的季节,无与伦比的皇家背景,都让每年6月的温布尔登时刻吸引着全世界无数球迷的关注目光。 在年初的澳网大赛以及刚刚结束的法网大赛上,新浪网球与《网球天地》杂志两次联合推出有奖博客征文活动,均得到广大网友的大力支持与积极响应,取得了圆满的成功。在总结和借鉴上次的成功经验后,我们将继续在温网期间举办“2009年温布尔登网球公开赛有奖博客征文活动”,希望再次邀请热情的网友们一同参与到我们紧张刺激的赛事报道工作中来,以期与网友们共评共说这项精彩赛事。 在此,我们要特别鸣谢中国网球公开赛组委会对本次博客征文活动的大力支持。 投稿方法: 申请加入“Tennis Channel”新浪博客圈子,撰写以温网赛事为主题的博客文章,刊登时请特别注意,发表博文时请在“投稿到排行榜”选择“体育”; 并请登录《网球天地》杂志官方网站()论坛,在“原创天地”板块发帖,注明“温网征文”。 投稿样式如下:[温网征文]温布尔登猜想 评选办法:由《网球天地》杂志社+新浪编辑+特约专家打分各占50%的积分方式综合评选 参与时间:2009年6月24日-7月6日,评选揭晓时间:2009年7月8日 比赛的获奖者将会收到我们为您送出的神秘大礼包,获奖者的精彩博文也将有机会出现在最新一期的《网球天地》杂志上。 本次活动的最终解释权归新浪网球频道所有。


温网征文,即“2009年温布尔登网球公开赛有奖博客征文活动”的全称,具体情况如下:2009年温网大赛有奖博客征文活动 派送精美好礼 新浪体育讯 2009年温布尔登网球公开赛即将拉开大幕,作为赛季过半的第三项大满贯赛,温网大赛的举办地全英草地俱乐部一直以来都被视为网球运动的神圣殿堂。绿色的草地,多雨的季节,无与伦比的皇家背景,都让每年6月的温布尔登时刻吸引着全世界无数球迷的关注目光。 在年初的澳网大赛以及刚刚结束的法网大赛上,新浪网球与《网球天地》杂志两次联合推出有奖博客征文活动,均得到广大网友的大力支持与积极响应,取得了圆满的成功。在总结和借鉴上次的成功经验后,我们将继续在温网期间举办“2009年温布尔登网球公开赛有奖博客征文活动”,希望再次邀请热情的网友们一同参与到我们紧张刺激的赛事报道工作中来,以期与网友们共评共说这项精彩赛事。 在此,我们要特别鸣谢中国网球公开赛组委会对本次博客征文活动的大力支持。 投稿方法: 申请加入“Tennis Channel”新浪博客圈子,撰写以温网赛事为主题的博客文章,刊登时请特别注意,发表博文时请在“投稿到排行榜”选择“体育”; 并请登录《网球天地》杂志官方网站()论坛,在“原创天地”板块发帖,注明“温网征文”。 投稿样式如下:[温网征文]温布尔登猜想 评选办法:由《网球天地》杂志社+新浪编辑+特约专家打分各占50%的积分方式综合评选 参与时间:2009年6月24日-7月6日,评选揭晓时间:2009年7月8日 比赛的获奖者将会收到我们为您送出的神秘大礼包,获奖者的精彩博文也将有机会出现在最新一期的《网球天地》杂志上。 本次活动的最终解释权归新浪网球频道所有。

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