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自然杂志的介绍,这个杂志外行人不易读懂。 the journalWelcome to Nature, the weekly, international, interdisciplinary journal of Citations and Impact FactorIn 2005 Nature generated nearly 10,000 more citations than in 2004, and 26,000 more citations than its closest competitor, making it the world's most highly citated multidisciplinary science Nature's impact factor for 2005 was 273 (Source: Journal Citaton Reports, 2006, Thomson Scientific) The fall of nearly three points on 2004 was primarily due to the increased numbers of published Aims and scopeNature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider Nature's mission statementFirst, to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning Second, to ensure that the results of science are rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture and daily Nature's original mission statement was published for the first time on 11 November Nature's first issueRead the full text of the first ever issue of Nature, published on 4 November Sample issueFree online access to the 3 March 2005 issue of NContact the journalProvides contact details for editorial, subscription, librarian and advertising About the editorsLike the other Nature titles, Nature has no external editorial Instead, all editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional Information about the scientific background of the editors may be found A full list of journal staff appears on the Nature family of journalsIn addition to Nature itself, there are three main families of Nature For advertisersInformation on display advertisements in Nature in print and online, or click here for information on classified For librariansInformation for institutions purchasing site licences, other online resources and print 科学杂志 in 1880 on $10,000 of seed money from the American inventor Thomas Edison, Science has grown to become the world's leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research, with the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general-science Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one In content, too, the journal is truly international in scope; some 35 to 40 percent of the corresponding authors on its papers are based outside the United S Its articles consistently rank among world's most cited Science's leading position stems from many factors: the journal's strong tradition of editorial independence; its high standards of peer review and editorial quality (of the more than 12,000 top-notch scientific manuscripts that the journal sees each year, less than 8% are accepted for publication); its Board of Reviewing Editors, consisting of more than 100 of the world's top scientists; its strong connections with the scientific community, which ensures a stream of lively, up-to-date, and authoritative news and commentary in its pages; the dedication of its professional staff in the US, the UK, and other countries, including 26 PD editors, a creative production and art group, and a team of science writers, reporters, and journalists second to none; the support of its publisher, AAAS, the world's largest general-science Today, a century and a quarter after its founding, Science continues to publish the very best in scientific research, news, and Whether you're concerned with AIDS, SARS, genomic medicine, Mars, or global warming, or just want to keep abreast of where the scientific world is and where it's going, you will find something worthwhile in S

考研英语可看这四本杂志:《The Economist》 (经济学家)《Newsweek》 (新闻周刊)《Time》 (时代周刊)《US News and World Report》 (美国新闻与世界报道)


He published several articles on birds research in N


自然杂志的介绍,这个杂志外行人不易读懂。 the journalWelcome to Nature, the weekly, international, interdisciplinary journal of Citations and Impact FactorIn 2005 Nature generated nearly 10,000 more citations than in 2004, and 26,000 more citations than its closest competitor, making it the world's most highly citated multidisciplinary science Nature's impact factor for 2005 was 273 (Source: Journal Citaton Reports, 2006, Thomson Scientific) The fall of nearly three points on 2004 was primarily due to the increased numbers of published Aims and scopeNature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider Nature's mission statementFirst, to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning Second, to ensure that the results of science are rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture and daily Nature's original mission statement was published for the first time on 11 November Nature's first issueRead the full text of the first ever issue of Nature, published on 4 November Sample issueFree online access to the 3 March 2005 issue of NContact the journalProvides contact details for editorial, subscription, librarian and advertising About the editorsLike the other Nature titles, Nature has no external editorial Instead, all editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional Information about the scientific background of the editors may be found A full list of journal staff appears on the Nature family of journalsIn addition to Nature itself, there are three main families of Nature For advertisersInformation on display advertisements in Nature in print and online, or click here for information on classified For librariansInformation for institutions purchasing site licences, other online resources and print 科学杂志 in 1880 on $10,000 of seed money from the American inventor Thomas Edison, Science has grown to become the world's leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research, with the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general-science Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one In content, too, the journal is truly international in scope; some 35 to 40 percent of the corresponding authors on its papers are based outside the United S Its articles consistently rank among world's most cited Science's leading position stems from many factors: the journal's strong tradition of editorial independence; its high standards of peer review and editorial quality (of the more than 12,000 top-notch scientific manuscripts that the journal sees each year, less than 8% are accepted for publication); its Board of Reviewing Editors, consisting of more than 100 of the world's top scientists; its strong connections with the scientific community, which ensures a stream of lively, up-to-date, and authoritative news and commentary in its pages; the dedication of its professional staff in the US, the UK, and other countries, including 26 PD editors, a creative production and art group, and a team of science writers, reporters, and journalists second to none; the support of its publisher, AAAS, the world's largest general-science Today, a century and a quarter after its founding, Science continues to publish the very best in scientific research, news, and Whether you're concerned with AIDS, SARS, genomic medicine, Mars, or global warming, or just want to keep abreast of where the scientific world is and where it's going, you will find something worthwhile in S


目前还没有,不过有电子版(可以用翻译工具翻译)的! 建议你到 这是一个不错的资源共享BT站,是由华中科技大学发起联合几所高校建立的教育网资源共享BT站点,但您要的杂志下载者并不多,因此要在有人作种时及时下载才是! 这样的下载地址很少,郑州大学曾经发过2006年《科学》杂志下载(35期,PDF,494M)以下是地址:( 大学的资料一般都限制访问IP,能不能下我就不知道了。还是建议你用BT下载! 也可以直接用emule的搜索,因为电骡可以直接从别人的电脑上进行相应的搜索,我就在上面下了science的文章和2007的全部电子杂志,呵呵,因为大多都是外国人拥有的!! iebook的第一门户的网站上去看一下。它们上面也有超多的电子杂志在线观看。而且还有一个免费的2008版的超级精灵可以下载。您自己都可以试着做出一本来。非常实用的。 你还可以去官网看文摘 你去网站看了没? 里面有些是免费阅读的

自然杂志的介绍,这个杂志外行人不易读懂。 the journalWelcome to Nature, the weekly, international, interdisciplinary journal of Citations and Impact FactorIn 2005 Nature generated nearly 10,000 more citations than in 2004, and 26,000 more citations than its closest competitor, making it the world's most highly citated multidisciplinary science Nature's impact factor for 2005 was 273 (Source: Journal Citaton Reports, 2006, Thomson Scientific) The fall of nearly three points on 2004 was primarily due to the increased numbers of published Aims and scopeNature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider Nature's mission statementFirst, to serve scientists through prompt publication of significant advances in any branch of science, and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning Second, to ensure that the results of science are rapidly disseminated to the public throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for knowledge, culture and daily Nature's original mission statement was published for the first time on 11 November Nature's first issueRead the full text of the first ever issue of Nature, published on 4 November Sample issueFree online access to the 3 March 2005 issue of NContact the journalProvides contact details for editorial, subscription, librarian and advertising About the editorsLike the other Nature titles, Nature has no external editorial Instead, all editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional Information about the scientific background of the editors may be found A full list of journal staff appears on the Nature family of journalsIn addition to Nature itself, there are three main families of Nature For advertisersInformation on display advertisements in Nature in print and online, or click here for information on classified For librariansInformation for institutions purchasing site licences, other online resources and print 科学杂志 in 1880 on $10,000 of seed money from the American inventor Thomas Edison, Science has grown to become the world's leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research, with the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general-science Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one In content, too, the journal is truly international in scope; some 35 to 40 percent of the corresponding authors on its papers are based outside the United S Its articles consistently rank among world's most cited Science's leading position stems from many factors: the journal's strong tradition of editorial independence; its high standards of peer review and editorial quality (of the more than 12,000 top-notch scientific manuscripts that the journal sees each year, less than 8% are accepted for publication); its Board of Reviewing Editors, consisting of more than 100 of the world's top scientists; its strong connections with the scientific community, which ensures a stream of lively, up-to-date, and authoritative news and commentary in its pages; the dedication of its professional staff in the US, the UK, and other countries, including 26 PD editors, a creative production and art group, and a team of science writers, reporters, and journalists second to none; the support of its publisher, AAAS, the world's largest general-science Today, a century and a quarter after its founding, Science continues to publish the very best in scientific research, news, and Whether you're concerned with AIDS, SARS, genomic medicine, Mars, or global warming, or just want to keep abreast of where the scientific world is and where it's going, you will find something worthwhile in S



"Man and nature" column from 1999 on January 1 and is now a perfecting Now this stage columns than ever before in the following aspects: the improvement on the content changes, before wildlife content proportion big now accounts for columns broadcast adjusted for one third of the total or So most of the content column is the referral and nature relation, environment, plants, natural phenomenon and so on, reduce the pure wildlife content are Self-time program content For example in the first half of 1999 complete production and broadcast thirteen, they were series three episodes: "save green" Environmental characters series three episodes: "approached natural man", "environmental writers ShenXiaoHui", "green life" Environmental protection series 4 sets the pollution and waste - water enemy of ", "Canada environmental -- rubbish can become resources", "the table on the environmental protection", "family environmental protection" Animal protection album qinling golden monkeys, "other" site "and" icadl river lake " Mo Self-time program accounts for about a quarter of the BoChuLiang The second half of 1999 are going to create the self-time programs "green hope -- introduces yanqing county ecology model district construction condition", "environmental characters PanWenShi", "egrets protection", "the miyun reservoir", "five dalian pool ecological protection", "the mangrove protection", "international expo garden glance", "the fruits or vegetables story", "yangxian" To strengthen the overall arrangement of In the first half of 1999 were launched a series of six shows: the super senses "6 sets, the Fiji" three episodes, the rift valley "4 sets, the snow of life", the first four sets of Eden, "save" 10 sets of three sets of The second half of 1999 launch of "man, will soon this animal" three episodes, the leopard, the spirit of four sets of four sets, the polar bear from natural jeopardy 5 set




自然杂志近年来发展的很快,出版集团还出版了其它专业杂志如《自然医学》,《自然免疫学》,《自然遗传学》,《自然细胞生物学》,《自然神经科学》、《自然生物学技术》、《自然方法学》、《自然临床实践》、《自然结构和分子生物学》、《自然评论》,《自然化学》,《自然物理学》,《自然纳米技术》,《自然材料学》和《自然综述系列》,总共37个子系列杂志,另外还有其他语言版的《自然中国》,,《自然印度》等系列。应该说自然是乞今为止世界上最权威,最有影响力,学科最齐全,相对来说最为公正的科学杂志!其中的《自然医学》, 《自然免疫学》,《自然遗传学》三份的影响因子已和《自然》《科学》一样高,在专业领域里威望很高。《自然》杂志不光关注生命科学,还积极跟踪新兴科学像纳米技术和材料科学。个人的感觉是自然杂志以其亲民扑实的作风,敏锐的目光和分析和最其全的学科复盖面,大有一统科学文献江山的气概和实力。《科学》(Science) 是美国科学促进会(AAAS)出版的一份学术杂志 。1880年,纽约新闻记者约翰·麦克尔创立了《科学》杂志,这份杂志先后得到了托马斯·爱迪生以及亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔的资助。此后,由于财政困难《科学》于1882年3月停刊。一年后,昆虫学家Samuel H Scudder使其复活并取得了一定的成功。然而到了1894年,《科学》重新陷入财政危机,随后被以500美元的价格转让给心理学家James McKeen Cattell。1900年,Cattell与美国科学促进会秘书Leland O Howard达成协议,《科学》成为美国科学促进会的期刊。1944年Cattell去世后,AAAS成为《科学》新主人。这本杂志主要刊登最新的科学研究成果。同时,《科学》也刊登关于科学的新闻、关于科技政策、科学家感兴趣的事务的观点。《科学》刊登各个学科的原创论文。目前,《科学》是全世界最权威的学术杂志之一,它的主要竞争对手是英国出版的《自然》杂志。像自然一样,《科学》杂志也是周刊,稿件学术水准和质量和自然比肩的,所不同的是科学没有子刊系列,也没有像《自然》那样的定期发表综述的刊物。因为这一点,《科学》杂志的影响力是不及《自然》的。在生命科学领域,《细胞》(Cell)杂志为另一份同行评审科学期刊,主要发表实验生物学领域中的最新研究发现。《细胞》是一分深受关注并具有较高学术声誉的期刊,刊登过许多重大的生命科学研究进展。与《自然》和《科学》一样,是全世界最权威的学术杂志之一。单从其影响因子来看,它一直高于《自然》和《科学》两杂志,表明它所刊登的文章广受引用。《细胞》是由爱尔塞维亚(Elsevier)出版公司旗下的细胞出版社(Cell Press)发行。《细胞》杂志主要以美东学术重镇波士顿为基地,以哈佛大学,麻省理工学院的生命科学家为后盾。《细胞》杂志前主编Benjamin Lewin不光主导这份生物学中最有份量的杂志,而且亲自主编教课书《Gene》,该书出版后广受好评,被殴美大学列为生物遗传学的第一首选教课书。 Lewin先生的知识也更新的很快,该书差不多每两年再版一次,现在已出版到第8版了。DNA双螺旋的发现者沃森教授也写了一本《Molecular Biology of Gene》不过,没有Lewin先生的书流行。《细胞》杂志也有许多子刊系列像《Cancer Cell》,《Stem Cell》,《Immunity》,《Neuron》和《Molecular Cell》等都是生命科学中的重量级刊物。再加上爱尔塞维亚(Elsevier)出版公司拥有的大量其他刊物,爱尔塞维亚(Elsevier)出版公司也是在生命科学文献界能够呼风唤雨的出版公司。个人对这三份杂志的感觉是,全世界的科学家对《自然》要略微青睐一些,自然对发展中国家的投稿都比较友好,编辑会对来自英语国家的稿件进行英语修改和完善。编辑部的原则是科学第一,语言第二。《自然》杂志幅盖面很广,应该是龙头老大的地位。《科学》杂志也许一直会保留其风格,即在学术水平上跟《自然》争风斗艳,但是刊物还没有要扩张的迹象。《科学》即是《自然》的对手,又和《自然》一起协手并肩统领报道人类科技的进步和发展的进程,比如当人类历史上耗资最大的人类基因测序工作完成后,《自然》发表了由Landers博士领导的学术界的人类基因测许结果;而《科学》则发表了由Venter博士领导的工业界完成的人类基因测序结果,可谓比翼双飞,也显示了英语在世界科学的领导地位。《细胞》杂志在生命科学界则是独树一旗,跟《自然》和《科学》的以短篇报道方式科学研究中的突破和进展不同之处是《细胞》的每篇文章都要求是长篇大论,文章必须要叙述一个完整的研究过程和结果,每期《细胞》的文章总数一般不超过15 篇。此外《细胞》跟其名一样,文章的角度也多从细胞生物学,分子生物学的手段和方法展开,相对来说,较少从分子遗传学,群体遗传学,化学生物学的角度出发。这三份DJ学术期刊不仅是各大学和研究所的必定刊物,而且欧美大学许多教授,科研人员都自己定阅这些刊物,其中《科学》个人定阅价是140美元,《自然》是 199美元一年。像其他许多杂志一样,欧美杂志的做法是定阅者交的费用只是像证性的,杂志主要靠名气和发行量后面所带来的广告费挣钱维持生计,杂志越有名,发行量越大,越容易生存。但是像爱尔塞维亚(Elsevier) 这样拥有众多杂志的出版公司也往往表现出很强的拢断行为,曾几何时,以波士顿地区哈佛麻省理工为代表的新英格兰派系的《细胞》杂志的学校、研究所定阅费(往往是图书馆的定阅杂志,全校师生可以下载文章)昂贵的连美国的公立大学都感到难以承受,以加州大学,密西根大学为首的几十所公立大学曾经罢投《细胞》杂志的稿件,以表达他们的不满,双方的挣执曾使牛气十足的《细胞》杂志降下身段接受发展中国家科学家的稿件,中国也有了事隔二十几年得以重返《细胞》杂志的大事记!这几份牛气的DJ学术的垄断行为和昂贵的订阅费也引起了一些科学家的烦感,终于有一些人站了出来,他们决心创办一份真正免费的生命科技杂志,Plos(Public Library of Science)就是这样诞生的产物,它是完全开方的,免费阅读, 免费打印!只有发表是收费的,多完美的主意!记得几年前我在加州大学旧金山分校做博后时,有一天所里来了一个讲座,就是关于Plos杂志,题目就是介绍一份全新的杂志Plos-公共科学杂志,当时听讲的人并不多,比起一般的学术讲座真可谓廖廖无几,主持人开场白介绍-讲演者也是一位优秀的科技工作者,她在博士博后期间有7篇论文发表,文章包括《Nature》,《Gene Development》《JBC》,《Molecular Cell》等,后来她加入了《自然》杂志的编辑行业。她讲到在她做编辑的时候才感觉到,很多发展中国家的大学的财力无力订阅全《自然》家族的杂志,因为稿费昂贵的原因,一些优秀的稿件也不能送到《自然》这样的DJ刊物,这种情况被诺贝尔奖获得者NIH前院长Harold E Varmus,博士也知道了,他和斯坦福大学的生化教授,基因芯片技术的殿基人之一Patrick O Brown,博士,以及加州大学伯克莱分校的遗传学教授Michael B Eisen博士共同发起创办了一份属于大众的科学杂志,真正意义上的免费杂志!这样2000年10月Plos终于诞生了。如果你能细看一看Plos杂志的核心原则,就就会明白它是一份百分之百的大众的科学学书杂志!对于发展中国家,Plos给予了最无私的优惠政策:可喜的是Plos杂志今天已成为了仅次于《Nature》,《Science》和《Cell》的有极大影响力的刊物,并且成为了拥有Plos-one和Plos生物,医学,遗传学,计算生物,病原学,热带医学7个成员的大家庭, 虽然美国科学院院刊(PNAS)和少数几份杂志也是免费的,但都没有Plos这样有高的引用率和影响力。《Plos》杂志的成功和贡献再一次告诉我们,发展科学技术一定要有一套体系,从科研基金的建立和管理,到建立世界顶尖大学及研究所,特别是最后一个环节-发表科学技术成果的平台和媒体-科技杂志,每一样都极其重要!中国以人数众多的科技人才,庞大的接受了西方教育的海外人才库和飞速发展的经济为后盾,中国成为世界科技大国和强国的现实只是时间问题,要想在这个问题上不走弯路,早日实现这一目标。创办一份成功的类似于《自然》或《Plos》这样的科技杂志是比不可少的,也是绝对需要的。

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