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“英语书的主编和编著”翻译成英语是“Chief editor and editor of English books”关键单词“editor”详解一、音标:英 [ˈedɪtə(r)]  美 [ˈedɪtər] 二、释义: 编辑;记者;剪辑师;编辑程序三、变形:复数 editors四、近义词:compilation , redaction五、双语例句:We're losing a first-rate editor in J 我们即将失去珍这位一流的编辑。The editor struck out the whole  编辑把整段全部删去了。Michael Rosen is the editor of the  迈克尔·罗森是该文集的主编。

英语书的主编和编著英文翻译如下Editor in chief and editor in chief of English books重点词汇释义主编chief editor; editor in chief; managing editor; chief compil例句这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking 这本书是由他担任主编出版的。The book was issued under his general 以前我曾经做过大学校报的主编。I used to edit the college paper in the old

show me the


英语书的主编和编著 可以翻译为“Editor in chief and editor in chief of English books。”重点单词:chief:英 [tʃiːf]  美 [tʃiːf]  首要的,主要的;为首的,首席的 领袖,首领;酋长;(纹章)上段(盾徽顶部的宽横带) 主要地;首要地词形变换:复数 chiefs 相关短语:Chief Accountant [会计] 总会计师 ; 总会计主任 ; 财务部经理Chief Judge [法] 审判长 ; [法] 首席法官 ; 审判忙 ; 庭长chief executive 行政长官 ; 首席执行官双语例句:Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief  亚特兰大被四百多位企业首席执行官投票选为建立公司的最佳城市。His chances do not seem good in view of the fact that the Chief Prosecutor has already voiced his public  鉴于首席检察官已公开表示反对这一事实,他的机会看起来不好。

英语书的主编和编著英文翻译如下Editor in chief and editor in chief of English books重点词汇释义主编chief editor; editor in chief; managing editor; chief compil例句这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking 这本书是由他担任主编出版的。The book was issued under his general 以前我曾经做过大学校报的主编。I used to edit the college paper in the old

“英语书的主编和编著”翻译成英语是“Chief editor and editor of English books”关键单词“editor”详解一、音标:英 [ˈedɪtə(r)]  美 [ˈedɪtər] 二、释义: 编辑;记者;剪辑师;编辑程序三、变形:复数 editors四、近义词:compilation , redaction五、双语例句:We're losing a first-rate editor in J 我们即将失去珍这位一流的编辑。The editor struck out the whole  编辑把整段全部删去了。Michael Rosen is the editor of the  迈克尔·罗森是该文集的主编。

Edit-office of the Magazine


杂志社社长 Head of ×× Magazine Press杂志社主编 Chief Editor of ×× Magazine Press


CVs Name: Han Nationality: China Date of birth: 1982/03/24 Sex: Female National: Han marital status of unmarried Work Experience: four years of residence: Beijing Undergraduate education: Chinese Language and Literature (published) Self-evaluation I in July 2004 graduated from the Nanjing Normal University Chinese Language and Literature (published) professional, and a first In the editing and publishing the work of four years and accumulated a lot of editing experience, a deep cultural cultivation, for a solid grounding, very familiar with the publication of books, newspapers and magazines of the pre-planning, editing and publishing, printing I lively and cheerful, optimistic, progressive, work earnestly and diligently, down-to-earth, a strong team Job search intention The nature of work: a full-time Hope that the industry: editing and publishing industry Wage expectations: Negotiable Target functions: editing, copy, and other clerical work Work experience 2006/12- so far: "elite schools" magazine SCHOOL Industry: Press and Publications Position: Editor The heads of Participated in the founding Magazine's After the founding Magazine, responsible for each issue of the magazine Zugao, on the election, editing, and the latter part of the pre-press Has been in publication Zugao to the magazine from editing, printing a series of links are very familiar Note: "elite schools" is a collection magazine reported growth of elite schools to promote school sponsoring educational and administrative experience and published the leadership, education experts, teachers and researchers, principals, teachers, school management and educational research results in an integrated Teaching sex education class ________________________________________ 2006/08--2006/11: New courses at New Curriculum Review Industry: Press and Publications Editor jobs Mainly responsible for the newspaper News of the views and comments Zugao view, edit, familiar with the newspaper editing and publishing Note: The "new course" China is the sole basis of a specialized education curriculum reform ________________________________________ 2004/07--2006/07: Boké Nanjing Cultural Development C, L Industry: Book Publishing Editor jobs Responsible for editing a lot of the Green children's books, books on the topics, Zugao, editing, printing a skilled, independent planning published Editor of the book "300 Tang Dynasty," "Chinese and foreign famous read faster," "case story", "A Dream of Red Mansions" (Green Children's Reading), to participate in the editorial "Guoxue Small College" The first series, The series of books won the Central Committee of the Ministry of Education, the Press and Publication Administration organization named the "National Youth favorite of the 100 sets of outstanding Book Award," and the Chinese Press Institute's Top of the "National Award of outstanding best-selling book", also received the British International Science Centre, the International Honor selection committee International Invention Fair highest honor, "the crown A" Education experience 2000/09--2004/07 Nanjing Normal University Chinese Language and Literature (published) undergraduate Majoring in the course: "Ancient Chinese Literature" and "Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature" and "Modern Chinese" and "Introduction to Art," "An Introduction to the publication," "Editing", "book binding design", "published in foreign countries" and "printing" "Copyright Law", "Book Issue "," Publishing and Printing " English: English through CET CET, to a general exchange of E Other cases: skilled use of office productivity software, and is familiar with Mongolia and Thailand, INDESIGN, such as typesetting 参考。

“英语书的主编和编著”翻译成英语是“Chief editor and editor of English books”关键单词“editor”详解一、音标:英 [ˈedɪtə(r)]  美 [ˈedɪtər] 二、释义: 编辑;记者;剪辑师;编辑程序三、变形:复数 editors四、近义词:compilation , redaction五、双语例句:We're losing a first-rate editor in J 我们即将失去珍这位一流的编辑。The editor struck out the whole  编辑把整段全部删去了。Michael Rosen is the editor of the  迈克尔·罗森是该文集的主编。


life guide magazine societycreative directorart directordesign directorfirst cameramanphotographerlogisticschief editor

“英语书的主编和编著”翻译成英语是“Chief editor and editor of English books”关键单词“editor”详解一、音标:英 [ˈedɪtə(r)]  美 [ˈedɪtər] 二、释义: 编辑;记者;剪辑师;编辑程序三、变形:复数 editors四、近义词:compilation , redaction五、双语例句:We're losing a first-rate editor in J 我们即将失去珍这位一流的编辑。The editor struck out the whole  编辑把整段全部删去了。Michael Rosen is the editor of the  迈克尔·罗森是该文集的主编。

chef editor 或editor-in-chief editor只是编辑的意思

英语书的主编和编著英文翻译如下Editor in chief and editor in chief of English books重点词汇释义主编chief editor; editor in chief; managing editor; chief compil例句这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking 这本书是由他担任主编出版的。The book was issued under his general 以前我曾经做过大学校报的主编。I used to edit the college paper in the old

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