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The magezine is worth reading

This book is well worth reading


There is no doubt that this book is worth


read magazine

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read the magazine




我大概根据百科的汉语介绍用英文翻译了一下(不是用机器)READERS is a integrated abstract magazine published by Gansu People’s P Its used name is Reader's D It regards carrying forward the human outstanding culture as its own The magazine adheres to its tenet of gathering Chinese and foreign culture's best features and awakening people's thought and broadening people's Its aim is maintaining high grade and hgh quality The great magazine attracts all kinds of different 满意吗?翻译这个太费劲了。希望你能满意。

The magazine READER was founded on April, 1981 with a history of over 25 During these 25 years, we have achieved a lot of sales (You can set some examples: accumulative sales volume, average sales volume, for example: daily, monthly, annually, )And today I’m here to review the development of it, sharing my experience in the operation for your Friendly compilation, printing, distribution management (Set some examples)Frequent social welfare participation do good to found a interactive platform with the Individualized detailed Currently, we have done a lot of effective promotion in the whole country, as well as cooperation with some famous (Set some example)Some end

就那些漫画 值得看一下《读者》没有时代性 1月的东西放在2月的 也米什么关系~还是看看《萌芽》吧




环境科学英文版中研究快讯 或者其他杂志研究快讯可能会快一点!文章质量越好,改动越少,一般也越快。 applied and environmental microbiology 超快,两周。environmental science & technology 也超快,2-4周吧。science of the total environment 4-6周,也算很快的了,而且这个刊物每年的文章量也很大,属于中档刊物,涉及的研究领域也比较广泛,建议你投这个。environmental pollution 4-6周,和EST一样是美国化学学会的刊物,我个人认为虽然影响因子不是特别高,但这个看绝对属于牛刊。environmental monitoring and assessment 这个刊物影响因子比较低,不够要看运气了,6-12周,主要还是监测方面的。environmental toxicology and chemistry 有关毒理学的,8周左右吧。environmental modelling & software 做模拟的话我首推这个刊物,现在的影响因子好像也超过3了,8周作用,也不算慢。你还可以考虑投WR,一般好刊物都是审稿快的,相反相对差的刊物审稿也就慢了。我建议你首先确定自己研究领域的刊物,然后根据自己研究的水平选择一个比较合适的档次的刊物,然后看看这些刊物一年多少期,半月刊总要比半年刊快的多的吧。

《Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 》/《环境科学与技术评论》《环境科学与技术评论》目前为全球环境类最高SCI影响因子期刊(2008年IF=409)。该期刊每期仅发表有1-2篇文章,所刊登文章是对环境科学某个前沿领域研究进展的高度概括与方向把脉。

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