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目前国内只有这些大学有这个专业但是排名不是很清楚清华大学西安交通大学上海交通大学华北电力大学中国科学技术大学 东华理工学院 江苏大学 南华大学 广东工业大学 贵州航天职业技术学院 四川大学 成都理工大学 哈尔滨工程大学

Why We Should Use Nuclear EnergyThe growth of nuclear energy in the United States suffered a double whammy in 1979 with the almost simultaneous occurrence of the Three Mile Island accident and the release of the movie The China SThe Three Mile Island accident, which is most significant accident in the nuclear power industry in the United States, in retrospect was a very minor incident that resulted in zero deaths or However, it was used by anti nuclear activists to basically kill off any new nuclear plants in this Jane Fonda, the star of The China Syndrome, used the incident to campaign against nuclear power and promote her Most of the opposition to nuclear power comes from irrational fear, a fear that is fed by those opposed to nuclear Many people who formerly were opposed to nuclear power are now strong supporters of Among these people are:Patrick Moore, a co founder of Greenpeace, who stated in a September 2006 appearance before the US House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development:In the early 1970s, I believed that nuclear energy was synonymous with nuclear holocaust, as did most of my Greenpeace That’s the conviction that inspired Greenpeace’s first voyage across the North Pacific coast to protest the testing of US hydrogen bombs in Alaska’s Aleutian IBut a lot has changed in the 35 years since then, and my views have changed along with these new As a co-chair of the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition along with G Christy Todd Whitman, I make it known often that I strongly believe the rest of the environmental movement needs to update its views, too, because now—more than ever before—nuclear energy is the electricity source that can save our planet from another possible disaster: potentially harmful climate James Lovelock, known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, in which he postulates that the Earth functions as a kind of Lovelock states:“The important and overriding consideration is time; we have nuclear power now, and new nuclear building should be started All of the alternatives, including fusion energy, require decades of development before they can be employed on a scale that would significantly reduce In the next few years, renewables will add an increment of emission-free energy, mainly from wind, but it is quite small when compared with the nuclear ”Stewart Brand, founder, publisher, and editor of The Whole Earth C Brand states:“Now we come to the most profound environmental problem of all … global climate Its effect on natural systems and on civilization will be a universal permanent … So everything must be done to increase energy efficiency and decarbonize energy Kyoto accords, radical conservation in energy transmission and use, wind energy, solar energy, passive solar, hydroelectric energy, biomass, the whole But add them all up and it’s still only a fraction of … The only technology ready to fill the gap and stop the carbon dioxide loading of the atmosphere is nuclear … It also has advantages besides the overwhelming one of being atmospherically The industry is mature, with a half-century of experience and ever improved engineering behind … Nuclear power plants are very high yield, with low-cost Finally, they offer the best avenue to a ‘hydrogen economy,’ combining high energy and high heat in one place for optimal hydrogen ”Much is always made about the issue of nuclear waste and what to do with The United States only generates about 20% of its electricity from Here is a sample of the percentage of electricity generated by nuclear power in other countries:Country PercentFrance 8Lithuania 4Slovakia 3Belgium 0Ukraine 1Sweden 1Armenia 5Slovenia 6Switzerland 0So why don't these countries have a problem of nuclear waste storage larger than the US? It is because they recycle their nuclear Something that was banned in the US during the Carter A The ban has since been lifted, but US policy still opposes About 95% of nuclear waste can be recycled and Using recycling, France estimates that all the nuclear waste generated to provide electricity for a family of four, for 20 years, can be stored harmlessly in a glass cylinder the size of a cigarette Here are some more facts about nuclear energy from the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition:Nuclear energy is:CleanNuclear energy is an environmentally clean option to produce electricity choice – it produces no harmful greenhouse gases suspected to cause global warming and no gases that could cause ground-level ozone formation, smog or acid Nuclear already accounts for 73 percent of the nation’s emission-free electricity generation and needs be used in compliment with other Alternative renewable energy sources are important, but can only take us so far – wind and solar can be unreliable and geothermal power isn’t well-suited for all The other major sources of emission-free electricity are hydroelectric plants, which provide 6 percent of our nation’s electricity; wind energy, 4 percent; and solar energy, 01 Safe and SecureNuclear energy is a safe For example, you would have to live near a nuclear power plant for more than 2,000 years to get the same amount of radiation exposure that you receive from a single diagnostic medical x-Nuclear energy is A two-day national security simulation in Washington, DC, in 2002 conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) concluded nuclear plants “are probably our best defended targets,” with the industry spending $2 billion in security since September 11, Affordable and Reliable With rising energy costs a concern for every American, nuclear energy is an affordable and reliable economic choice for Nuclear power has the lowest production cost of the major sources of Nuclear plants are the most efficient on the electricity grid and their costs are more predictable than many other energy Economically BeneficialNuclear energy brings economic From new jobs around new plants to adding $500 million a year to the economy for each new plant brought on line, nuclear plants bring significant economic Additionally, employees at the plant earn an average of 36 percent more than average earnings in the surrounding communities, so the jobs are high- Perhaps that is why an opinion survey, conducted by Bisconti Research I, found that 76 percent of Americans living in close proximity to nuclear power plants are willing to see a new reactor built near Nuclear power is a technology that exists Nuclear energy can fulfill all of our electrical needs now and into the The fuel is readily available in the United S It is safe and It is It is very In short there is no good reason not to use nuclear power



原子能科学技术与原子核物理评论哪个好?原子能科学技术与原子核物理评论,这两者都是核心期刊。不能说哪个好,哪个不好。它们只是侧重点有所不同。原子能科学技术,原子能的理论研究兼技术应用。重在推动相关技术的应用。原子核物理评论,也是理论研究兼技术应用。重在反映最新研究成果和发展趋势, 促进本学科及相关交叉学科的发展。你可视自己的特长来选择。

Why We Should Use Nuclear EnergyThe growth of nuclear energy in the United States suffered a double whammy in 1979 with the almost simultaneous occurrence of the Three Mile Island accident and the release of the movie The China SThe Three Mile Island accident, which is most significant accident in the nuclear power industry in the United States, in retrospect was a very minor incident that resulted in zero deaths or However, it was used by anti nuclear activists to basically kill off any new nuclear plants in this Jane Fonda, the star of The China Syndrome, used the incident to campaign against nuclear power and promote her Most of the opposition to nuclear power comes from irrational fear, a fear that is fed by those opposed to nuclear Many people who formerly were opposed to nuclear power are now strong supporters of Among these people are:Patrick Moore, a co founder of Greenpeace, who stated in a September 2006 appearance before the US House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development:In the early 1970s, I believed that nuclear energy was synonymous with nuclear holocaust, as did most of my Greenpeace That’s the conviction that inspired Greenpeace’s first voyage across the North Pacific coast to protest the testing of US hydrogen bombs in Alaska’s Aleutian IBut a lot has changed in the 35 years since then, and my views have changed along with these new As a co-chair of the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition along with G Christy Todd Whitman, I make it known often that I strongly believe the rest of the environmental movement needs to update its views, too, because now—more than ever before—nuclear energy is the electricity source that can save our planet from another possible disaster: potentially harmful climate James Lovelock, known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, in which he postulates that the Earth functions as a kind of Lovelock states:“The important and overriding consideration is time; we have nuclear power now, and new nuclear building should be started All of the alternatives, including fusion energy, require decades of development before they can be employed on a scale that would significantly reduce In the next few years, renewables will add an increment of emission-free energy, mainly from wind, but it is quite small when compared with the nuclear ”Stewart Brand, founder, publisher, and editor of The Whole Earth C Brand states:“Now we come to the most profound environmental problem of all … global climate Its effect on natural systems and on civilization will be a universal permanent … So everything must be done to increase energy efficiency and decarbonize energy Kyoto accords, radical conservation in energy transmission and use, wind energy, solar energy, passive solar, hydroelectric energy, biomass, the whole But add them all up and it’s still only a fraction of … The only technology ready to fill the gap and stop the carbon dioxide loading of the atmosphere is nuclear … It also has advantages besides the overwhelming one of being atmospherically The industry is mature, with a half-century of experience and ever improved engineering behind … Nuclear power plants are very high yield, with low-cost Finally, they offer the best avenue to a ‘hydrogen economy,’ combining high energy and high heat in one place for optimal hydrogen ”Much is always made about the issue of nuclear waste and what to do with The United States only generates about 20% of its electricity from Here is a sample of the percentage of electricity generated by nuclear power in other countries:Country PercentFrance 8Lithuania 4Slovakia 3Belgium 0Ukraine 1Sweden 1Armenia 5Slovenia 6Switzerland 0So why don't these countries have a problem of nuclear waste storage larger than the US? It is because they recycle their nuclear Something that was banned in the US during the Carter A The ban has since been lifted, but US policy still opposes About 95% of nuclear waste can be recycled and Using recycling, France estimates that all the nuclear waste generated to provide electricity for a family of four, for 20 years, can be stored harmlessly in a glass cylinder the size of a cigarette Here are some more facts about nuclear energy from the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition:Nuclear energy is:CleanNuclear energy is an environmentally clean option to produce electricity choice – it produces no harmful greenhouse gases suspected to cause global warming and no gases that could cause ground-level ozone formation, smog or acid Nuclear already accounts for 73 percent of the nation’s emission-free electricity generation and needs be used in compliment with other Alternative renewable energy sources are important, but can only take us so far – wind and solar can be unreliable and geothermal power isn’t well-suited for all The other major sources of emission-free electricity are hydroelectric plants, which provide 6 percent of our nation’s electricity; wind energy, 4 percent; and solar energy, 01 Safe and SecureNuclear energy is a safe For example, you would have to live near a nuclear power plant for more than 2,000 years to get the same amount of radiation exposure that you receive from a single diagnostic medical x-Nuclear energy is A two-day national security simulation in Washington, DC, in 2002 conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) concluded nuclear plants “are probably our best defended targets,” with the industry spending $2 billion in security since September 11, Affordable and Reliable With rising energy costs a concern for every American, nuclear energy is an affordable and reliable economic choice for Nuclear power has the lowest production cost of the major sources of Nuclear plants are the most efficient on the electricity grid and their costs are more predictable than many other energy Economically BeneficialNuclear energy brings economic From new jobs around new plants to adding $500 million a year to the economy for each new plant brought on line, nuclear plants bring significant economic Additionally, employees at the plant earn an average of 36 percent more than average earnings in the surrounding communities, so the jobs are high- Perhaps that is why an opinion survey, conducted by Bisconti Research I, found that 76 percent of Americans living in close proximity to nuclear power plants are willing to see a new reactor built near Nuclear power is a technology that exists Nuclear energy can fulfill all of our electrical needs now and into the The fuel is readily available in the United S It is safe and It is It is very In short there is no good reason not to use nuclear power

原子 atom 原子指化学反应的基本微粒,原子在化学反应中不可分割[26]。原子内通常存在质子、中子、电子。其数量级大约是10^-10m。因此,与常见物体相比,原子是一个极小的物体,即使把一亿个氧原子排成一排,其长度仍不足1cm,人们只能通过一些特殊的仪器才能间接观测到单个的原子。原子内中子和质子的质量相近且远大于电子,原子核由质子与中子组成,因此原子的质量极小,且9%集中在原子核。原子核外分布着电子,电子占据一组稳定的轨道。当它们吸收和放出光子的时候,电子也可以在不同能级之间跃迁,此时吸收或放出光子的能量与轨道之间的能量差相等。电子决定了一个元素的化学性质,并且对原子的磁性有着很大的影响。所有质子数相同的原子组成元素,每一种元素至少有一种不稳定的同位素,可以进行放射性衰变。原子最早是哲学上具有本体论意义的抽象概念,随着人类认识的进步,原子逐渐从抽象的概念逐渐成为科学的理论。[编辑本段]历史 早期历史 关于物质是由离散单元组成且能够被任意分割的概念流传了上千年,但这些想法只是基于抽象的、哲学的推理,而非实验和实证观察。随着时间的推移以及文化及学派的转变,哲学上原子的性质也有着很大的改变,而这种改变往往还带有一些精神因素。尽管如此,对于原子的基本概念在数千年后仍然被化学家们采用,因为它能够很简洁地阐述一些化学界的新发现。 现存最早关于原子的概念阐述可以追溯到公元前6世纪的古印度。正理派和胜论派发展了一种完备的理论来描述原子是如何组成更加复杂的物体(首先成对,然后三对再结合)。西方的文献则要晚一个世纪,是由留基伯提出,他的学生德谟克利特总结了他的观点。大约在公元前450年,德谟克利特创造了原子这个词语,意思就是不可切割。尽管印度和希腊的原子观仅仅是基于哲学上的理解,但现代科学界仍然沿用了由德谟克利特所创造的名称[1]。前4世纪左右,中国哲学家墨翟在其著作《墨经》中也独立提出了物质有限可分的概念,并将最小的可分单位称之为“端”。近代史 1661年,自然哲学家罗伯特·波义耳出版了《怀疑的化学家》(The Sceptical Chemist)一书,他认为物质是由不同的“微粒”或原子自由组合构成的,而并不是由诸如气、土、火、水等基本元素构成[2]。恩格斯认为,波义耳是最早把化学确立为科学的化学家[25]。 1789年,法国贵族,拉瓦锡定义了原子一词,从此,原子就用来表示化学变化中的最小的单位。 道尔顿在《化学哲学新体系》中描述的原子1803年,英语教师及自然哲学家约翰·道尔顿(John Dalton)用原子的概念解释了为什么不同元素总是呈整数倍反应,即倍比定律(law of multiple proportions);也解释了为什么某些气体比另外一些更容易溶于水。他提出每一种元素只包含唯一一种原子,而这些原子相互结合起来就形成了化合物[3]。 1827年,英国植物学家罗伯特·布朗(Botanist Robert Brown)在使用显微镜观察水面上灰尘的时候,发现它们进行着不规则运动,进一步证明了微粒学说。后来,这一现象被称为为布朗运动。 1877年,德绍尔克思(J Desaulx)提布朗运动是由于水分子的热运动而导致的。 1897年,在关于阴极射线的工作中,物理学家约瑟夫·汤姆生(JJThomsom)发现了电子以及它的亚原子特性,粉碎了一直以来认为原子不可再分的设想。汤姆生认为电子是平均的分布在整个原子上的,就如同散布在一个均匀的正电荷的海洋之中,它们的负电荷与那些正电荷相互抵消。这也叫做葡萄干布丁模型[4]。 1909年,在物理学家欧内斯特·卢瑟福(Ernest Rutherford)的指导下,菲利普·伦纳德(PEALenard )用氦离子轰击金箔。发现有很小一部分离子的偏转角度远远大于使用汤姆生假设所预测值。卢瑟福根据这个金铂实验的结果指出:原子中大部分质量和正电荷都集中在位于原子中心的原子核当中,电子则像行星围绕太阳一样围绕着原子核。带正电的氦离子在穿越原子核附近时,就会被大角度的反射[5]。这就是原子核的核式结构。 1913年,在进行有关对放射性衰变产物的实验中,放射化学家弗雷德里克·索迪(Frederick Soddy)发现对于元素周期表中的每个位置,往往存在不只一种质量数的原子[6]。玛格丽特·陶德创造了同位素一词,来表示同一种元素中不同种类的原子。在进行关于离子气体的研究过程中,汤姆生发明了一种新技术,可以用来分离不同的同位素,最终导致了稳定同位素的发现[7];同年,物理学家尼尔斯·玻尔(Niels Bohr)重新省视了卢瑟福的模型,并将其与普朗克及爱因斯坦的量子化思想联系起来,他认为电子应该位于原子内确定的轨道之中,并且能够在不同轨道之间跃迁,而不是像先前认为那样可以自由的向内或向外移动。电子在这些固定轨道间跃迁时,必须吸收或者释放特定的能量。这种电子跃迁的理论能够很好的解释氢原子光谱中存在的固定位置的线条[8],并将普朗克常数与氢原子光谱的里德伯常量取得了联系。 1916年,德国化学家柯塞尔(Kossel)在考察大量事实后得出结论:任何元素的原子都要使最外层满足8电子稳定结构[11]。 1919年,物理学家卢瑟福在α粒子轰击氮原子的实验中发现质子[24]。弗朗西斯·威廉·阿斯顿(Francis William Aston)使用质谱证实了同位素有着不同的质量,并且同位素间的质量差都为一个整数,这被称为整数规则。 1923年,美国化学家吉尔伯特·牛顿·路易斯(GNLewis)发展了柯赛尔的理论,提出共价键的电子对理论[11]。路易斯假设:在分子中来自于一个原子的一个电子与另一个原子的一个电子以“电子对”的形式形成原子间的化学键。这在当时是一个有悖于正统理论的假设,因为库仑定律表明,两个电子间是相互排斥的,但路易斯这种设想很快就为化学界所接受,并导致原子间电子自旋相反假设的提出[15]。 1926年,薛定谔(Erwin Schrödinger)使用路易斯·德布罗意(Louis de Broglie)于1924年提出的波粒二象性的假说,建立了一个原子的数学模型,用来将电子描述为一个三维波形。但是在数学上不能够同时得到位置和动量的精确值, 1926年,沃纳·海森堡(Werner Heisenberg)提出了著名的测不准原理。这个概念描述的是,对于测量的某个位置,只能得到一个不确定的动量范围,反之亦然。尽管这个模型很难想像,但它能够解释一些以前观测到却不能解释的原子的性质,例如比氢更大的原子的谱线。因此,人们不再使用玻尔的原子模型,而是将原子轨道视为电子高概率出现的区域(电子云)[9]。 1930年,科学家发现,α射线轰击铍-9时,会产生一种电中性,拥有极强穿透力的射线,最初,这被认为是γ射线;1932年,约里奥·居里夫妇发现,这种射线能从石蜡中打出质子;同年,卢瑟福的学生詹姆斯·查得威克(James Chadwick)认定这就是中子[1][24],而同位素则被重新定义为有着相同质子数与不同中子数的元素。 1950s,随着粒子加速器及粒子探测器的发展,科学家们可以研究高能粒子间的碰撞。他们发现中子和质子是强子的一种,又更小的夸克微粒构成。核物理的标准模型也随之发展,能够成功的在亚原子水平解释整个原子核以及亚原子粒子之间的相互作用。 1985年,朱棣文及其同事在贝尔实验室开发了一种新技术,能够使用激光来冷却原子。威廉·丹尼尔·菲利普斯团队设法将纳原子置于一个磁阱中。这两个技术加上由克洛德·科昂-唐努德日团队基于多普勒效应开发的一种方法,可以将少量的原子冷却至微开尔文的温度范围,这样就可以对原子进行很高精度的研究,为玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的发现奠定了基础[10]。 历史上,因为单个原子过于微小,被认为不能够进行科学研究。最近,科学家已经成功使用一单个金属原子与一个有机配体连接形成一个单电子晶体管。 在一些实验中,通过激光冷却的方法将原子减速并捕获,这些实验能够带来对于物质更好的理解。 原子结构理论模型发展史道尔顿的原子模型 英国自然科学家约翰·道尔顿将古希腊思辨的原子论改造成定量的化学理论,提出了世界上第一个原子的理论模型。他的理论主要有以下三点[11]: ①所有物质都是由非常微小的、不可再分的物质微粒即原子组成; ②同种元素的原子的各种性质和质量都相同,不同元素的原子,主要表现为质量的不同; ③原子是微小的、不可再分的实心球体; ④原子是参加化学变化的最小单位,在化学反应中,原子仅仅是重新排列,而不会被创造或者消失。 虽然,经过后人证实,这是一个失败的理论模型,但,道尔顿第一次将原子从哲学带入化学研究中,明确了今后化学家们努力的方向,化学真正从古老的炼金术中摆脱出来,道尔顿也因此被后人誉为“近代化学之父”。 葡萄干布丁模型 葡萄干布丁模型由汤姆生提出,是第一个存在着亚原子结构的原子模型。 汤姆生在发现电子的基础上提出了原子的葡萄干布丁模型,汤姆生认为[11]: ①正电荷像流体一样均匀分布在原子中,电子就像葡萄干一样散布在正电荷中,它们的负电荷与那些正电荷相互抵消; ②在受到激发时,电子会离开原子,产生阴极射线。 汤姆生的学生卢瑟福完成的α粒子轰击金箔实验(散射实验),否认了葡萄干布丁模型的正确性。 土星模型 在汤姆生提出葡萄干布丁模型同年,日本科学家提出了土星模型,认为电子并不是均匀分布,而是集中分布在原子核外围的一个固定轨道上[16]。 行星模型 行星模型由卢瑟福在提出,以经典电磁学为理论基础,主要内容有[11]: ①原子的大部分体积是空的; ②在原子的中心有一个体积很小、密度极大的原子核; ③原子的全部正电荷在原子核内,且几乎全部质量均集中在原子核内部。带负电的电子在核空间进行高速的绕核运动。 随着科学的进步,氢原子线状光谱的事实表明行星模型是不正确的。 玻尔的原子模型 为了解释氢原子线状光谱这一事实,卢瑟福的学生玻尔接受了普朗克的量子论和爱因斯坦的光子概念在行星模型的基础上提出了核外电子分层排布的原子结构模型。玻尔原子结构模型的基本观点是[12]: ①原子中的电子在具有确定半径的圆周轨道(orbit)上绕原子核运动,不辐射能量 ②在不同轨道上运动的电子具有不同的能量(E),且能量是量子化的,轨道能量值依n(1,2,3,)的增大而升高,n称为量子数。而不同的轨道则分别被命名为K(n=1)、L(n=2)、N(n=3)、O(n=4)、P(n=5)。 ③当且仅当电子从一个轨道跃迁到另一个轨道时,才会辐射或吸收能量。如果辐射或吸收的能量以光的形式表现并被记录下来,就形成了光谱。 玻尔的原子模型很好的解释了氢原子的线状光谱,但对于更加复杂的光谱现象却无能为力。 现代量子力学模型 物理学家德布罗意、薛定谔和海森堡等人,经过13年的艰苦论证,在现代量子力学模型在玻尔原子模型的基础上很好地解释了许多复杂的光谱现象,其核心是波动力学。在玻尔原子模型里,轨道只有一个量子数(主量子数),现代量子力学模型则引入了更多的量子数(quantum number)[11][12]。 ①主量子数(principal quantum number),主量子数决定不同的电子层,命名为K、L、M、N、O、P、Q ②角量子数(angular quantum number),角量子数决定不同的能级,符号“l”共n个值(1,2,3,-1),符号用s、p、d、f,表示对多电子原子来说,电子的运动状态与l有关。 ③磁量子数(magnetic quantum number)磁量子数决定不同能级的轨道,符号“m”(见下文“磁矩”)。仅在外加磁场时有用。“n”“l”“m”三个量确定一个原子的运动状态。 ④ 自旋磁量子数(spin )处于同一轨道的电子有两种自旋,即“↑↓”目前,自旋现象的实质还在探讨当中。[编辑本段]组成 化合物-原子-原子核-质子-夸克 尽管原子的英文名称(atom)本意是不能被进一步分割的最小粒子,但是,随着科学的发展,原子被认为是由电子、质子、中子组成,它们被统称为亚原子粒子。几乎所有原子都含有上述三种亚原子粒子,但氕没有中子,其离子(失去电子后)只是一个质子。 亚原子粒子具有量子化特征和波粒二象性,公式表述为:λ=h/p=h/mv,式中λ为波长,p为动量,h为普朗克常数[13]。 电子在一个内部接近真空、两端封有金属电极的玻璃管通上高压直流电,阴极一端便会发出阴极射线。荧光屏可以显示这种射线的方向,如果外加一个匀强电场,阴极射线会偏向阳极;又若在玻璃管内装上转轮,射线可以使转轮转动。后经证实,阴极射线是一群带有负电荷的高速质点,即电子流。电子由此被发现[14]。 电子是最早发现的亚原子粒子,到目前为止,电子是所有粒子中最轻的,只有11×10−31kg,为氢原子的1/1837。电子带有一个单位的负电荷,即8×10^-19静电单位或6×10^-19库伦,其体积因为过于微小,现有的技术已经无法测量。 现代物理学认为,电子属于轻子的一种是构成物质的基本单位之一(另一种为夸克)。 电子云 氢原子的电子云图像电子具有波粒二象性,不能像描述普通物体运动那样,肯定他在某一瞬间处于空间的某一点,而只能指出它在原子核外某处出现的可能性(即几率)的大小。电子在原子核各处出现的几率是不同的,有些地方出现的几率大,有些地方出现的几率很小,如果将电子在核外各处出现的几率用小黑点描绘出来(出现的几率越大,小黑点越密),那么便得到一种略具直观性的图像,这些图像中,原子核仿佛被带负电荷的电子云物所笼罩,故称电子云。 把核外电子出现几率相等的地方连接起来,作为电子云的界面,使界面内电子云出现的总几率很大(例如90%或95%),在界面外的几率很小,有这个界面所包括的空间范围,叫做原子轨道,这里的原子轨道与宏观的轨道具有不同的含义。 原子轨道是薛定谔方程的合理解,薛定谔方程为一个二阶偏微方程 (δ^2ψ/δx^2)+(δ^2ψ/δy^2)+(δ^2ψ/δz^2)=-(8π^2)/(h^2)·(E-V)ψ 该方程的解ψ是x、y、z的函数,写成ψ(x,y,z)。为了更形象地描述波函数的意义,通常用球坐标来描述波函数,即ψ(r,θ,φ)=R(r)·Y(θ,φ),这里R(r)函数是与径向分布有关的函数,称为径向分布函数;Y(θ,φ)是与角度分布有关的,称为角度分布波函数[13]。 原子核 参见“原子核” 在α粒子散射实验中,人们发现,原子的质量集中于一个很小且带正电的物质中,这就是原子核。 原子核也称作核子,由原子中所有的质子和中子组成,原子核的半径约等于07×A^1/3 fm,其中A是核子的总数。原子半径的数量级大约是105fm,因此原子核的半径远远小于原子的半径。 组成 原子核由质子与中子组成,中子和质子都是费米子的一种,根据量子力学中的泡利不相容原理,不可能有完全相同的两个费米子同时拥有一样量子物理态。因此,原子核中的每一个质子都占用不同的能级,中子的情况也与此相同。不过泡利不相容原理并没有禁止一个质子和一个中子拥有相同的量子态。 质子(proton) 质子由两个上夸克和一个下夸克组成,带一个单位正电荷,质量是电子质量的1837倍,为6726×10−27kg,然而部分质量可以转化为原子结合能。 拥有相同质子数的原子是同一种元素,原子序数=质子数=核电荷数=核外电子数[12]。 中子(neutron) 中子是原子中质量最大的亚原子粒子,自由中子的质量是电子质量的1839倍,为6929×10^-27kg。 中子和质子的尺寸相仿,均在5×10^-15m这一数量级,但它们的表面并没能精确定义。 中子由一个上夸克和两个下夸克组成,两种夸克的电荷相互抵销,所以中子不显电性,但,认为“中子不带电”的观点是错误的。 而对于某种特定的元素,中子数是可以变化的,拥有不同中子数的同种元素被称为同位素。中子数决定了一个原子的稳定程度,一些元素的同位素能够自发进行放射性衰变。 核力(nuclear force) 原子核被一种强力束缚在线度为10^-15m的区域内。由于质子带正电,根据库仑定律,质子间的排斥作用本会使原子核爆裂,但,原子核中有一种力,把质子和中子仅仅束缚在一起,这种力就是核力。在一定距离内,核力远远大于静电力,克服核素图 红线为整点函数N=Z了带正电的质子间的相互排斥[24]。 核力的作用范围被称作力程,作用范围在5fm左右,最多不超过3fm[24],即,不能从一个原子核延伸到另一个原子核,因此,核力属于短程力。 核素(unclide) 具有相同质子数和中子数的原子核称为核素,而用x轴表示质子数;用y轴表示中子数所得到的图像就被称为核素图,由图可以发现,在x∈{0,1,2,3,…,20}时,核素图上的函数近似y=x,但随着质子数的增加,质子间的库仑斥力明显增强,原子核需要比往常更多的中子数维持原子核的未定,在x∈{21,22,23,…,112}时,函数近似为y=5x,中子数大于质子数[24]。 结合能(energy of the nucleus) 在原子核中,将核子从原子核中分离做功消耗的能量,被称为结合能。实验发现,任一原子核的质量总是小于其组成核子的质量和(这一差值被称为质量亏损),因此,结合能可以由爱因斯坦质能方程原子核的平均结合能推算[13][24]: 结合能=(原子核内所有质子、中子的静止质量和-原子核静止质量)×光速^2 平均结合能(binding ) 一个原子核中每个核子结合能的平均值被称作平均结合能,计算公式为[13]: 每个核子的平均结合能=总结合能÷核子数 平均结合能越大,原子核越难被分解成单个的核子[24]。由右图可以看出: ①重核的平均结合能比中核小,因此,它们容易发生裂变并放出能量; ②轻核的平均结合能比稍重的核的平均结合能小,因此,当轻核发生聚变时会放出能量[24]。




这是中文的一片文章,你可以整理一下看看,然后翻译成英文 核能的利用 核能俗称原子能,它是指原子核里的核子(中子或质子)重新分配和组合时释放出来的能量。核能分为两类,一类叫核裂变能,它是指重元素(铀或钚等)的原子核发生裂变时释放出来的能量。另一类叫聚变能,它是指轻元素(氘和氚)的原子核在发生聚变反应时释放出来的能量。核能有巨大的威力,1公斤铀原子核全部裂变释放出的能量,约等于2700吨标准煤燃烧时所放出的化学能。一座100万千瓦的核电站,每年只需25~30吨低浓度铀核燃料,而相同功率的煤电站,每年则需要有300多万吨原煤,这些核燃料只需10辆卡车就能运到现场,而运输300多万吨煤炭,则需要1000列火车。核聚变反应释放的能量更可贵。有人作过生动的比喻:1公斤煤只能使一列火车开动8米,1公斤铀可使一列火车开动4万公里;而1公斤氚化锂和氘比锂的混合物,可使一列火车从地球开到月球,行程40万公里。地球上蕴藏着数量可观的铀、钍等核裂变资源,如果把它们的裂变能充分地利用起来,可满足人类上千年的能源需求。在汪洋大海里,蕴藏着二十万亿吨氘,它们的聚变能可顶几万亿亿吨煤,可满足人类百亿年的能源需求。核能是人类最终解决能源问题的希望。核能技术的开发,对现代社会会产生深远的影响。核裂变能核能的成就虽然首先被应用于军事目的,但其后就实现了核能的和平利用,其中最重要也是最主要的是通过核电站来发电。核电站已跻身电力工业行列,是利用原子核裂变反应放出的核能来发电的装置,通过核反应堆实现核能与热能的转换。核反应堆的种类,按引起裂变的中子能量分为热中子反应堆和快中子反应堆。由于热中子更容易引起铀235的裂变,因此热中子反应堆比较容易控制,大量运行的就是这种热中子反应堆。这种反应堆需用慢化剂,通过它的原子核与快中子弹性碰撞,将快中子慢化成热中子。早在本世纪50年代初,人类开始开发利用核能,诞生了核电站。经过30多年的发展,核电已是世界公认的经济实惠、安全可靠的能源。截至1993年12月31日,全世界已有34个国家或地区的422座(堆)核电站正在运行,总装机容量为56235亿千瓦;正在建造的核电站有61座(堆),总装机容量为6万千瓦。全世界1993年全年核发电总量为21817679GWh,核发电量占世界总发电量的17%以上。世界核电厂一览表见下表。国家或地区 堆数 正在运行总功率(MW) 堆数 正在建造总功率(MW) 总计堆数 总计总功率(MW) 至1993年总发电量(GWh)阿根廷 2 1015 1 745 3 1760 86924比利时 7 5756 - - 7 5756 515760巴西 1 657 2 2618 3 3275 15146保加利亚 6 3760 2 2000 8 5760 -中国 2 1250 1 950 3 2200 -中国台湾省 6 5144 - - 6 5144 373600德国 20 22529 - - 20 22529 1762961芬兰 4 2400 - - 4 2400 258318法国 56 60357 4 6064 60 66421 3395919英国 29(35) 14090 1 1200 30(36) 15290 1305690印度 9 2035 5 1175 14 3210 87892伊朗 - - 2 2600 2 2600 -日本 48 39641 6 5887 54 45528 2500910加拿大 22 16713 - - 22 16713 1118343哈萨克斯坦 1 150 - - 1 150 -韩国 9 7616 5 4600 14 12216 432156古巴 - - 2 880 2 880 -立陶宛 2 3000 - - 2 3000 -墨西哥 1 675 1 675 2 1350 15217荷兰 2 538 - - 2 538 76967巴基斯坦 1 137 - - 1 137 6992罗马尼亚 - - 5 3500 5 3500 -俄罗斯 29 21242 6 5600 35 26842 -瑞典 12 10386 - - 12 10386 889258瑞士 5 3141 - - 5 3141 351484斯洛伐克 4 1760 4 1760 8 3520 -斯洛尼亚 1 664 - - 1 664 50050西班牙 9 7400 - - 9 7400 550212南非 2 1930 - - 2 1930 85467捷克 4 1782 2 1962 6 3744 -乌克兰 15 13818 6 6000 21 19818 -匈牙利 4 1840 - - 4 1840 -美国 109 104809 6 7650 115 112459 7938413总计 422(428) 356235 61 55866 483 421101 21817679资料来源:德国《原子经济》,1994年3月。核能是能源的重要发展方向,特别在世界能源结构从石油为主向非油能源过渡的时期,核能、煤炭和节能被认为是解决能源危机的主要希望。为此,各国都在大力发展核电。然而特别令人担心的是,根据目前探明的有经济开采价值的铀矿储量,如果继续按现有速度建造眼下的热中子堆核电站,由于它只能利用铀资源的1%~2%,则要不了50年,经济可采的铀矿也会耗尽。如果到那时,还不能脱离核裂变能利用的初级阶段,人类将可能面临新的能源危机。在能源新挑战面前,核科学家早已在寻找应战的武器,这就是已经过40多年研究开发的快中子增殖堆(简称快堆)核电站。有了它,相当于把铀资源的利用率提高了50~60倍,那样能源的供应将出现新的奇迹,在今后上千年内,人类完全可以靠快堆发电,保证有富足的能源可用。快堆的最显著的特点是直接靠核裂变产生的快速飞行的中子来维持链式裂变反应。它以钚-239作燃料,“炉膛”里不设慢化剂,只有冷却剂(钠或氦)。在快堆中,每“烧掉”一个钚-239原子,能够使铀-238吸收中子后新生产出4个钚-239原子,这样在快堆中就出现了神话般的奇迹——核燃料越“烧”越多。这就是所谓的核燃料的增殖过程。快堆开动起来之后,会不断地有铀-238吸收中子变成钚-239,经过一段时间后(例如15~20年),人们可以队“烧”过的核燃料“灰烬”中,提取出足以装备与自身功率一样大的新堆所需要的钚燃料,在此期间,快堆电站只要继续添加热堆中不能作燃料的铀-238贫料,而所得的电能却比热堆核电站还要多。人们把快堆誉为能发电的“核燃料生产厂”。快堆实际上是核电站家族中资格最老的成员。早在1951年8月,美国建成了世界上第一座实验快堆,而且成功地作了发电试验。虽然当时它的电功率只有200千瓦。可它却是世界上最先问世的快堆核电站。30多年来,一些工业发达的国家(如美、英、法、前苏联、日本和德国),投入大量人力、物力,耗资几十亿美元来发展快堆。目前,全世界总共有21座快堆。其中在运行的有13座,正在建造的有4座,计划建造的有7座。原型快堆已经成功地运行了十年多,已经证明快堆在技术上是可以实现的,增殖核燃料也是可能的(凤凰快堆的增殖比为1:15)。现在电功率为120万千瓦的大型商业验证快堆正在法国运行。快堆技术已经走出了实验室的大门,正走向工业化应用的康庄大道。各国普遍认为,快堆是发电堆的最终归宿,特别是在受控核聚变难以在今后相当长时期内工业推广的情况下,快堆发电更是重要。但需要指出的是,快堆技术至今尚未成熟,重要原因是快堆技术本身要比热堆复杂得多,尚有不少技术关键问题需要攻克。此外,快堆的建造费用要比热堆大得多,现在快堆的造价要比同规模的热堆贵2~3倍。有人估计,当快堆的单堆功率超过200万千瓦时,经济上可能与热堆媲美。预计到下世纪初,人们一定能建造出这样的大型快堆,那时快堆电站将会在全世界推广应用。发展快堆进展最快的法国,计划从下世纪初开始,推广快堆电站工业,因此天然铀的需要量将逐步下降,从而减轻了进口能源所造成的压力。快堆必将是从热堆核电站向核聚变电站过渡的桥梁。核聚变能人类将最终解决能源需求的希望,寄托在受控核聚变的实现和推广上。核聚变能是利用轻原子核(如氘-氘或氘-氚)在极高温度(几千万度或上亿度)下聚合成较重的原子核(如氦)过程中释放出来的巨大的能量。核聚变的主要燃料是氘,可以比较容易地从海水中提取到。据推算,每升海水中所含的氘若完全“燃烧”,可产生相当于300升汽油的能量。海水中至少含有35万亿吨氘,可以供全世界享用百亿年以上。更为可贵的是核聚变反应中几乎不存在放射性污染,而且核聚变反应堆在任何时刻都只有一丁点的氘在聚变,所以不存在失控所带来的危险。聚变能是名符其实的理想、干净的能源。但是,要使核聚变能顺从地在人为控制下为人类服务却是一件十分困难的事。为了驯服核聚变能,从50年代初开始,科学家们就热心地进行受控核聚变的研究。全世界已有40多个国家在进行受控核聚变的研究,它们投入了大量人力和物力,建造了几百个实验装置,从事研究的科学人员约有12000多人。目前,全世界每年用于核聚变研究的费用已超过20亿美元。经过几十年的艰苦努力,受控核聚变为什么进展如此缓慢呢?主要是因为实现受控核聚变的条件非常苛刻。首先,我们无法同时造成太阳中心那样高的等离子体密度和极高的温度,只有追求比太阳中心更高的温度来解决问题。理论研究表明,氘核的聚变点火温度达四亿摄氏度,氘氚混合气体的热核反应也要在五千万摄氏度才能进行。要创造这样的环境在技术上是困难重重的。随着新技术的开发利用,人们试用电流、激光等方法来加热气体。其次,还要使这样高的温度保持一段时间,等离子体温度越低,数量越少,密度越小,超高温保持时间就越要长。还有,超高温的等离子体,有强烈地向外扩张的特性,必须有极强的磁场来约束住它们,绝对不让它们与四周容器壁接触,否则任何材料也挡不住如此高的温度,顷刻气化,变为乌有。要解决这些重重困难,有待于激光技术、超导技术、新材料技术等崭新技术的飞跃发展。科学技术的进步,不断地给受控核聚变的研究带来福音,经过了漫长的接力赛跑之后,受控核聚变的研究已经到了关键的时刻。1982年12月24日,美国建成了一座有三层楼高的“托卡马克型”核聚变实验反应堆(TFTR),从设计到建成这座核聚变实验堆总共花了七年时间,耗资3亿多美元。设计这座反应堆的目的是为了实现输出能量等于输入能量,以便证明实现受控核聚变的可能性。我国进行可控核聚变的研究也已多年,并取得一定的进展。我国建有近十个小型托卡马克受控核聚变试验装置,其中最大的是“中国环流器一号”,已于1984年9月建成,并顺利启动。经过一年多的调试,已于1985年11月16日通过国家验收,它为我国核聚变能的研究和等离子体技术的发展,提供了有效的手段。现在,美、英、俄等国正在共同建设一座博采众长的国际核聚变反应堆,这种国际核聚变堆将采纳30年来全世界核聚变研究的成果。它的设计输出热功率为62万千瓦,真空室半径为520厘米,等离子体磁约束环形半径为130厘米,比美国新建的核聚变实验堆规模要大一倍。各国科学家寄希望于这座核聚变堆在受控核聚变攻关中实现质的飞跃。最重要的是,要求在聚变反应中得到的能量超过输入能量,从而证明实现受控核聚变发电在技术上和工程上是可行的。当然,人类要真正用上廉价的聚变能,尚需经过艰苦的奋斗,经受时间的考验。有人估计,到2020年可以建成实证堆,然后,经过工程技术和经济上的验证,才能逐步地推向商用。总之,在能源革命中占有重要地位的核聚变能开发和利用的曙光已在前头。



原子能科学技术与原子核物理评论哪个好?原子能科学技术与原子核物理评论,这两者都是核心期刊。不能说哪个好,哪个不好。它们只是侧重点有所不同。原子能科学技术,原子能的理论研究兼技术应用。重在推动相关技术的应用。原子核物理评论,也是理论研究兼技术应用。重在反映最新研究成果和发展趋势, 促进本学科及相关交叉学科的发展。你可视自己的特长来选择。



Nowadays, technology is everywhere around The development of technology has a significant affact toward the Several technologies that we usually use are the internet, computer, and These new technologies make our life much easier and First, the development of computer changes our Decades ago, people needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a Since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more In conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant impact to our It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep improving in

写作思路:从文章的写作目的、中心主旨入手,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,正文:Modern technology makes life more convenient; Tools are milestones of scientific and technological progress and human Man used to saw trees with a hand saw, but now, a tree can be sawed down in a few minutes with a 现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑。人类过去用手锯锯树,但是现在,用电锯可在几分钟内锯倒一棵树。Another example is more vivid: if you have something urgent to inform your friend, and his home is 2 hours away from your home, you may want to make a phone But there is no telephone in your friend's What should you do?另外一个例子更加生动形象:如果你有急事通知你的朋友,而他家距你家有2小时的路程,你可能想打个电话。但是你的朋友家又没安电话,你该怎么办?Nowadays, with the progress of modern science and technology, the use of internet has become very A few years ago, people had to search for a large amount of data to collect the required information, and finally they were exhausted and wasted a lot of  Now, if you use the internet, everything will be a piece of As long as you tap the keyboard, you will be 如今,随着现代科技的进步,使用网络已很流行。若干年前,人们不得不查找大量资料来搜集需要的信息,最后人累得疲惫不堪,还浪费了大量时间。现在,如果使用网络,一切就都是小菜一碟了。只要轻敲键盘,就会有求必应。We all expect modern science and technology to reach a higher level, because modern science and technology really makes life more 我们都期待着现代科技能达到一个更高的水平,因为现代科技确实使生活变得更便捷。

The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some Modern science and technology render people many Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases become However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human Internet, though widely used in modern communication, is easy to be destroyed by computer Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made Industrialization is making natural resources become Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to We must eliminate the positive effects to the least 可以自己删减 在提供一篇翻译的:现代科技使生活更加便捷(Modern Technology Makes Life More Convenient) Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being’ s Men used to cut trees with hand But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour’s ride You probably want to make a phone But no telephone is installed in your friend’ s What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could become tired and spent too much Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of Only by clucking, you will gain what you We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient [参考译文] 现代科技使生活更加便捷 现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑。人类过去用手锯锯树,但是现在,用电锯可在几分钟内锯倒一棵树。另外一个例子更加生动形象:如果你有急事通知你的朋友,而他家距你家有2小时的路程,你可能想打个电话。但是你的朋友家又没安电话,你该怎么办?如今,随着现代科技的进步,使用网络已很流行。若干年前,人们不得不查找大量资料来搜集需要的信息,最后人累得疲惫不堪,还浪费了大量时间。现在,如果使用网络,一切就都是小菜一碟了。只要轻敲键盘,就会有求必应。 我们都期待着现代科技能达到一个更高的水平,因为现代科技确实使生活变得更便捷。21st century is the century of Nowadays, technology is everywhere around The development of technology has a significant affact toward the Several technologies that we usually use are the internet, computer, and These new technologies make our life much easier and First, the development of computer changes our Decades ago, people needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a Since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more Also, internet is another useful tool for us The development of internet brings a great impact toward the Instead of going to library and fliping all the books to figure out some information, we can just simply use a mouse and click on the website to do The internet leads us to a place where we can find unlimited information and It makes our life much easier and The last technology is Nowadays, many people have a But it just appears on the market for about 10 It is very convenience to the users because we can talk to anyone we want with a phone as small as a Also, we can communicate with others by making a phone call instead of sending It is very fast and useful way to In conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant impact to our It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep improving in 高分范文As is vividly depicted by the picture above, a traveler happily starts his journey by high-speed railway from Guangzhou to W In the year of 2009, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation, reducing travelling time from 12 hours to 3 hours, bringing much convenience to the transportation between the two cities① No wonder the caption in the picture says “with the Wu-Guang high-speed railway, cities far away is just like a place nearby”。Science and technology are the primary productive forces② and have been playing a key role in the national economy On the one hand, progress in science and technology has promoted economic and social progress Take the high-speed railway as an Firstly, the railway becomes a new engine③ of booming of regional Secondly, the railway helps to attract a lot of tourists, so that tourism in these cities Last but not the least, the load of the existing transportation network can be released to a great On the other hand, with the development of science and technology, such as the operation of high-speed transportation, video phone, webcam meeting, the world has become smaller and smaller。It has long been a tradition for Chinese government to attach great importance to the advances④ in science and Science and technology has successfully shaped an entirely new image of China on global stage via the two grand world events, 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 Shanghai World E It is strongly advised that young people should devote themselves into the study of science and technology for “better city, better life”。佳作妙译如上图所示,一位旅客从广州踏上了去往武汉的高速铁路。2009年,武广高铁正式建成通车,将两地之间的行程从12小时缩短到3小时,极大地方便了两地的交通。难怪这幅漫画上写道“有了武广高铁,每个城市都在家门口”。科技是第一生产力,在国民经济发展中扮演着重要角色。一方面,科技的进步促进了经济社会的快速进步。高速铁路就是鲜活的例子。首先这条铁路成为地区经济发展新的引擎。其次铁路吸引了大量游客,这些城市的旅游业随之繁荣起来。再次这条铁路很大程度上缓解了现有线路的运输压力。另一方面,随着科技的发展,高速铁路,视频电话,视频会议等应用会越来越多,世界将变得越来越小。中国政府一直很重视科技的发展,通过2008北京奥运会和2010上海世博两件盛事,科技成功地重塑了中国在世界舞台上的国际形象。因此青少年要怀着“城市,让生活更美好”的信念,积极投身到对科技文化知识的学习上。

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