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Abstract: Chinese have experienced the pre-researches and partial satellite tests on the man carried cosmonautic vehicle, carried on the researches on environmental control and ecology protection subsystem in "Shenzhou" airships, carried on the researches on physical chemistry regenerating technical of environmental control and ecology protection & that of controlled ecology and ecology This paper mainly introduces the research evolution of the technical of the environmental control and ecology protection system and analyses the technical characteristic about the environmental control and ecology protection Abstract: In this paper, we provide a new practical method to abstract noise model of INS/GNSS integrated navigation system for Kalman filter from measuring data, we first designed the experiment which based on the elaborate deduction, then we log the data of GNSS and made stationary test of the stochastic process, after that, we fit the model and estimate the This method, we think, can be used practically in other integrated navigation

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铁路车站的功能不仅是交流的火车和其他运输形式,而且,例如,地方的商业,社会互动,并有可能,因为司机的城市发展。因此可以说他们是很重要的城市形态和可持续发展。然而,能够审查这些索赔,以及能够提出建议(重新)发展现有的铁路车站,评估的方法是必要的。区分铁路车站在节点和地方的职能已提议。前者描述了连通火车站与其他地方的利益(例如,一些服务的方向,频率的服务,停车场的汽车,自行车) 。后者指的是数量和多样性的可能进行的活动在车站(例如,一些居民,工人人数,一定程度的功能组合) 。本研究的目的是提供一个评估所有瑞士铁路车站在节点和地点的功能,以及加强原始方法,它是基于有限数量的指标,没有提到正在考虑对他们的相对比重。对可持续发展的影响将讨论的中心议题是,两者之间取得平衡的节点和地方的职能,应寻求。

n general, there are two way of traveling, private cars and public Chinese people should regard public transportation as their first traveling First, there are so many people living in this countries that make it so If each chinese people own a car, there will be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you Moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pollution and result in green house All in all, chinese people should take public transpotation into consideration 这个是比较简单的,网上可以找到更多的啦。



School is our home,we are all live and study In order to make ourselves safe,as a student,we should obey the school rules,we should go to school on time and be never late We must obey the traffic rulers, mustn’t go swimming we shouldn’ t chase(追) each other in the hallway and in the school yard;we should get on well with others and should not fight with others;we should not eat the food that goes bad and some junk food;we do not drink;we mustn’t be allowed to smoke, must keep away from cigarettes/smoking/drugs ;when you have questions to ask you may ask the teachers for specially,when you meet someone asks for money,you needn‘t be afraid you report to the teacher or call 110/120 We are required that students break away from these bad habits and be polite to We must obey the traffic rulers, mustn’t go swimming I hope we have a good time everyday学校是我们的家,我们都在这里学习和生活。为了使自己安全,作为学生,我们应该遵守学校的规定,我们应该准时上学,从不迟到。我们必须遵守交通规则,不能单独去游泳。我们不应该老是互相追逐(追)在走廊里,在学校里,我们应该和别人相处得很好,不应该和别人打架;我们不应该吃这个食物,坏账和一些垃圾食品;我们不喝,我们不能抽烟,必须远离香烟/吸烟/药物;当你有问题要问。你可以向老师寻求帮助。特别是,当你遇到某人问你要钱,你不必害怕。你的报告给老师或者叫110/120。我们要求学生摆脱这些坏习惯,礼貌待人。我们必须遵守交通规则,不能单独去游泳。我希望我们有一个很好的时间日常

Traffic SafetyWith the rapid development of the society, people can live a better life in So because of the improvement of people' s living standard, more and more people own Traffic jam comes to While people in order to be punctual, they often ignore the cars crossing on the This behavior will easily bring traffic On the other hand, the car owner also want to be on time and then regardlss the traffic rules, which is also easy to have traffic Both the driver and people themseves' behaviour leads to Those accidents may take people's lives It's so Therefore, for the sake of life, the driver and the pedestrian should obey the traffic regulation as we have only one 交通安全Traffic Safety随着社会的快速发展,人们总体上都能过上更好的生活。由于人们生活水平提高了,越来越多的人拥有私家车。这就有了交通堵塞。人们为了准时往往忽略了在马路上的汽车。这种行为会带来交通事故。另一方面,车主也为了准时,而不顾交通规则,这也容易发生交通事故。司机和行人自身本身的行为都会导致事故。这些事故可能会带走人们的生命。这是很可怕的。因此,看在生命的份上,司机和行人都应当遵守交通规则因为我们的生命只有一次。求采纳~~~~~~


你好,xtl2000126很高兴回答你的问题!How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining about the heavy It has seriously influenced people's daily life and economic To solve the problem, some pieces of advice are put Some people suggest that more streets and roads should be In this way,the traffic density can be redncedi hence speeding up the flow of buses and But the new roads and streets will be filled with many cars and buses Some people advise to limit the number of bikes and This can decrease the traffic But on the other haad, this will affect the consumption and make buses more In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put under And at the same time, buses should have their own special routes which cannot be used by other Besides, underground train and city train should be developed ( 151 words)怎样解决交通拥挤问题现今,许多大城市的人们都在抱怨交通拥堵。它已经严重地影响了人们的日常生活和经济发展。为了解决这个问题,人们提出了一些建议。有人建议修建更多的道路。通过这种方法,可以减小交通密度,因此公共汽车与小汽车的速度就可以提上来。但是不久,新的道路又将被更多的公共汽车与小汽车所塞满。有人建议限制自行车和汽车的数量,这可以减少交通的流量。但是另一方面,这会影响消费并使公共汽车更加拥挤。我认为,应该控制私家车的数量。同时,公共汽车应该有自己的线路,这些线路不能被其它交通工具所占用。此外,应快速发展地铁和城市铁路。有问题请追问,没问题请及时采纳为最佳答案,答题不易,谢谢!

旅游交通 旅游商品 交通旅游Traffic touring Commodity touring Traffic tours有个不知道,不好意思

Traffic SafetyWith the rapid development of the society, people can live a better life in So because of the improvement of people' s living standard, more and more people own Traffic jam comes to While people in order to be punctual, they often ignore the cars crossing on the This behavior will easily bring traffic On the other hand, the car owner also want to be on time and then regardlss the traffic rules, which is also easy to have traffic Both the driver and people themseves' behaviour leads to Those accidents may take people's lives It's so Therefore, for the sake of life, the driver and the pedestrian should obey the traffic regulation as we have only one 交通安全Traffic Safety随着社会的快速发展,人们总体上都能过上更好的生活。由于人们生活水平提高了,越来越多的人拥有私家车。这就有了交通堵塞。人们为了准时往往忽略了在马路上的汽车。这种行为会带来交通事故。另一方面,车主也为了准时,而不顾交通规则,这也容易发生交通事故。司机和行人自身本身的行为都会导致事故。这些事故可能会带走人们的生命。这是很可怕的。因此,看在生命的份上,司机和行人都应当遵守交通规则因为我们的生命只有一次。求采纳~~~~~~



1、With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by The popularization of private car has many First, it is very convenient and time-saving ,you can drive your own car to the workplace instead of waiting for the crowded bus and afraid of being late for Second,it can also improve the traffic structure,and help to mitigate the stress of the Third, the popularization of private car can help to promote the car industry and any other interrelated I believe that in the future the private car will become the most important vehicle and we cann't live without 2、道路交通安全是大家很关心的一个话题。据报道,很多的交通事故都是由于人们违反交通规则而造成的;为了维护大家的交通安全,我们要牢记交通规则。请根据提示用英语写一篇文章介绍基本的交通规则。 过马路要走人行横道、地下通道、或人行天桥。 骑车要靠右行;红灯停,绿灯行。 转弯或停车时要打手势。 要教育小孩子不要在马路上玩耍、打闹。 要帮助老人和小孩过马路。 写作注意 不要逐条翻译; 词数120左右。 参考词汇:人行横道crosswalk,地下通道underground passage,人行天桥pedestrian overpass 「参考范文」 Every year a lot of people got injured or died in traffic It is reported that many accidents resulted from people‘s breaking of traffic So it is necessary for all to keep the traffic rules in mind and obey them When one crosses the street, one should take the crosswalk, underground passage or pedestrian If one is riding a bike or motorcycle, keep riding on the right side of the When the red light is on, please stop and wait until the green light is Give a hand signal if one wants to turn or It is important to let the children know that playing on the road is very Helping the aged and children cross the road is always a kind If everyone obeys the traffic rules, it will be much safer to walk or ride on the

在刚刚结束的期中考试里,我犯了很多不该犯的错误。 我一向语文很好,可是这次鬼使神差的,语文竟然错了很多不该错的地方。经过我的仔细反思,我想这和我阅读题目不认真有着很大的关系。这点也同样延伸到了数学和英语方面。很多计算和语法上的小错误让我丢掉了不少分数。例如:(这个我不能替你写,不知道你究竟错了什么,举上几个小例子就行,50字左右) 我知道老师对于我有着很大的期望,可是我还是没有考好。对于这点我感到十分抱歉。但是既然犯了错误就要改正,所以,通过考试我也想了很多以后一定要学习的东西。 首先我要改掉考试不细心读题目的坏习惯。有时候我往往看着题目前面就顺手把后面的问题写上了,但是却错了很多。这也许也和答题技巧有关系。总之,通过以后的练习,我一定要在考试的过程之中认真审题,自习读题,把题目看准、看好。时间允许的时候要多检查几遍,绝对不允许自己再犯类似于这样的无谓的错误。 其次,我还要加强语文、数学、英语三门主科以及政治、历史、地理、生物和物理的习题强化。通过考试,我终于明白山外有山,人外有人。平日大家都聚在一起做一样的题目,感觉不出来有什么明显的差异。可是一当考试,才发现原来那么多考试题目是我从来看都没看过的(你就先编着吧)。只怪自己买的练习题做的少。不能允许自己再继续这样下去,所以,我一定要加倍努力,从这次考试之中汲取教训,增加力量,为下一次考试做好准备,打好基础。 考试技巧贵在练习。生活之中,我还要多多加强自己的练习和复习,考试之前制定周详的复习计划,不再手忙脚乱,没有方向。平日生活学习中学会积累,语文积累好词好句,数学也要多积累难的题目,英语则是语法项目。对做完形填空等练习题也是提高英语的好方法。 期中考试毕竟不是期末考试,我还是有机会的。下一次考试,我要更努力,争取不让老师、家长和同学们失望。不让自己失望。 对于各科老师,我希望老师不要对我失去信心,虽然我这次考得并不理想,但是我相信自己的实力。下一次考试,我一定会努力的! 视情况改变!!!!!!!!!!!!评论(2) | 给力3不给力2

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