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Unit1 pal [pæl] 好朋友pen pal 笔友Canada ['kænədə] 加拿大France [fræns] [fra:ns] 法国Japan [dʒəˈpæn] 日本the United States 美国Australia 澳洲;澳大利亚Singapore 新加坡the United Kingdom 英国country 国家Sydney 悉尼New York 纽约Paris 巴黎Toronto 多伦多Tokyo 东京live 居住language 语言Japanese 日语;日本人would 世界French 法国人;法语like 爱好dislike 讨厌;不喜欢 Unit2 post 邮件;邮递office 办公室;事务所post office 邮局library 图书馆restaurant 餐馆;饭店bank 银行supermarket 超级市场S =street 街; 街道pay 付钱;支付pay phone 投币式公用电话park 公园ave = avenue 大街;林荫道center 中央;中心bridge 桥mail 邮件;邮政there 在那里near 在---近旁across 横过;在对面across from 在---对面next 紧靠---的旁边;贴近next to紧靠---的旁边;贴近;最接近between 介于---之间front 前面;前边in front of 在---前面behind 在---之后neighborhood 附近;邻近just 直接地;就;只;仅仅straight 一直;直接turn 转弯;转变方向left 向左;左边down 向下;下去;沿着right 向右;右边on the right 在右边open 开着的;营业中的market 市场;市集clean 清洁的;干净的quiet 宁静的dirty 肮脏的house 房子;住宅welcome 欢迎garden 菜园;花园district 区域;地方enjoy 享受---的乐趣;欣赏walk 散步;步行take a walk 散步through 穿过;通beginning 过开tour 旅行;游历visit 参观;游览place 地方;地点fun 愉快;开心have fun玩得开心if 如果hungry 饥饿的arrive 到达;抵达way 路;路线;路途take 乘;坐;搭taxi 出租车;的士;计程车airport 私人飞机;小型民用机场pass 通过hope 希望;盼望;期待yours用在信末署名前,做客套语 Unit3 koala (澳洲)树袋熊tiger 老虎;虎elephant 大象dolphin海豚panda 熊猫lion 狮子penguin 企鹅giraffe 长颈鹿zoo 动物园cute 可爱的;聪明的map 地图;图smart 聪明的;漂亮的animal 动物box 方格;方框kind of 有几分south 南;南方;在南方的;南部Africa 非洲bingo 宾戈ugly 丑陋的;难看的clever 聪明的;机灵的friendly 友好的beautiful 美丽的;美好的shy 害羞的;怕羞的other 其他的;另外的grass草sleep 睡;睡觉during 在---期间at night 在晚上;在夜里leaf 叶;树叶lazy 懒惰的;懒散的meat 肉;肉类relax 放松;休息 Unit4 shop 商店;店铺assistant助手;助理shop assistant 店员doctor 医生reporter 记者;通讯员policeman 男警察waiter 侍者;服务员bank clerk 银行职员hospital 医院now 现在;此时star 担任主角;主演policewoman 女警官;女警察nurse 护士money钱;金钱;货币give 给;授予get 获得;得到;购买;拿来wear 穿;戴uniform 制服sometimes 不时;有时in 在---期间;在(一段时间)之内dangerous 危险的thief 小偷;贼late 晚;晚于通常时间out 在外;向外talk 谈话;谈论station 车站;政府机关的署;局TV station 电视台police 警方;警察police station 警察局newspaper 报纸hard 辛苦地;努力地as作为at按照;根据summer 夏季;夏天story 故事;事迹;小说magazine 杂志;期刊young 年轻的,年纪小的play 戏剧;剧本news 新闻;消息children 孩子(复数)international国际的teach 教;讲授skill 技能;技巧sir 先生;阁下madam女士;夫人 Unit5 clean 打扫;清除read 读;阅读on 通过;以---的方式apartment 公寓;住宅TV show 电视节目sure 当然;的确wait 等待;等候wait for 等候;等待toy 玩具west 西;西方;西方的activity 活动shop 买东西;购物mall 购物商场;商业街pool 水池;水塘camera 照相机bird 鸟 Unit6 rain 下雨windy 有风的;多风的cloudy 多云的;阴天的sunny 阳光充足的snow 下雪weather 天气;气候Moscow 莫斯科Boston 波士顿cook 烹调;煮study 学习bad 坏的;劣质的terrible 很糟的;极坏的;可怕的pretty 相当;很;颇hot 热的cold 寒冷的cool 凉爽的warm 温暖的; 暧和的humid 潮湿的;湿润的vacation 假期;休假on vacation 在度假中take a photo 拍照lie 平卧;躺beach 海滩look at 看;朝---看group 团体;组cool 令人满意的;绝妙的surprised 感到惊讶的heat 热;热度relaxed 放松的;得到休息的winter 冬季scarf 围everyone 每个人have a good time 玩得高兴;过得快乐man 男人;人;人类 Review of units 1-6 describe描述;形容look for 寻找;寻求talk about 谈论;讨论;议论direction 方向unit 单元most 最following 下列的;下述的in order to 为了improve 改进;改善 1-6单元 嘻嘻

《烹调知识》 坚持“继承、改革、引进、创新”,立足国内,面向世界,更以实用为原则作您厨房的好顾问。努力做到科学性、技术性、知识性、趣味性相统一,为广大读者服务。



cuisine, cooking, cookery

Cooking is a science, the average person if no experience, no cooking skills are not good food out of Study found that the three cooking tips: heat control, even duplicating, selling short end in Cook good food can be burned hand, precisely because they have mastered these three The purpose is to study the three cooking tips according to design a cooking pot that automatically with, which allows ordinary people can be fired without learning first-hand chef like And which pots can also meet the requirements of the times today: low-carbon, energy saving, environmental Cooking, heat control, even duplicating the short end in disappointment, homemade recipes, energy saving and environmental protection

Cook a pot a design according to the general intelligence used in familyThe cooking is a knowledge, if the common run of people inexperience, have no technique is can't cook an all alone good good dinner The research detection fries the three greatest secrets of the vegetables:The degree of heating control, even turn over to fry, throw to get empty to suffer The cook can burn a good good dinner of skill, is exactly because they control these three greatest The purpose of the research be want according to fry vegetables of the three greatest secrets design a pot that can carry out a cooking automatically to have, carrying out to let the common run of people not through study and can burn a big kitchen sort of skill of good And the style's pot the ages that have and can also match nowadays request: low 炭 , economy energy, environmental Cook, degree of heating control, even turn over to fry, throw to get empty to suffer indignities, the domestic life vegetables table, economize on energy and environmental protection

烹饪的英文单词 cooking; cuisine; culinary art


有点乱,我就这样依次翻译给你吧: 音乐我们没有赶上 FRITZI BODENHEIMER: 肯伊•威斯特的“我的漂亮的黑暗扭曲的幻想是顶部的自旋杂志所列四十最佳专辑两个1000万。我们已经在几周内,背。然而,第二个依靠旋转的名单是“宁静的消化”从Deerhunter,一帮我们从来没有打过比赛。indie-punk组组成的在2001年佐治亚州的亚特兰大。 这是“直升机”与“宁静消化。” (音乐) 路透社 Nicki Minaj表演在6月 Nicki Minaj在几乎所有的表今年评论家们最爱。她的专辑“粉红色星期五”也是一个大卖家。当前它是第8位在排行榜前两名的专辑图。和她在排行榜十大清单新人。这里是"生命"从" 4时刻粉红色星期五。” (音乐) 我们会踢音乐,从凶手。但今年,其领导人布赖顿花做了一些他一个人干的。花卉的专辑《红鹳”发行在九月。他在这里执行他年轻的儿子的最喜欢的歌曲从“红鹳。”它被称为“唇枪舌剑。” (音乐) 乐队的雪橇铃声很有新意。克劳斯和德里克·米勒斯成员相遇在餐厅在纽约的布鲁克林在2008年。他们的第一张专辑,“对”发行在四月。雪橇铃声被描述为noise-pop。,它是喧闹的。只听“无限吉他,”与“好吃的东西。” (音乐) 最后,我们听到country-folk演员伊丽莎白的厨师。她开始做音乐还是一个孩子的时候和她的父母谁弹吉他和低音和其他仪器。 厨师主持一个工作日广播节目。她饰演cd,谈论烹饪和建议在家庭护理。 我们留给你一个首歌从伊丽莎白库克的专辑《焊工。”这里是“不是加州。” (音乐)


This summer holiday I learn something which made me feel I have learned how to In my opinion,cooking is just a very easy Frist of all wash the pot and put it on the oven then put some cooking oil in Then just waiting for the boil of the cooking Then have the onions cutted and put it in the boiling oil,then put the vegetables or meat into the Then keep Put some salt into pot when the food is Then a delicious food have My first cooking When I went downstairs,I saw my mother was cooking my favorite food---potato in the It smells so good that I can't help to make my mouth An imagine came through my brain and I asked my mother to teacher me how to However mother considered that I was just say it for fun,and didn't taught I felt not content and murmured to myself my mother would not taught but she didn't prohibit me to After lunch,my parents went to And left me alone at Chances were coming,I washed the pot and then put it on the oven,and then turn the oven on then put some eggs in it,to my surprised,the eggs clinged to the pot and then My mother didn't blaim me for this,instead of Then that afternoon my mother gave me a more At last I cooked my first eatable food in the guidance of my

东方美食系列-杂志是视野最开阔,知识体系最完整的烹饪杂志,被誉为“烹饪界的百科全书”。我们把读者的需求细分为12大项,50多个小项,您的所有想法都会得到响应。一本在手,厨界全有,系统读完一套杂志,等于参加了最专业的烹饪中高级技能培训。中国第一本新消费主义者的享乐杂志 《美食与美酒》《餐饮经理人》,国内首家餐饮经理人的杂志。《中国烹饪》的宗旨是:探索天下食风,彰显四海美食,引领食尚文化。《中国烹饪》的特色是:时尚、实用;给你做与吃的学问。《中国烹饪》是中国第一本最具影响力的全面介绍国内外餐饮业态、饮食文化及烹饪技艺的专业性期刊。《天下美食》是中国美食家和美食爱好者的美食生活类杂志。《名厨》杂志,中国烹饪协会名厨专业委员会会刊。


How to make Chinese dumplings? To make Chinese dumplings, first of all中国式烹饪(Chinese cooking) Meatballs with carrot slices in soup Alex,


Home Cooking My country is famous for its good There is a wide variety of delicious food available at food stands and restaurants in every price Despite this, although I do enjoy eating out occasionally, I really prefer to cook and eat at home with my Although the food we prepare may not be as elegant as that which can be found in a fine restaurant, I like the taste of my mother’s cooking because it tastes like She is the head chef at our house, but we all help in the kitchen when we Preparing food together is fun and brings us We also talk more around the dinner table when we eat together at home because the atmosphere is quieter and more We are all relaxed and can say whatever comes to Lastly, when we are finished we do not have to worry about who will pay the I love to eat, and I love to eat with my We all feel comfortableshavingsdinner at home and really enjoy the quiet time that we can spend Eating out is great on a special occasion or for a change of pace, but nothing can replace the joy I find in eating at 中文翻译: 在家做饭 我国以美食闻名,小吃摊和各种不同价位的餐厅都有各式各样好吃的食物可供选择。尽管如此,虽然我确实喜欢偶尔出去吃饭,我还是比较喜欢在家做饭然后和我的家人一起吃饭。 虽然我们所做的饭菜也许不像高级餐厅那么精致,但我喜欢妈妈烹调的口味,因为尝起来有家的味道。妈妈是我们家的主厨,不过只要情况允许,我们也会在厨房帮忙。一起做饭很有趣,而且让我们更加亲密。当我们在家围坐餐桌一起吃饭时,因为气氛比较安静,而且无拘无束,所以会聊得更多。我们可以很轻松地想到什么就说什么。最后,当我们用餐完毕时,并不需要担心谁付账。 我喜欢吃东西,而且喜欢和我的家人一起吃。在家吃晚餐,会让我们每个人都感到很自在,而且也真的很喜欢可以一起共度的安静时光。如果是因为特别的场合,或是为了改变生活步调,外出用餐是很好的选择,但是没有什么可以取代我在家吃饭所获得的乐趣。范文二: Today is S It is 10:30 in the My mother is teaching me how to cook My mother says to me, “First, you must wash the rice Next, put the rice into the Then, put some water in After that, cover the pot and put it on the Cook it for about 15 It is Finally, uncover the pot and put the rice into some You can enjoy it soon 今天是星期天,是上午10;30,我妈妈在教我怎么做饭,我妈妈对我说:”第一,你必须洗米,下一步,把米放进锅,然后,放一些水进里面,之后,水覆盖了米再放锅进电饭煲,煮15分钟,它就好了,最后,把饭从锅里舀出来放到碗里,你就可以好好吃了

This summer holiday I learn something which made me feel I have learned how to In my opinion,cooking is just a very easy Frist of all wash the pot and put it on the oven then put some cooking oil in Then just waiting for the boil of the cooking Then have the onions cutted and put it in the boiling oil,then put the vegetables or meat into the Then keep Put some salt into pot when the food is Then a delicious food have My first cooking When I went downstairs,I saw my mother was cooking my favorite food---potato in the It smells so good that I can't help to make my mouth An imagine came through my brain and I asked my mother to teacher me how to However mother considered that I was just say it for fun,and didn't taught I felt not content and murmured to myself my mother would not taught but she didn't prohibit me to After lunch,my parents went to And left me alone at Chances were coming,I washed the pot and then put it on the oven,and then turn the oven on then put some eggs in it,to my surprised,the eggs clinged to the pot and then My mother didn't blaim me for this,instead of Then that afternoon my mother gave me a more At last I cooked my first eatable food in the guidance of my

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