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可以。__oule chem matter,剑指nature energy chemistry 达到这三本期刊的水平的机会几乎没有,但是次顶级期刊的位置算是坐稳了,chem 能不能搞过jacs不好说,但是joule搞过ees是铁定了几乎,matter 估计也会达到am的水平,这么看jacs真的牛逼,若干杂志社的旗舰都被威胁着,就jacs岿然不动。所以joule定位几乎能源领域二把手的铁定了。



(1)JPCA,因子虽然比较低,但在化学物理、物理化学领域,特别是涉及到比较内核的研究,如分子动力学等,是比较公认的好期刊,reviewer特专业,仅仅是花架式,会被批的体无完肤的(2)JPCB,相对更为偏软物质,高分子等,没有JPCA内核,但属于分子更高层次,如聚集态、超分子等,偏机理、机制,但还有Macromolecules,Soft Matter的竞争,现在因子不高,编辑也在想办法,投稿难度增加。(3)JPCC,大家更为熟悉了吧, 不多解释了,偏硬材料、纳米、功能材料,属于Nano领域的中档期刊。前两个期刊属于公认的中档期刊,作为代表作不丢人的。但现在ACS大力发展JPCL,因子上6了吧。但若非要比较,分个一二三四,我个人认为排序时是:A,B,C期刊的about the journal如下,请参考!A Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ranks #6 in total citations with 46,944 total The Journal of Physical Chemistry also ranks #4 in citations out of 33 journals in the Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of *B:Out of 121 journals in the Physical Chemistry category, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B ranks #1 in total citations with 107,337 total The Journal received an ISI Impact Factor of *C:The Journal of Physical Chemistry C increased in ISI Impact Factor to 224 (from 396 in the previous year) The journal received 25,129 total cites and published 3,045 articles



Optics and Photonics JournalJournal of Quantum Information ScienceWorld Journal of Condensed Matter PhysicsInternational Journal of Astronomy and AstrophysicsJournal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications


王应宽Wang Yingkuan2011-07-23Beijing, China因为同时在运作3本国际英文刊(IJABE, IAEJ, CIGR Journal),论文同行评审的专家来自世界各地。每次收到的评审意见千差万别,而且不同国家或地区的专家的评审意见呈现一定的规律性,随即不由得做些比较。比较得出的基本结论是:欧美国家专家的评审意见详尽具有更大参考价值,台湾地区的同行评审专家次之,大陆专家的评审意见最为简省。文后附上几篇评审意见(所列大陆专家评审意见还是相对较好的),看看便知,一目了然。我曾与编辑同行讨论关于国内专家审稿的问题。共同的见解是,一线一流的专家基本不审稿。若应邀审稿,要么直接拒审,要么敷衍几句了事;比较认真的专家大都让其所指导的研究生代为评审论文。不论让谁审,最后的评审意见与国外专家的评审相比总不令人满意,存在较大的差距。国外专家评审论文大都是义务劳动,没有任何报酬。但专家们认为自己作为科研人员是科学共同体中的一分子,有义务担任同行专家为他人研究成果的学术质量把关。自己为别人的论文评审把关付出了智慧和劳动,别人也会为自己的研究和论文评审把关,也会付出相应的劳动。专家之间相互协作,相互帮助,虽然没有评审报酬,但大家都觉得平等。而且,国外的专家大都言行一致,故能认真地做好每一篇文章的评审工作。有的评审意见详尽的令人赞叹、钦佩和感动。因此,大家看到他们的评审意见都非常详尽而具有参考价值。而国内的专家评审论文为何大都仓促应付,三言两语,或言之无物,或毫无参考价值?主要原因是一线一流的专家都太“忙”,以至忙得都没时间做学术了。据我从事学术期刊工作十多年的经历,不论评审中文文章还是英文文章,国内专家评审意见普遍简单,评审的质量不高,不但看不出有改观的迹象,还有进一步恶化的趋势。文章中存在的很多的问题,专家审后没有看出来或没有指出来。如果直接发表,错误或疏漏太多影响论文的质量和期刊的声誉。在外审专家靠不住时,就要依靠内审做些完善和提高。如果外审专家把不好关,编辑部又无能力通过内审把关,发表出来的论文的质量也就可想而知了。是否国内专家不擅长评审论文呢?非也。据了解,许多国内专家被国外知名期刊邀请审稿时,他们非常积极认真地评审论文,并在规定时间返回颇有水准的评审意见。据说他们也能做得与欧美国际同行专家一样好。可见,国内专家评不好国内期刊论文不是水平问题,而是态度问题,“时间”问题,或者有其他方面的原因。同行评审是学术期刊论文质量把关的重要途径。如果大家都不在乎,把严肃认真的“盲审”变成“瞎审”,学术危矣!国内期刊请国内专家评审论文大都支付审稿费的。当然,限于各期刊的经济困难,审稿费报酬普遍都不高。因此,同行专家大都不很在乎那点可怜的审稿费。如果评审不好文章会影响专家的声誉和公信度。国内特别是大陆的专家既不在乎钱,也不在乎自己的声誉,不知道他们究竟在乎啥?中国是雷锋诞生的国度,按理说,当志愿者做公益应该很有基础。但在学术圈,就拿国内外同行专家无私奉献评审论文作比较,中国的同行专家做的还很不够,需要好好向国际同行学习。附:CIGR Journal栏目主编加拿大专家对一篇退稿文章的评审意见June 27, 2011Dear P H L L:Re: CIGR Manuscript 1911 EFFECTS OF TRACTOR INFLATION PRESSURE AND TRAFFIC ON SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTIESAs CIGR section editor, I have conducted a preliminary review of the above The manuscript addresses a significant engineering problem in agricultural crop production, and as such, the subject matter is of interest to CIGRHowever, the manuscript is deficient in several scientific The decision is to decline the manuscript without peer My preliminary review is attached to the end of this Please note that the preliminary review is by no means a comprehensive The manuscript is released, and you are free to submit it for publication in another Thank you for considering CIGR for publication of your work and I wish you success in getting your work SincerelyPE, PD,CIGR Section III editor,Research Scientist, Agricultural Engineering,Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,Section Editor ReviewTitle: EFFECTS OF TRACTOR INFLATION PRESSURE AND TRAFFIC ON SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTIESCIGR # 1911Authors:H L L et June 27, 2011General:The manuscript addresses soil compaction by multiple passes with agricultural machinery which is a timely topic and of importance to sustainable agricultural There are numerous grammatical errors although the meaning is generally It is strongly recommended that the authors seek the assistance of someone well versed in English to help with the The manuscript is not acceptable in its present It needs a lot of The biggest problem with the manuscript is that key pieces of information are not given, and that the data analysis is not Some of the major deficiencies are listed below although this is by no means an exhaustive Soil It is well known that soil characteristics have a huge influence on soil The only description given is that the soil was a sandy Things like soil series, percent sand, silt and clay, soil organic matter all influence compaction and need to be Tractor specifications: Total tractor weight, tractor axle (or wheel) weights, are critical pieces of information required for compaction studies, but they are not Tire pressure was given, but no information was given on whether these pressures were the same for front and rear Often, tractor manufacturers recommend different pressures for front and rear tires, particularly on tractors with different sizes of front and rear Slip was measured, but there was no mention made of whether the tractor was free wheeling (no implement draft) or whether it was pulling a The drawbar load on a tractor has a huge effect on wheel slip, and must be It was mentioned that a 4WD tractor was used, and different tire sizes were given for front and rear tires which implies that it was a front wheel It needs to be specified whether or not the front wheel drive was Results: A randomized complete block statistical design with three replicates was However, the results are given in a series of tables with simple means with no statistical The results need to be subjected to appropriate statistical analysis, ANOVA or multiple regression analysis, and appropriate post hoc tests applied to determine which means are statistically different from each The experimental design employed lends itself to standard statistical analysis of the Graphs should be used when appropriate to help illustrate the data and the Table 1, 2 and 3 and Cone index has wrong Cone index is normally given in MPa or kPAlso, the values for cone index are much lower than normally Section 3It is not necessary to list all of the equipment used such as oven, air compressor, All you need to say is that samples were oven dried at 105�0�2 C for soil moisture Things like air compressor and pressure gauge are every day shop equipment, are understood to be necessary for any type of experiment where inflation pressures are However, things like the penetrometer, and shear vane meter should be These are specialized pieces of equipment and their performance can affect the Section Need to provide information on which soil cone penetrometer you Also, how many penetrometer measurements per plot per pass?3)In Figure 4, the text “USB Connection” was overlapped by the 4)In Figure 4, the line with the “Information Collection” is missing an 5)In Figure 7, the text “field identifying number” was covered by the 6)In Figure 8, some texts are placed out of the 7)Please use consistent fonts in figures throughout the Confidential Comments to Associate Editor/Division Editor/Editor-in-chiefI recommend the authors should use consistent fonts throughout the The paper cannot be accepted in its present 中国大陆专家1评审论文意见Section III: CommentsThis section is the most valuable part of the review for the author(s), who are extremely interested in how you formed your opinion of this Please provide specific comments that will help the author(s) understand your review, and possibly prepare a Use all the space you General Comments:This paper assess the O2 consumption rate and the CO2 evolution rate in tomato pomace treated with Pleurotus ostreatus without and with Mn to determine if peak colonization rate (for heightened delignification) was delayed by Generally speaking, the author’s work is useful and The author gives a brief introduction to the related work and compares his ideas to The theoretical analysis of this article is In all, this manuscript has good novelty and strong technical strength, I’m looking forward the results of further investigations on this Specific comments:In Table 1, notes are not enough in this In the Results and Discussion, results have been detailed explained, but some theoretical analysis of the experimental data are not Confidential Comments to Associate Editor/Division EditorI hope the paper will be published to guide more Reviewers’ information (Blind to Authors)中国大陆专家2评审论文意见(相对而言属于国内专家评审较为认真仔细的了)Section III: CommentsThis section is the most valuable part of the review for the author(s), who are extremely interested in how you formed your opinion of this Please provide specific comments that will help the author(s) understand your review, and possibly prepare a Use all the space you General Comments:Variable Spray will play an important role in saving resources, protecting environment, raising quality of agricultural The purpose of this paper is to evaluate PWM-based continuous variable spray in terms of spray distribution pattern, spray droplet size, and spray angle for flat-fan, hollow-cone and solid-cone The test design, results, analysis and conclusion are After re-review, this paper may be published, I Specific comments:(1)I have read a paper named “Variable rate Continuous Spray Equipment Based on PWM Technology and Its Spray Characteristics”, which was published in Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2008, 39 (6): 77-80 (in Chinese)”(see the attachment), I think that is a previous study work of the If that is correct, I suggest the author adding that paper in the references of this And then, the contents which have been described in the previous paper can be deleted from this (2)In the abstract “The sensitivities of the spray angles to flow-rate are 8254o/%、6681o/%、5761o/% respectively for flat-fan, the hollow-cone and the solid-cone nozzles” In English, without the symbol “、”(3)The numerical data in the conclusion are not the same as those in the abstract”Confidential Comments to Associate Editor/Division EditorReviewers’ information (Blind to Authors)中国大陆专家3评审论文意见Section III: CommentsThis section is the most valuable part of the review for the author(s), who are extremely interested in how you formed your opinion of this Please provide specific comments that will help the author(s) understand your review, and possibly prepare a Use all the space you General Comments:This paper is more important, but it still needs major revision requiring re-Specific comments:Revision suggestions of this paper: The study results and conclusions should be clarified in It should be described clearly about the data and size of NACA0015 airfoil which was selected in the numerical simulation in section It should be described clearly about the specific quantitative conditions of icing in section This paper is required re-review after Confidential Comments to Associate Editor/Division Editor


Advanced Materials期刊更好些。Advanced Materials是工程与计算大学科、材料与化学大领域(包含材料化学,材料物理,生物材料,纳米材料,光电材料,金属材料,无机非金属材料,电子材料等等非常多的子学科,以及非常大量与材料相关的研究领域)的顶尖期刊,在国际材料领域科研界上享誉盛名。广义上分类从广义上来讲,期刊的分类,可以分为非正式期刊和正式期刊两种。非正式期刊是指通过行政部门审核领取“内部报刊准印证”作为行业内部交流的期刊(一般只限行业内交流不公开发行),但也是合法期刊的一种,一般正式期刊都经历过非正式期刊过程。正式期刊是由国家新闻出版署与国家科委在商定的数额内审批,并编入“国内统一刊号”,办刊申请比较严格,要有一定的办刊实力,正式期刊有独立的办刊方针。“国内统一刊号”是“国内统一连续出版物号”的简称,即“CN号”,它是新闻出版行政部门分配给连续出版物的代号。“国际刊号”是“国际标准连续出版物号”的简称,即“ISSN号”,我国大部分期刊都配有“ISSN号”。

what was the matter疑问词(宾语) 谓语 主语-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。


大修?看你怎么开的吧!三年做个大保养~十年也不用大修啊~中国一线城市车基本上十年都淘汰了~ 很多车十年都开不到十万公里~发动机都好得很~

polymer chemistry 的,RSC都是这个,然后在soft matter主页给的模板里面改格式。祝好运

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