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链接: _5YFizfpeg 提取码: ngdu 百年历史,亿万粉丝,这本书带你探索海底世界的秘密,寻找海洋世界的奥秘。




Reading of "Ocean Quest" felt With a vision of deep sea, I started reading "Ocean Q" As a person living on the island, the contents of the book I have a strong This is written in the human exploration of the vast ocean journey, to express the author's love of ocean marine praise the good This book seems to travel with us a deep sea, explore the It enriched my mind, give me science accumulation, moisture brought my My hometown is the only Zhoushan Islands archipelago formed the establishment of a prefecture-level city, I can see the sea almost every day, so reading the book, I have a strange pride in my With this book, I know a lot of never heard of before knowledge of the ocean, know that part of the Quest known Most importantly, this book inspired me as a person work hard Zhoushan, Zhoushan Islands, the building to a better I also believe, I do not know a person, and many people after reading this book a deeper understanding of the Zhejiang Zhoushan Islands, then New construction opportunities, I will be full of enthusiasm to learn, every day, in order to create a beautiful and harmonious efforts of the island This book brought me knowledge and improve my consciousness, I will always remember this read to see the ocean of knowledge, application of knowledge as to improve their own! Shenjiamen primary five (5) classes Xu Zhou Xiang 徐洲翔提供

张皓为曰:社会进步了,科技发展了,上网还能抄橡皮了。 今天,我在书橱里找到一本书,名叫《海洋探秘》。这本书有六个单元:一、海洋哺乳动物、海鸟和爬行动物;二、海洋与人类;三、海洋和海岸;四、航海探险史;五、海洋鱼类;六、船和艇。这本书就介绍了这六个单元。在这六个单元里,我最喜欢第三个单元----海洋和海岸。在这个单元里我很喜欢企鹅。企鹅是群居性动物,喜欢集成大群生活在一起。企鹅是不会飞的大型海鸟。企鹅大约有17种,大多数生活在南极地区。人们在最北至加拉帕戈斯群岛也发现了一些企鹅的品种。在温暖的海域可以发现体形小的企鹅。我一下看,忘记了时间,等奶奶叫:“吃饭了!”我才反应过来:已经是晚上了。吃完饭,我又去津津有味地看起来了… …这本书真有意思。有种就抄,IP不管

链接: _5YFizfpeg 提取码: ngdu 百年历史,亿万粉丝,这本书带你探索海底世界的秘密,寻找海洋世界的奥秘。


Reading of "Ocean Quest" felt With a vision of deep sea, I started reading "Ocean Q" As a person living on the island, the contents of the book I have a strong This is written in the human exploration of the vast ocean journey, to express the author's love of ocean marine praise the good This book seems to travel with us a deep sea, explore the It enriched my mind, give me science accumulation, moisture brought my My hometown is the only Zhoushan Islands archipelago formed the establishment of a prefecture-level city, I can see the sea almost every day, so reading the book, I have a strange pride in my With this book, I know a lot of never heard of before knowledge of the ocean, know that part of the Quest known Most importantly, this book inspired me as a person work hard Zhoushan, Zhoushan Islands, the building to a better I also believe, I do not know a person, and many people after reading this book a deeper understanding of the Zhejiang Zhoushan Islands, then New construction opportunities, I will be full of enthusiasm to learn, every day, in order to create a beautiful and harmonious efforts of the island This book brought me knowledge and improve my consciousness, I will always remember this read to see the ocean of knowledge, application of knowledge as to improve their own! Shenjiamen primary five (5) classes Xu Zhou Xiang 徐洲翔提供



链接: _5YFizfpeg 提取码: ngdu 百年历史,亿万粉丝,这本书带你探索海底世界的秘密,寻找海洋世界的奥秘。



Reading of "Ocean Quest" felt With a vision of deep sea, I started reading "Ocean Q" As a person living on the island, the contents of the book I have a strong This is written in the human exploration of the vast ocean journey, to express the author's love of ocean marine praise the good This book seems to travel with us a deep sea, explore the It enriched my mind, give me science accumulation, moisture brought my My hometown is the only Zhoushan Islands archipelago formed the establishment of a prefecture-level city, I can see the sea almost every day, so reading the book, I have a strange pride in my With this book, I know a lot of never heard of before knowledge of the ocean, know that part of the Quest known Most importantly, this book inspired me as a person work hard Zhoushan, Zhoushan Islands, the building to a better I also believe, I do not know a person, and many people after reading this book a deeper understanding of the Zhejiang Zhoushan Islands, then New construction opportunities, I will be full of enthusiasm to learn, every day, in order to create a beautiful and harmonious efforts of the island This book brought me knowledge and improve my consciousness, I will always remember this read to see the ocean of knowledge, application of knowledge as to improve their own! Shenjiamen primary five (5) classes Xu Zhou Xiang 徐洲翔提供







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