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In the United States, experts believe that the management of enterprise management personnel to be aware of their own actions depend on the cultural The development of enterprises built on certain values, which is certainly the spirit of the management, these values make enterprises in the new global competition a Some also believe that the American culture is very strong, and too unique and too in-depth; The American Enterprise has a strong competitive spirit, urging people to seek the new The so-called competition is looking for better ways to seek There are eight fundamental values that are shared by the American Enterprise enterprises cultural This can be applied to the eight values of corporate governance in the United States at all, in fact, there are many successful enterprises are accordingly Eight value of this principle is: targets and principles, the principle of consensus, one principle, the principle of excellence, effectiveness of the principle of empirical principles, the principle of intimate, honest Examination of the presence of 168 Welcome-- Targets and principles, refers to a leadership only dedicated to the noble objective, can be self- The most successful enterprises should be products, services, as well as useful perspective on the customer to develop goals, but also to inspire and encourage the use of enterprise employees approach to setting Only the pursuit of worthwhile objectives, the employee can seek to agree with it, inspired by the soul of the most distinguished strength and commitment to strive -- Consensus principle, matters of "command culture", many managers were mostly "command culture" captivates, when they have mastered the command power, there will be "insufferably arrogant" excited Such values can not meet the needs of modern Modern enterprise's success depends on whether the aggregation creativity, it will inspire employees and managers together in creative thinking The enterprise management staff to the concept of change "command" as a ""-- One principle is that the issue of employee participation in decision- We are living in an integrated era, the era in which, the people should not be divided into "management class and the working " Competitive Enterprise employees should participate fully in all activities of the workplace, full participation in decision making, so that they feel and workplace integration, and have them in their From -- Excellent principle is that enterprises should not be satisfied with the status quo, and should establish a "creative dissatisfaction" cultural thinking and constantly strive for excellence -- Effectiveness of the principle that enterprises should develop the productive forces, it is necessary to change the allocation of rewards based on the values of power and take on the effectiveness of the principle of -- Positive principle is that enterprises should attach importance to all sectors of statistics, the value of empirical -- Intimate principles refer to the enterprise leadership should fully understand the sentiments of every spiritual force workers, and establish close relations -- Integrity principle is that corporate managers should follow the spirit of integrity, the establishment of mutual trust between These basic values of the United States is not a figment of the imagination of management experts, but some wonderful company summed up by the experience of the cultural From These basic principles and the value of innovation, loyalty remains closely linked to productivity, and help improve the performance of enterprises, and will enable employees receive interest and Experts in the United States, these values can be used in are moving into a new era of all These words, it would be an exaggeration appears in the East, but we need to see it stressed the great significance of these values, we may wish to carefully one by one proved these basic principles 给不给看你了
224 评论


作为第一作者的发表的论文统计1.科技英语名词化结构的转化与翻译[J], 科技英语学习, 22.美国英语的异质及文化同质[J],南京农业大学学报(社科版)(南大核心CSSCI),13.管理科学关键术语的训诂与翻译[J],南京农业大学学报(社科版)(南大核心CSSCI),34.英汉成语互译中的辩证法[J], 南京农业大学学报(社科版)(南大核心CSSCI),2002,(3)5.三农问题及其英语翻译[J],中国农业教育, 中美两国企业文化对比[J],昌吉学院学报, 中美商业广告语言特性对比[J],管理科学文摘, 未来大学英语教学的侧重点:实际应用能力[J], 当代教育论坛, 企业翻译的原则,方法和特征[J],昌吉学院学报, On Hemingway Iceberg Style[J], 昌吉学院学报, 简议翻译标准和翻译技巧[J],西安教育学院学报,佛芒特与华盛顿,[N]英语辅导报, CET-4综合改错题型的回顾与分析[J], 英语通, 论环境等外部因素对勃朗特姐妹文学成功影响[J], 西安教育学院学报, 3, 美国社区学院的办学特色与启示,世界职业技术教育-2006年5期 英语吃喝习惯用语与饮食文化【N】英语辅导报,2006年6月12日17.大学英语六级作文应试策略[J], 英语通, 2007年3期科技术语和语篇翻译的准确性与艺术性探究[J],英语辅导·疯狂英语教师版,1(北大中文核心)大学形象设计理念与美国著名大学形象设计分析,世界职业技术教育-2007年3期20.跨国公司企业文化的历史背景[J],商场现代化,2007 4( 上) (北大中文核心)21.美国社区学院的“社区性”和“平民性”解读[J],,世界职业技术教育,2008(1) 美国著名大学之精神主体标识探微[J],,中国农业教育,2008(3) 孤立文本翻译之难[J],,新东方英语,2008(3)美国社区学院的国际化趋势及其对于我国的借鉴,世界职业技术教育-2009年1期白居易诗歌英译的多元化策略描述[J],南京农业大学学报(CSSCI期刊),(1):109— 跨国公司企业文化策略与经营业绩关联度研究,职业时空(北大核心期刊),2009 跨国公司企业文化策略的前瞻性[J],中外企业家,(1):57— 跨国公司企业文化异质性透视 [J],管理观察,(1):57— 现代企业文化同质性成因[J],现代管理科学(社科版)(南大核心CSSCI), 美国社区学院的七大特色分析,[J],中国农业教育,2009(4)中国高校名称英译问题与对策[J],,职业时空,2010(8):148--借鉴国外自治学习经验,重新定位大学英语辅导老师角色[J],,职业时空,201(6):80--82姜光辉作为第二作者的论文统计 以人为本理念在图书馆管理中的应用[J], 昌吉学院学报, 中美两国图书馆联盟与参考咨询服务对比[J], 新世纪图书馆, 中外高校图书馆的管理和服务特征[J],现代远距离教育,4(南大核心CSSCI)刍议商业品牌的翻译原则与变通,[J],商业时代(北大核心期刊),(33):128— 监控式自主学习[J],,职业时空,2010(9):97--98 Little Things(渺小),考试与评价(原英语通)[J],2008 (3):1姜光辉2002以前发表文章 突破围城 柳暗花明,渭南教育,1993,第二期教学过程即交际过程,渭南教育,1993,第四期搭便车的风波(小说翻译),华山,1994,第二期 To find the long lost self and dignity—analysis of Jane Eyre,当代教育,2002,论英语词汇的民族文化特色,张震宇,汉英语言文化研究(C),中国文联出版社, 论英语词汇的民族文化特色,李闻海,语言教学与文化研究(C),中国文联出版社, English changing unpredictably and out of proportion, 中国文联出版社,试论语言教育中的文化渗透,渭南教育学院院刊,1997(1)WAY一词的常见用法,唐都学刊,2002(18) 浅议英语委婉语及其使用,渭南教育学院院刊,1991(1) 贺继宗,略谈英国英语与美国英语之差异,渭南教育学院院刊,1995(1)澳门为何叫MACAU,中国地名,1992(4)简论素质教育中模糊评估机制的可行性,全国中小学教育论文选集(C),国际文化出版社,五花八门的美国地名,中国地名,1999(1)English—past, present and future ,王越群,走向21世纪论丛(C),陕西旅游出版社,2000大学生酗酒成风害人害己,中国教育报,1995-6-6 四版学校中女生比男生更出色,中国教育报,1995-3-11 四版文苑轶闻,陕西日报,1993-8-7 四版联合国世界历史文化遗产新增29项,中国化工报,1995-2-5 四版 《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》也在创纪录,中国化工报,1994-1-30 四版华尔腾湖边乐逍遥,中国化工报,1992-12-14 四版 英国知识界人士的画像,中国化工报,1993-3-22 四版 帕克先生的新车,中国化工报,1993-8-8 四版谁是小偷?中国化工报,1993-9-22 四版 广告虚实,中国化工报,1993-2-24 四版 这些鱼只不过喝醉了,中国化工报,1993-2-24 四版你家着火了,中国化工报,1993-5-24 四版 言行不一,中国化工报,1993-11-3 四版最新记录,羊城晚报,1994-4-27 六版丢失了自己,红星报,1989-9-快乐的圣诞晚会,新疆石油报,1987-12-大学生用奖金为集体买电视机,西安晚报,1983-望香江,中央盟讯,1997(7)姜光辉入编的人物传记 马珂,译苑人物,陕西人民出版社, 圣鑫,二十一世纪人才库,北京:中国世界语出版社,2000 南京农业大学工学院引进人才基金项目:科技术语翻译的科学性与文学性探究,7— 江苏农机局基金项目:全球经济一体化与英汉语言文化对比翻译(GXS05029)7— 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究课题指导项目:企业文化策略与经营业绩关联(06SDJ630020), 2006,----2009, 全国基础教育外语教学研究资助项目:监控性自主学习研究(项目编号为:JJWYYB2009094)2008,----2010,陕西省教育科学规划课题:解决陕西农村中学生英语学习效率与效果的探索——基于学校、家庭联动式课外自主学习策略(项目编号:SGH0902204)2009-2011

245 评论


企业文化建设对一个企业健康成长是很重要的,套用一句话,那就是:一个没有优秀文化的民族,不能自强于世界民族之林; Enterprise culture construction to an enterprise healthy growth is very important, to use the word, and that is: a no's outstanding culture national, cannot self-improvement world nation community, 同样,一个没有优秀企业文化的企业,也很难自强于市场竞争之中。 Similarly, a no excellent enterprise culture of the enterprise, also hard to self-renewal in market competition 道理好懂,实践难行。 Truth melodious rhythm, practice hard 改革开放以来,我国的企业文化建设蓬勃发展,这表明企业文化的作用与影响力越来越大。 Since the reform and opening up, the construction of Chinese enterprise culture vigorous development, which indicates that the enterprise culture and function of increasing 本文从阐述企业文化及其作用入手,着重以江苏荣宇集团为例,对企业文化建设作粗浅的研究。 This paper has discussed the enterprise culture and its function of accountancy, emphatically jiangsu RongYu group for example, to the enterprise culture construction following the 希望能帮到你~~

245 评论


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