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Based on the analysis of the traditional production animal medicine majors the problems in practice teaching, practice teaching reform deepening production introduced the measures to improve the professional production internship Keywords animal medicine; Production practice; Teaching reformArticle analyzed AbstractThe move in different showing benefit life-time veterinary way in reading, deepen reform introduced to move in exactly a practical production, so as to have different try of the Key specific wordsveterinary way; Different production; We reformProduction practice is an important practical animal medicine professional teaching Through production practice, can achieve consolidated the knowledge, cultivating and improving students' creative thinking and practice ability The quality-oriented education production practice is to strengthen students' practical ability and the key link of cultivating [1], can increase the students in their professional and relate,2 strengthening teachers team constructionThe teacher leading practice to the production practice plays a key When students for enterprises, and various processes and animal various clinical diagnosis method is not familiar, teachers should guide the practice field, teacher's site ability should meet the need of In order to ensure the production practice teaching quality, improving practical effect, should strengthen the construction of teachers who Since some professional limitation, part of the teachers especially young teachers rarely had time to production, the actual production experience front-line in the practice when rich enough experience can be chosen relatively rich old teacher and young teacher combination, old teacher does not only has abundant professional knowledge, but also the each link of production practice, a familiar!
114 评论


第1章 引言1 什么是生物医学工程学科2 生物医学工程的研究领域3 生物医学工程相关术语的英语表述4 生物医学工程学科专业英语的定位第2章 生物医学工程专业论文摘要的阅读写作1 结构式英文摘要和非结构式英文摘要2 论文摘要3 论文摘要的阅读4 英语论文摘要的写作5 写作摘要的lO个步骤第3章 专业英语书籍的阅读和写作1 以获取专业知识为目的的阅读2 以学习写作为目的的阅读3 生物医学工程专业英语书籍的写作第4章 专业英文论文的阅读和写作1 专业会议论文2 专业期刊论文的结构3 论文的阅读技巧4 专业论文的写作和投稿5 专业论文的检索与三大检索——SCI、EI、ISTP第5章 参考文献的写法和性质标注1 参考文献的选择2 参考文献的写法3 正文中对参考文献的标引第6章 版权声明1 一般版权声明3 《Science》的出版特许权第7章 生物医学工程专业英语的翻译1 笔译(wIitten Translation)2 口译(Oral Translation)第8章 学术论文写作中的一些重要细节问题1 英语科技论文题目的书写要求2 英语科技论文的署名(sign)3 英语科技论文“关键词”条目的书写要求4 文献分类号与标识码5 缩写6 致谢7 作者简介

167 评论


动物医学: Veterinary Medicine 上面这种说法是比较专业的,学术的。animal medicine也可以使用

131 评论



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    In 2012,July toSeptember,I worked as an intern inYinchuanAcademy of Agricultural

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