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231 评论


Petroleum Science(《石油科学》英文版 ,国内刊号:11-4995/TE,国际刊号:1672-5107,季刊,1998年创刊)是由教育部主管,中国石油大学主办的石油综合学术期刊。Petroleum Science办刊宗旨是向国外介绍中国石油界最新的学术成果,开展国际间学术交流,促进中国石油科学技术的发展,全面报道石油地质与地球物理、石油工程、石油化学与化工、石油机械、石油经济与管理等领域的应用基础研究和应用研究的科技新成果。已被下列数据库系统收录:SCI-E(科学引文索引)来源期刊数据库万方数据中国英文版科技期刊统计源数据库美国化学文摘剑桥科学文摘美国石油文摘俄罗斯文摘杂志中国学术期刊全文数据库刊办刊宗旨在于向国外介绍中国石油界最新的学术、科研成果,广泛开展国际间的学术交流,促进中国石油科学技术的发展。主要刊登反映中国石油石油科学技术领域最新、最高水平科研成果的科技论文。其专业内容包括石油勘探与开发、石油储运工程、石油炼制与化工、石油机电工程、油田化工、石油工业经济管理与营销以及与石油工业有关的各个学科。

299 评论


Abstract  In China's petroleum industry and economic development has always been a decisive In this paper, oil reserve-production inequality lead to increased world demand contradictions; multinational oil companies in the world oil trade strengthen the role of the international oil price fluctuations oscillation; oil heated political disputes; oil to the international trade China's trade development from the stage of China's petroleum pipeline construction; trade partner of China's oil development and international operations to illustrate the development of China's oil trade At the same time, China's Foreign Trade and the challenges facing the oil is Because of lack of resources, reserves growth is very difficult, oil supply and demand gap large, oil security situation is not China's foreign trade and the future of oil from the strategic: China's development and diversification of oil transportation; international business strategy, set up with Chinese characteristics of the oil reserve system as well as energy conservation and alternative energy Oil in the world against China's trade environment, China's oil strategy for the development of an in-depth   Key words: oil foreign trade development of strategic oil reserves  好好写论文哦,别辜负我翻译半上午。呵呵,开玩笑!

268 评论


2011年中国石油需求同比增速将降至2%,达83亿吨;成品油消费量将达57亿吨,增长3%;汽油供略大于求,柴油则总体偏紧。 2010年中国石油表观消费量为55亿吨,同比增长4%。原油表观消费量首次突破4亿吨,达到39亿吨,增速高达1%。国内原油产量首次突破2亿吨,同比增长5%以上,为十五年来最快。受多重因素影响,2011年我国石油需求增速将下降,预计全年石油需求量为83亿吨,增长2%;原油需求量71亿吨,增长2%。In 2011, China's oil demand year-on-year growth will drop to 2% to 483 million tons; Product oil consumption will reach 257 million tons, up 3%; For gasoline, diesel is slightly higher than for the overall In 2010 China petroleum apparent consumption for 455 million tons, an increase of 4% Crude oil apparent consumption the first time exceeded 400 million tons to 439 million tons, the growth rate as high as 1% Domestic oil production first breakthrough 200 million tons, an increase of 5% or more, for 15 years By multiple factors, in 2011 China's oil demand growth will fall, the year is expected to petroleum demand for 483 million tons, up 2%; Crude oil demand for 471 million tons, an increase of 2% 参考资料:羊城晚报多媒体数字报刊平台

97 评论


第二部分的后半句翻译不太准确,其他可能会有翻译不合适的,但应该没什么问题。(除了那个“第二部分……”)This article is mainly constructed by the Chinese Petroleum InformationWebsite in terms of representing the construction of website and the function of combinating the information of The paperis going to be devided into the following four parts:The 1st part is introduction that broadly introduce the backgroundand purpose of this issue, and briefly talk about the present situation of the relevant The 2nd part is a brief introduction of exploitive tools that broadlyintroduce the necessary of doing this The 3rd part is an analysis of the functions of website that is the analysis of functional module and databases The 4th part is how to particularly achieve this There are four module that are module of browsing information, module ofsearching information, module of releasing information and module ofmanaging The 5th part is conclusion and prospect that is to sum up this paperand refer to further Keywords: ASPNET, C#, SQL Server 2000

299 评论


  • 关于中国石油的论文摘要英文

    第二部分的后半句翻译不太准确,其他可能会有翻译不合适的,但应该没什么问题。(除了那个“第二部分……”)This article is mainly constr

    阿tin逐梦游 4人参与回答 2024-07-05
  • 关于中国石油的论文摘要

    创新 就是能够透过当前的国际原油市场和美元兑换比例分析当前的市场情况,这个市场讲求的是实战

    溪爱Mr彬 5人参与回答 2024-07-06
  • 关于石油的论文摘要


    竹林轻舞 3人参与回答 2024-07-03
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    Ashtray喵 6人参与回答 2024-07-03
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    Lisa要去旅行 6人参与回答 2024-07-06