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英文读后感作文篇一:《化身博士》英文读后感 Thanks God, We Have Computer Game Instead The story of Dr Jekyll is quite famous around the world, however, Dr Jekyll himself is a typical tragic person. He is
309 评论


a word,I haven been fascinated by his originality,quality as well as patriotism.我就只写一篇给你一个范例,另一篇你应该照着写,无论如何还是要靠自己。脑力劳动是简单劳动的倍增,一定要给好评啊。

119 评论


英文读后感范文1 Looking at dark sky at night for a while, you may see a red star. It has dazzling color. People call it “Mars”. In the solar system, beyond the third planet, the fourth one is “Mars”. I

219 评论


英文题材的阅读材料首先可以从报刊杂志开始,例如《The New York Times》,比较原汁原味,注意不要去看什么China Daily 那是中国人写的。小说什么的就要难一些因为它涉及到文学表达中存在的诸多修饰,

298 评论


英文读后感1 The night, the quiet night, to escape the noise of the city in the daytime, let himself immersed in a quiet, in his own small world, Mr. Shen Congwens "border city", thoughts with the change of ch

253 评论


  • 文学杂志读后感怎么写好一些呢英文

    life.In a word,I haven been fascinated by his originality,quality as well as pat

    dreamy8594 5人参与回答 2024-07-01
  • 文学杂志读后感怎么写好一些呢英语

    The book of unknown American 即《你所不了解的美国人》,想要写好这种类型的英文论文读后感,首先我们需要构思一个大致的写作思路和论文大

    lipingzhou13 5人参与回答 2024-07-02
  • 杂志读者读后感怎么写好一些呢英文

    《读者》是本感人至深的杂志,也是给人深刻教训的杂志。 读者的读后感分享8 暑假里,我看了一本书--《读者》,里面的故事很精彩,其中有一篇让我至今难忘。 故事大概

    念念花语 5人参与回答 2024-07-01
  • 杂志文章读后感怎么写好一些呢英语

    in the future. This is an article that benefits me deeply.翻译:这篇英文文章真是写得太好了,让人惊叹,

    Summer若然霜寒 5人参与回答 2024-07-01
  • 随笔杂志读后感怎么写好一些呢英文

    (翻译)我最喜欢的一本书 在现代这个社会,读好书是很有必要的。我很喜欢读书为了可以跟上世界的发展。我从一些不同的书中获得了很多知识。,然而, 我最喜欢的书是《悲

    锐客家族 5人参与回答 2024-07-02