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pubmed检索进行布尔逻辑运算“AND”、“OR”、“NOT”运算,History有效保存时间是8小时。PuMed最多可保留100个检索式,超过100个时自动删除最早的检索式。使用NCBI的Entrez检索平台,检索全世界生物医学期刊论文的重要工具。基于互联网,提供免费检索服务,部分文献(约5%)可免费下载全文。美国国立医学图书馆下属的国家生物技术信息中心(NCBI)开发的、基于WWW的查询系统。打开浏览器,在地址栏内键入所暗示的, PubMed是免费向公众开放的。pubmed检索介绍:PubMed覆盖了全世界80多个国家和地区的5000余种8主要生物医学期刊的摘要和部分全文。其覆盖的时间段也非常长,早的可以追溯到1950s,现有书目文摘条目2100万条,PubMed网上更新速度是每周一次。PubMed数据库收录的文献大多数(75%~85%)原始语种是英语,或有英文摘要(70%~80%),但1975年以前的文献无英文摘要。5%文献有免费全文,大部分文献有全文链接。国际上公认的最具权威免费的生物医学文献检索系统。

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Nucleic acids and proteins such biological molecules life is the material base, the origin of life key lies in the origin of these life substances, the original in no life on the earth because of natural causes, and through inanimate matter produce various chemical action, organic matter and biological Therefore, the origin of life problem is first primitive of the origin and early evolution of organic The role of chemical evolution is a kind of chemical materials, these chemical material composition amino acids, sugar etc universal "structural unit", nucleic acids and proteins such life from this knot "material is the combination of structural element" In 1922, biochemists Mr Bahrain's first proposed can be used to verify that the hypothesis, the original earth in some of the inorganic, from lightning, sunlight, under the action of the energy into the first batch of organic After the 1953 after 31 years, American chemist miller's first test card in bahrain that He die like original earth with atmospheric composition, hydrogen, methane and ammonia and water vapor, through the heating and spark discharge, synthetic organic molecular amino Following the miller, many through simulation experiment of original earth And the other for the synthesis of the important biological organisms molecules, such as DNA and its set, adenine, deoxyribose nucleoside and nucleotide,, fatty acid, porphyrins and lipid, In 1965 and 1981, our country and in the world's first synthetic insulin and yeast alanine transfer RNA Protein and nucleic acid is formed by the turning point to a lifeless The above two kinds of biological molecules of synthetic success, started by artificial synthetic life substances to study the new era of the origin of Generally speaking, life chemical evolution process including four stages: small molecules generated from inorganic small organic molecules; Small organic molecules from formation organic macromolecular; From organic macromolecular composition can sustain itself the stability and development of many molecular system; Evolution of molecular system from more primitive 核酸和蛋白质等生物分子是生命的物质基础,生命的起源关键就在于这些生命物质的起源,即在没有生命的原始地球上,由于自然的原因,非生命物质通过化学作用,产生出多种有机物和生物分子。因此,生命起源问题首先是原始有机物的起源与早期演化。化学进化的作用是造就一类化学材料,这些化学材料构成氨基酸,糖等通用的“结构单元”,核酸和蛋白质等生命物质就来自这结“结构单元”的组合。 1922年,生物化学家奥巴林第一个提出了一种可以验证的假说,认为原始地球上的某些无机物,在来自闪电,太阳光的能量的作用下,变成了第一批有机分子。时隔31年之后的1953年,美国化学家米勒首次实验证了奥巴林的这一假说。他模似原始地球上的大气成分,用氢、甲烷、氨和水蒸气等,通过加热和火花放电,合成了有机分子氨基酸。继米勒之后,许多通过模拟原始地球条件的实验。又合成出了其他组成生命体的重要的生物分子,如嘌呤、嘧定、核糖、脱氧核糖、核苷、核苷酸、脂肪酸、卟啉和脂质等。1965年和1981年,我国又在世界上首次人工合成胰岛素和酵母丙氨酸转移核糖核酸。蛋白质和核酸的形成是由无生命到有生命的转折点。上述两种生物分子的人工合成成功,开始了通过人工合成生命物质去研究生命起源的新时代。一般说来,生命的化学进化过程包括四个阶段:从无机小分子生成有机小分子;从有机小分子形成有机大分子;从有机大分子组成能自我维持稳定和发展的多分子体系;从多分子体系演变为原始生命。

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