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Traffic RulesWe must obey the traffic Perhaps, we will have a traffic We mustn’t cross the We should take the zebra crossing and the We mustn’t play in the Obey the traffic rule that’s the most important thing! People under 18 cannot drive Life is the most import In a car, the driver and the passenger in the front seat have to wear safety Life is the most import
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School is our home,we are all live and study In order to make ourselves safe,as a student,we should obey the school rules,we should go to school on time and be never late We must obey the traffic rulers, mustn’t go swimming we shouldn’ t chase(追) each other in the hallway and in the school yard;we should get on well with others and should not fight with others;we should not eat the food that goes bad and some junk food;we do not drink;we mustn’t be allowed to smoke, must keep away from cigarettes/smoking/drugs ;when you have questions to ask you may ask the teachers for specially,when you meet someone asks for money,you needn‘t be afraid you report to the teacher or call 110/120 We are required that students break away from these bad habits and be polite to We must obey the traffic rulers, mustn’t go swimming I hope we have a good time everyday学校是我们的家,我们都在这里学习和生活。为了使自己安全,作为学生,我们应该遵守学校的规定,我们应该准时上学,从不迟到。我们必须遵守交通规则,不能单独去游泳。我们不应该老是互相追逐(追)在走廊里,在学校里,我们应该和别人相处得很好,不应该和别人打架;我们不应该吃这个食物,坏账和一些垃圾食品;我们不喝,我们不能抽烟,必须远离香烟/吸烟/药物;当你有问题要问。你可以向老师寻求帮助。特别是,当你遇到某人问你要钱,你不必害怕。你的报告给老师或者叫110/120。我们要求学生摆脱这些坏习惯,礼貌待人。我们必须遵守交通规则,不能单独去游泳。我希望我们有一个很好的时间日常

229 评论


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    School is our home,we are all live and study In order to make ourselves safe

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