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《鱼翅与花椒》([英] 扶霞·邓洛普)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:79w3    书名:鱼翅与花椒作者:[英] 扶霞·邓洛普译者:何雨珈豆瓣评分:3出版社:上海译文出版社出版年份:2018-7页数:265内容简介:扶霞是我的好友,也是我认识的所有外国人中,非常了解中国烹饪的一位。这本屡获殊荣的《鱼翅与花椒》无疑是很多外国人写中国食物的书籍里极为鲜活有趣和精准的 。——陈晓卿(“舌尖上的中国”总导演)这里是中国,一个奇妙的饮食大国。这是关于中国菜的故事,也是一个英国女孩的中国历险记。扶霞一九九四年前往中国长住。打从一开始她就发誓不论人家请她吃什么,不管那食物有多么古怪,她一律来者不拒:第一次与四川料理相遇时的神魂颠倒、亲眼目睹鸡鸭被宰杀时的惊吓、体验千变万化的刀 工、对养生饮食的叹服、品尝珍稀野味时内心的道德两难……透过扶霞的眼睛,我们得以用全新的角度来了解熟悉的中国菜。不同地方的食物拥有其独一无二的气质:川菜的辣带着一丝丝甜,就像悠闲的四川人,总是带着甜甜的体贴;湘菜直接又毫无妥协余地,就跟那里培养出来的领袖人物一样;扬州菜则是太平盛世的食物,温暖而抚慰人心。从四川热闹的市场到甘肃北部荒僻的风景,从福建的深山到迷人的扬州古城,书中呈现了中式料理让人难忘的美妙滋味,也深刻描绘出中西饮食文化差异,且兼具人文观察与幽默趣味。作者简介:扶霞.邓洛普在牛津长大,于剑桥大学取得英国文学学士学位,其后于伦敦亚非学院以名列前茅的优异成绩获得中国研究硕士学位。一九九四年,扶霞在获得了英国文化协会奖学金补助后,前往中国四川大学就读一年;其后又在四川烹饪高等专科学校接受了三个月的专业厨师训练,成为该校第一位外国学生。扶霞着有三本书,分别是《四川烹饪》、《湘菜谱》、《鱼翅与花椒》。她在BBC中文频道首度与中国当地电台合作时,担任与成都电台合作的《吃东吃西》电台节目共同制作人,这是一系列以饮食为主题的双语节目。她的文章曾刊登于各大报章杂志,包括《金融时报》《纽约客》《美食家》《四川烹饪》杂志等。她的作品也先后赢得了许多奖项。二○一○年,湖南省政府特别颁奖以肯定扶霞对湖南料理国际化的贡献。扶霞在最近十年里,长期从事演讲与烹饪示范工作,有时是独立进行,有时则是和中国厨师合作,足迹踏遍了巴塞罗那、悉尼、纽约、加州、都灵、北京、上海与成都。她还曾担任过中国烹饪旅行团的领队。扶霞目前是伦敦水月巴山餐饮集团的顾问,负责对这家川菜馆的菜单提出建议,同时指导或协助员工训练,以及接待媒体的采访。

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Fuzhou Technical College 05 Thesis opened that report Specialized subjects: English Thesis topic: Eating Custom Differences Instructor: Students: Study: Open that report Time: November 25, 2007 Significance of the study subjects: an analysis of a Western diet cause of the inherent cultural differences, the significance lies in a profound understanding of both Chinese and Western cultures contribute to the differences, cross cultural communication barriers, but also people in cross-cultural training Communication at the adaptability to effectively avoid Communication cultural differences, the two sides due to the Second, the content of this paper On cultural differences in the Western diet Food products because of geographical features, climate environment, customs and habits, and other factors, will appear in raw materials, tastes and cooking methods, eating habits, the different degrees of It was precisely because of these differences, catering products with a strong The differences between Chinese and Western cultures create a Western diet cultural differences, and these differences come from the Western way of thinking and different philosophy of Chinese focus on "Nature and Man", Westerners focus on the "people-" Here summary from the following three aspects in the Western diet talk about cultural ① diet concepts ② difference between Chinese and Western restaurants targeted ③ diet of the different ways Third, the paper research results In Western culture have their own Since the establishment of Western civilization into their systems since the迥然different cultural backgrounds, the two孑然different from the disparity between different cultural backgrounds, resulting in both Chinese and Western values and ethical pursuit of the purport different direction, so that in reality personality of the West a very different Formed in which cultural differences due to various reasons, the difference is In the West point to a variety of Chinese and Western cultures we show the beautiful landscape, cultural differences to guide us towards the source of inspiration we ponder the nature of Chinese and Western cultures and the essence, we learn from each other to each other "to " The "娴静" traditional Chinese culture and the "soldiers" of Western culture相映so that the sense of responsibility in Eastern and Western thinking the right complementary, thus generating glorious picture of the human References 1, "Bashu diet cultural aspect" of Sichuan People's Publishing House in 2001 2, "Western diet culture," China Light Industry Publishing House in 2006 3, "Comparison of Chinese and Western food culture" Sichuan Technology Publishing House in 2007 4, "Chinese food culture" Tourism Education Publishing House in 2005 5, the comparison of Chinese and Western food culture, "Food World" national 2003 1-12 period 6, life customs and eating "Sichuan Cooking" provincial 2001 8 7, Central and Western festival customs and eating "Cooking Journals of Yangzhou University," provincial 2001 1 8, French cooking Secret "Journal of the Sichuan cooking," provincial 2003 3

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