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219 评论



205 评论


文学翻译难度是很大的,得有相当深厚的积累和沉淀,这个工作普通翻译研究生压根干不了您好,我是英语自由翻译【查红玉】,笔译从业 6 年,为华为、莱芬豪舍、中国科技大学、澳门大学、格兰富水泵、索尼、万科、毕马威等提供过商务材料、手册等翻译服务和网址本地化,有 500 多万字项目翻译经验。我谈点自己浅薄的看法和认识行行出状元,有没有前途主要看您自己能力、专业素养等了,英语/日语翻译的收入主要看水平和经验;资源和人脉对收入也有一定影响;和 IT、金融、房地产比,翻译行业的收入和上升空间还是比较小一些的,无论你是什么语种。初级翻译的收入 3000 -- 8000元/月居多中级翻译月入一般 8000 --- 12000元/月居多高级翻译的年收入一般在 15万 -- 30万之间的居多大致收入和对应等级是这样的,具体也看城市、单位性质等如果拿下 CATTI 2 口译和笔译证书,基本上就等于跨入职业翻译的大门了。联合国翻译资格证 UNLPP 也不错,特别是等级更高的 P2 和 P3 证书(P1 相对而言难度低一些);如果是北外/上外/广外等国内外语名校高级翻译学院毕业的硕士,做翻译的起点也不错的;专八证书含金量较高,但和合格翻译之间也可能有相当长的距离要走。当然,后面还有很多需要学习和提高的,要成长为名符其实的职业翻译,并不容易,需要更多付出、努力、坚持。翻译,无论口笔译,都很辛苦,也时不时可能要加班加点,普通本科生毕业后没有三五年的积累和学习,很难真正入门。翻译这个行业,目前是两极分化特别严重的,以后更是如此。高水平译员会越来越好做,价格也会持续走高。低水平的“译员”(姑且称之为“译员”)会沦为韭菜,被市场一茬又一茬地收割,付出巨大精力和时间后所得收入却难养家糊口(“韭菜”的单价一般不超过150元/千字)。所以,一定要提高自己的职业素质和素养,提高服务水平和翻译质量,往中高端走才有出路。我个人是做英语笔译的,收入不高,从业6年多,收入 12 --15K/月(2018年,坐标江西吉安),从业六年这样的收入其实是比较低的,不能说跟行业没有一点关系,供您参考吧。

176 评论


我也觉得翻译比较好,看个人兴趣吧~我学习英美文学的时候真的是要崩溃,没有那个文学细胞很受罪啊~翻译就不一样,涉猎面很广,各方面的知识都学一些,也不枯燥,而且有了自己习惯的方向以后就可以专攻,比如金融翻译,很厉害的~在读期间实习的机会也很多,比较实用吧!但是你要是能安静研究的人,英美文学也很有深度,比较容易出国深造的,就是乏味一点…… 学习的内荣有很多交叉,比如笔译和英美文学概论什么的都要学,但是翻译专业的口译课会很深,学习资料也比较时新,报刊会议什么的都有;文学就比较保守,你要是本科就是英语应该比较了解啊,就是汉语言文学的翻版

176 评论


The major obstacle between Anne and Wentworth in persuasion is a lack of sober Only this time Wentworth turned out to be the one who misunderstood A This resulted in his anger, which in turn led to his courting of Louisa towards whom he had no real He almost lost his freedom of choice due to a moral There is little description of Wentworth compared to other male He was conspicuous in social life but very plain in He rose to the higher social class from a lower class through his own His misunderstanding towards Anne is similar to the one he encountered from M Russell eight years ago, both of which are resulted from their difference in social Wentworth was wrong about Anne for she is different from her What he considered as a lack of principle, stubbornness and recklessness is just a common failing of the noble class of which sir Elliot was They are selfish, hypocritical and When Wentworth recognized his fault and praised Anne’s kind quality, his misunderstanding was a merciless exposure of the selfishness and hypocrisy of the corrupted noble The perfection of Wentworth's understanding contains his appreciation of Anne’s kind quality and his attack on the selfish snobby noble 翻译得比较粗糙,因为《劝导》这本书我也只是稍微浏览过而已,还没有真地认真看过。如果楼主可以多提供一些此文的背景和前后文,我还可以再修改一下。

192 评论


Persuasion "and between Anne and Wentworth's great an obstacle is also a lack of clear understanding, but this time the protagonist became W Anne for him because of misunderstanding, go get angry because he does not enjoy the pursuit of Louisa, and almost because of "moral responsibility" and lose their freedom of Compared with other actor, Wentworth is not the description of many, is a distinctive feature of society and the individual characteristics of non-prominent figures, he is relying on their own efforts to increase gradually the representatives of the lower Anne misunderstanding him for eight years ago, such as Russell on his wife to him as a misunderstanding between the two are in fact Anne because of her different relatives, the Wentworth is a But he did not consider the principle of a closed mind, but it is outrageous to Elliot, Sir Class aristocracy represented by the common, they love vanity, selfishness, At Wentworth aware of their error commended Anne's noble qualities, his misunderstanding is selfish for the decline of aristocratic class and weak mercilessly expose the hypocrisy of the Wentworth perfect understanding contains excellent quality of Anne's appreciation for the noble class and snobbish criticism selfish

193 评论


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