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要的话联系我邮箱(点我可见),非诚勿绕,我不想浪费大家的时候。万子硕博论文:世界顶级制药公司企业战略研究【论文题名】 世界顶级制药公司企业战略研究 【论文作者】 刘斌 【作者专业】 工商管理 【导师姓名】 杨万荣 【授予学位】 硕士 【授予单位】 北京理工大学 【授予时间】 20030828 【 分类号 】 TQ8 【 关键词 】 制药公司 企业战略 制药业 企业战略管理 【 摘 要 】 该文总结了在世界制药业处于领先地位的顶级制药公司在各个战略层次上(公司战略、经营单位战略、职能战略)的企业战略,并从企业战略管理的过程入手,分析了顶级制药公司所处的外部环境和内部条件,以及它们所选择的企业战略的依据和成因该文还指出了世界顶级制药公司的企业战略对中国制药公司的借鉴意义 【文摘语种】 中文文摘 【论文页数】 59页 阅读全文 全文下载 中国期刊网论文==========================共有记录1492条,选取前几条列出。 试论企业战略管理的必要性与实施方法 推荐 CAJ下载 PDF下载 【作者】 沈吉盛; 【机构】 北京交通大学经济管理学院2002级MBA; 【刊名】 铁道建筑技术 , 编辑部邮箱 2005年 06期 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【英文刊名】 Ralway Construction Technology 【中文关键词】 企业管理; 企业战略管理; 市场经济; 战略联盟; 核心能力; 【中文摘要】 针对市场经济中企业经营外部环境变化的不确定性以及加入世贸组织后市场竞争的逐渐加剧,简要地介绍现阶段企业进行战略管理的必要性及实施战略管理的方法。 【DOI】 cnki:ISSN:1009-2005-06-024 产品生命周期理论对企业战略管理的启示 推荐 CAJ下载 PDF下载 【作者】 胡钰; 胡洪力; 【机构】 宁夏大学经济管理学院; 浙江工商大学工商管理学院; 杭州310035博士; 【刊名】 商业时代 , 编辑部邮箱 2006年 02期 中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【英文刊名】 Commercial Economy Studies 【中文关键词】 产品生命周期; 产品生命周期曲线; 开发期; 【中文摘要】 从哈佛大学教授费农提出产品生命周期理论到今天,已经过了半个多世纪,产品生命周期的演变也不再是单纯的理论上的完美模型,而是具有了更多的实践意义,也有了更多的表现形式。本文从产品生命周期在实践中的一些表现出发,探讨产品生命周期理论对于企业管理的一些启示。 【DOI】 cnki:ISSN:1002-2006-02-010 企业战略管理的新趋势 推荐 CAJ下载 PDF下载 【刊名】 企业党建 , 编辑部邮箱 2005年 10期 CJFD收录刊 【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:2005-10-005 关于企业战略管理的整合思维 推荐 CAJ下载 PDF下载 【英文篇名】 The Integration Thought Model on Enterprise Strategic Management 【作者】 张万春; 谭忠富; 【英文作者】 ZHANG Wan-chun~1; TAN Zhong-fu~2(Jilin Traffic Profession Technology College; Changchun; China; Business School of North China Electric Power University; Beijing; China); 【机构】 吉林交通职业技术学院; 华北电力大学工商管理学院; 【刊名】 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版) , 编辑部邮箱 2006年 01期 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【英文刊名】 Journal of North China Electric Power University(Social Sciences) 【中文关键词】 战略管理; 整合; 思维; 【英文关键词】 strategic management; integration; thought model; 【中文摘要】 经济全球化、竞争国际化,使企业面临生存环境的不确定性和复杂性大大增加。中国企业要想求得生存和发展,就必须重视企业战略管理。本文运用整合的思维模式来指导我国的战略管理,使其达到内部资源与外部环境的协调。 【英文摘要】 The economic globalization and international competition augment the complexity and the uncertainty of enterprises' survival So Chinese enterprises must pay attention to enterprise strategic The paper applies the thought model of integration to guide the strategic management so that we can get the coordination of external environment and internal 【DOI】 cnki:ISSN:1008-2006-01-006 虚拟企业战略管理问题被忽视的原因分析 推荐 CAJ下载 PDF下载 【作者】 王丽铭; 冯永泰; 【机构】 西华大学经济与贸易学院; 西华大学人文学院; 【刊名】 商场现代化 , 编辑部邮箱 2006年 04期 中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【英文刊名】 Market Modernization 【DOI】 cnki:ISSN:1006-2006-04-070 中小企业战略管理思路 推荐 CAJ下载 PDF下载 【作者】 刘玉泉; 【机构】 兰州大学管理学院; 【刊名】 国外测井技术 , 编辑部邮箱 2005年 03期 CJFD收录刊 【英文刊名】 World Well Logging Technology 【DOI】 CNKI:SUN:2005-03-001

221 评论



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Industrial organization is a field of economics that studies the strategic behavior of firms, the structure of markets and their The study of industrial organization adds to the perfectly competitive model real-world Frictions such as limited information, transaction cost, cost of adjusting prices, government actions, and barriers to entry by new firms into a It then considers how firms are organized and how they [1] Perhaps a most appropriate term is the "Economics of Imperfect Competition" The development of industrial organization as a separate field owed much to Edward Chamberlin, Edward S Mason and Joe S BThere are two major approaches to the study of industrial organization: the first approach is primarily descriptive and provides an overview of industrial The second, price theory, uses microeconomic models to explain firm behavior and market structure[edit] Structure, conduct, performanceAccording to the structure-conduct-performance approach, an industry's performance (the success of an industry in producing benefits for the consumer) depends on the conduct of its firms, which then depends on the structure (factors that determine the competitiveness of the market) The structure of the industry then depends on basic conditions, such as technology and demand for a [3] For example: in an industry with technology that the average cost of production falls as output increases, the industry tends to have one firm, or possibly a small number of Components that make up the structure, conduct, and performance model for industrial Basic Conditions: Consumer Demand, Production, Elasticity of Demand, Technology, Substitutes, Raw Materials, Seasonality, Unionization, Rate of Growth, Product durability, Location, Lumpiness of orders, Scale of economies, Method of purchase, Scope economies Structure: Number of Buyers and Sellers, Barriers to entry of new firms, product differentiation, Vertical integration, Diversification Conduct: Advertising, Research and Development, Pricing behavior, Plant Investment, Legal Tactics, Product choice, Collusion, Merger and Contracts Performance: Price, Production Efficiency, Allocative Efficiency, Equity, Product Quality, Technical Progress, Profits Government Policy: Regulation, Antitrust, Barriers to Entry, Taxes and Subsidies, Investment Incentives, Employment Incentives, Macroeconomic Policies [edit] Market structuresThe common market structures studied in this field are the following:Perfect competition Monopolistic competition Oligopoly Oligopsony Monopoly Monopsony [edit] Areas of studyIndustrial organization investigates the outcomes of these market structures in environments withPrice discrimination Product differentiation Durable goods Experience goods Secondary markets or second-hand markets, which can affect the behaviour of firms in primary Collusion Signaling, such as warranties and Mergers and acquisitions Entry and Exit A competitive market structure has the performance outcome of lower costs and lower prices, (Shepherd, W: 1997:4)The subject has a theoretical side and a practical According to one text book: "On one plane the field is abstract, a set of analytical concepts about competition and On a second plane the topic is about real markets, teeming with the excitement and drama of struggles among real firms" (Shepherd, W; 1985; 1)The extensive use of game theory in industrial economics has led to the export of this tool to other branches of microeconomics, such as behavioral economics and corporate Industrial organization has also had significant practical impacts on antitrust law and competition [edit] Footnote^ Modern Industrial Organization 4th edition, Dennis W Carlton and Jeffery M Perloff, Overview: page 2 ^ Modern Industrial Organization 4th edition, Dennis W Carlton and Jeffery M Perloff, Overview: page 2 ^ Modern Industrial Organization 4th edition, Dennis W Carlton and Jeffery M Perloff, Overview: page 3 [edit] ReferencesHandbook of Industrial Organization: Richard Schmalensee and Robert Willig (1989) Description & contents Richard Schmalensee , (1989) Description & contents Mark Armstrong and Robert Porter, (2007) 3 Description & contents Frederic M Scherer, and David Ross (1990) Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, Houghton-Mifflin, 3rd William Shepherd, (1985) The Economics of Industrial Organization, Prentice-H ISBN 0-13-231481-9 Richard Schmalensee (1987) Industrial Organization, The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, 2, 803- Oz Shy, (1995) Industrial Organization: Theory and Applications MIT P Jean Tirole (1988) The Theory of Industrial Organization MIT P Xavier Vives (2001) Oligopoly Pricing: Old Ideas and New Tools MIT P _carltonper_modernio_4/

253 评论


  • 产业经济学英文期刊

    Industrial organization is a field of economics that studies the strategic behav

    虫子郭郭 3人参与回答 2024-07-01
  • 产业经济学英文期刊名称

    经济学的顶级期刊有:American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarte

    漩海灵猫 4人参与回答 2024-06-28
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    金威家具 6人参与回答 2024-06-28
  • 产业经济学英文期刊有哪些

    经济学的顶级期刊有:American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarte

    紫晨郡主 4人参与回答 2024-06-29
  • 产业经济研究期刊英文简写


    小黑君kk 3人参与回答 2024-06-29