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how to protect our cultural relics
220 评论


联合国教育、科学及文化组织属联合国专门机构,简称联合国教科文组织。1946年11月正式成立,同年12月成为联合国的一个专门机构。总部设在法国巴黎。其宗旨是通过教育、科学和文化促进各国间合作,对和平和安全作出贡献。  联合国教科文组织是各国政府间讨论关于教育、科学和文化问题的国际组织,其主要机构有大会、执行局和秘书处。大会为该组织最高权力机构,每两年开会一次,决定该组织的政策、计划和预算。执行局为大会闭幕期间的管理和监督机构;秘书处负责执行日常工作,由执行局建议,经大会任命总干事领导秘书处的工作。  截至2001年10月,联合国教科文组织有成员国188个。  主要出版物有《教科文组织信使》(月刊),中、英、法、西、阿、俄等27种文本;《教育展望》(季刊),中、英、法、阿、西、俄文;《科学与社会的影响》(季刊),英、法、西、俄、阿文;《自然与资源》(季刊),英、法、西文;《国际社会科学杂志》(季刊),中英、法、阿、西、俄文;《版权公报》(季刊),中、英、法、西、俄文;《博物馆》(季刊),中、英、法、西文。  教科文组织宗旨是:通过教育、科学及文化来促进各国之间的合作,以增进对正义、法治及联合国宪章所确认的世界人民不分种族、性别、语言、宗教均享有人权与自由的普遍尊重,对世界和平与安全作出贡献。  教科文组织五大职能:  01、前瞻性研究:明天的世界需要什么样的教育、科学、文化和传播?  02、知识的发展、传播与交流:主要依靠研究、培训和教学。  03、制订准则:起草和通过国际文件和法律建议。  04、知识和技术:以“技术合作”的形式提供给会员国制订发展政策和发展计划。  05、专门化信息的交流。  1972年,联合国教科文组织通过了<<世界文化和自然遗产保护公约>>  联合国教科文组织之于世界遗产的任务:  鼓励各国签约<<世界文化和自然遗产保护公约>>并确定各国文化和自然遗产的保护;  鼓励各签约国提交遗产地名单以被录入世界遗产名录;  鼓励各签约国展开行动计划并实施相关世界遗产保护现状的报告制度;  帮助各签约国拯救世界遗产的风景名胜并提供技术支持和专业培训;  当世界遗产遭到突发危险时提供紧急援助;  支持各签约国为唤起民众保护世界遗产的意识而进行的活动;  鼓励民众参与世界文化与自然遗产的保护;  鼓励国际间在保护世界文化与自然遗产方面的协作

303 评论


写作思路及要点:审清题目,确定中心,选择材料。First of all, we should pay attention to environmental 首先,我们应该重视环境污染问题。This is our first step in protecting cultural 这是我们保护文物的第一步。Secondly, we should enhance the awareness of protecting cultural relics and publicize to the public how to protect cultural 其次,我们应该增强保护文物的意识,向公众宣传如何保护文物。Third, we should do something useful to protect cultural 第三,我们应该为保护文物做些有益的事情。

187 评论


As of 2005, China already has 31 natural landscape and historical sites have been declared as a world cultural heritage, when we are immersed in the world with joy and pride to share these, when almost no one stopped to think about those of us the future of the world's As we know, thanks to its vast territory of China, it is such a vast territory that she has many different types of climatic conditions, only gave birth to the rich and colorful Chinese However, the benefits will also have a negative role, the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is one such For thousands of years, our forefathers exhausted their life time in this great and deep caves, the knowledge and wisdom with brush condensate cast in each side of the wall, hoping that knowledge and wisdom to be At that time, who had thought that one daythese huge and magnificent works will be damage to the forces of Mogao Grottoes is located in China's north-west, to connect the Eurasian continent in the Silk Road Trail, is a long road that the largest Despite a hundred years ago it had been stolen, but it damaged the biggest reason is that continental climate brought about by the Mongolia by the North to the high-pressure effects of climate Dunhuang region perennial drought, sandstorms frequent, annual precipitation is only more than 40 millimeters, while the annual evaporation is as high as more than 3 thousand millimeters, up to several thousand years of time, our Mogao Grottoes has been frequently attacked by the dust storms, coupled with long-term droughts, earthquakes and rain erosion of the outer wall of a cave once eroded, constantly To make matters worse, cave murals have begun to change color, from A, crisp and even off From the 20th century, the beginning of the 40's, the Chinese people began to have a conscious act together to protect our great historical First, people have been built in the cliff face sand wall, but have little effect; later tried to dig anti-Shagou, soon to be filled In recent years, we finally found the sand and sand control can be a good First of all, we in the sand and grass, the grass all the sand box can firmly fixed in place, after two kilometers to create a shelter belts, so that the effective regulation of regional Scientists said that in this way can prevent nearly 80% of the sand into the Mogao In the protection of our precious world cultural heritage, we really made some encouraging progress, but it should not only be a temporary rescue These factors brought about by natural hazards, will no doubtcontinue, threats still exist for the Mogao Grottoes, for which efforts also need to last forever, generation after Dear friends, let us join hands together to protect our splendid ancient We may also slightly younger, but as long as we have a firm belief, jewels will shine Our spirit will spread from one person to another person

347 评论


作文给我自己去写 首先,我们应该放更多的精力在环境污染上,这是我们开始保护文化遗产的第一步其次,我们应该坚定保护文化遗产的意识来教育公众怎么保护第三,我们应该为保护文化遗产做一些有用的事口胡式翻译= =+不过应该不会差太多&你们高一的单词竟然就这么复杂这让我这个大学生情何以堪啊

327 评论


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