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307 评论


国际工程管理知识体系 International Engineering management body of 建议楼主google 一下Engineering, management,或 body of knowledge就可找到资料了 参考资料: Problems in the Application and the reasons for network planning method is not only a method of preparation of the plan, but also the construction of a scientific management methods, but its construction management in our application is not 1 Problems (1) the application rate is not Construction of our existing businesses, their quality varies widely, business development is very According to statistics, the central and provincial levels under construction enterprises, the higher management level, the network plans to organize the annual applications of construction about 40% of surface; to municipal construction enterprises, the annual application of network planning organizations face in the construction of about 15%; and at the county level and Following the construction of its enterprises,Construction of surface in 15%; and construction enterprises at the county level and below,WeavingConstruction of surface texture in about 15%; and construction enterprises at the county level and below, technicalIndustry, technologyRateBusiness, technical management of waterAnd below-grade construction enterprises, technical management of waterAnd below-grade construction enterprises, technicalConstruction enterprises, technicalApplication of network planning organizations face in the construction of about 15%; and at the county level and belowApplication of network planning organizations face in the construction of about 15%; and construction at the county level and belowConstruction zoned organizations face in about 15%; and construction at the county level and belowDesignated organizations face in the construction of about 15%; and construction enterprises at the county level and below, technology managementConstruction of surface in 15%; and construction enterprises at the county level and below, technology managementWeavingConstruction of surface texture in about 15%; and construction enterprises at the county level and below, technicalIndustry, technologyRateBusiness, technical management of waterAnd below-grade construction enterprises, technical management of waterAnd below-grade construction enterprises, technicalConstruction enterprises, technicalApplication of network planning organizations face in the construction of about 15%; and at the county level and belowApplication of network planning organizations face in the construction of about 15%; and construction at the county level and belowConstruction zoned organizations face in about 15%; and construction at the county level and below

270 评论


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