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Evaluation of the optimum induction gap for the GEM-MIGAS Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 600, Issue 3, 11 March 2009, Pages 640-643JA Mir, NJ Rhodes, EM Schooneveld, AS Concei�0�4�0�0o, JM Maia, JFCA Veloso, JMF dos Santos Show preview | PDF (201 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 2Structure–function studies of the G-domain from human gem, a novel small G-protein FEBS Letters, Volume 580, Issue 25, 30 October 2006, Pages 5959-5964Yarden Opatowsky, Yehezkel Sasson, Isabella Shaked, Yvona Ward, Orna Chomsky-Hecht, Yael Litvak, Zvi Selinger, Kathleen Kelly, Joel A Hirsch Show preview | PDF (787 K) | Supplementary content | Related articles | Related reference work articles 3Tanzanite as conflict gem: Certifying a secure commodity chain in Tanzania Original Research ArticleGeoforum, Volume 41, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 56-65Richard A Schroeder Show preview | PDF (234 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 4GEM simulation methods development Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 478, Issues 1-2, 1 February 2002, Pages 452-459V Tikhonov, R Veenhof Show preview | PDF (381 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 5BoNus: Development and use of a radial TPC using cylindrical GEMs Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 592, Issue 3, 21 July 2008, Pages 273-286H Fenker, N Baillie, P Bradshaw, S Bueltmann, V Burkert, M Christy, G Dodge, D Dutta, R Ent, J Evans, R Fersch, K Giovanetti, K Griffioen, M Ispiryan, C Jayalath, N Kalantarians, C Keppel, S Kuhn, G Niculescu, I Niculescu, et Show preview | PDF (1819 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 6Progress on large area GEMs Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 628, Issue 1, 1 February 2011, Pages 182-186Marco Villa, Serge Duarte Pinto, Matteo Alfonsi, Ian Brock, Gabriele Croci, Eric David, Rui de Oliveira, Leszek Ropelewski, Hans Taureg, Miranda van Stenis Show preview | PDF (1022 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 7Properties of the GEM, double GEM and GEM+MGC combination Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 443, Issues 2-3, 1 April 2000, Pages 375-385T L van Vuure, F D van den Berg, C W E van Eijk, R W Hollander Show preview | PDF (395 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 8Development of thick-foil and fine-pitch GEMs with a laser etching technique Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 608, Issue 3, 21 September 2009, Pages 390-396T Tamagawa, A Hayato, F Asami, K Abe, S Iwamoto, S Nakamura, A Harayama, T Iwahashi, S Konami, H Hamagaki, YL Yamaguchi, H Tawara, K Makishima Show preview | PDF (623 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 9Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) over a coastal/rural site downwind of East China: Temporal variation and long-range transport Original Research ArticleAtmospheric Environment, Volume 45, Issue 15, May 2011, Pages 2480-2487Zhijia Ci, Xiaoshan Zhang, Zhangwei Wang, Zhenchuan Niu Show preview | PDF (1306 K) | Supplementary content | Related articles | Related reference work articles Highlights�7�8 Elevated GEM levels were observed at a coastal/rural site downwind of East C �7�8 GEM showed high levels in cold seasons and low levels in warm �7�8 GEM showed peak levels in daytime and low levels in late night and early �7�8 Complicated patterns of GEM transport from different source regions were 10The PANDA GEM-based TPC prototype Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 628, Issue 1, 1 February 2011, Pages 204-208L Fabbietti, H Angerer, R Arora, R Beck, M Berger, P Bühler, M Cargnelli, S Doerheim, J Hehner, N Herrmann, C H�0�2ppner, D Kaiser, B Ketzer, K Mladen, V Kleipa, I Konorov, J Kunkel, R Lalik, M Lang, Y Leifels, et Show preview | PDF (697 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 11Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution in rats of an oligodeoxynucleotide phosphorothioate (GEM 91) developed as a therapeutic agent for human immunodeficiency virus type-1 Original Research ArticleBiochemical Pharmacology, Volume 49, Issue 7, 30 March 1995, Pages 929-939Ruiwen Zhang, Robert B Diasio, Zhihong Lu, Tiepu Liu, Zhiwei Jiang, Wayne M Galbraith, Sudhir Agrawal Show preview | PDF (1639 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 12Chordal co-gem-free and (P5,gem)-free graphs have bounded clique-width Original Research ArticleDiscrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 145, Issue 2, 15 January 2005, Pages 232-241Andreas Brandst�0�1dt, Hoàng-Oanh Le, Raffaele Mosca Show preview | PDF (232 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 13Further studies of the GEM photomultiplier Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 442, Issues 1-3, 11 March 2000, Pages 68-73A Buzulutskov, A Breskin, R Chechik, G Garty, F Sauli, L Shekhtman Show preview | PDF (301 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 14Charge transfer of GEM structures in high magnetic fields Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 535, Issues 1-2, 11 December 2004, Pages 330-333S Roth Show preview | PDF (296 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles 15Short induction gap gas electron multiplier (GEM) for X-ray spectroscopy Original Research ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 573, Issues 1-2, 1 April 2007, Pages 179-182JA Mir, R Stephenson, NJ Rhodes, EM Schooneveld, JFCA Veloso, JMF Dos Santos

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