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In 1994, the education research of whole country science in the United States committee promulgated national science to educate of unify standard, and call for in whole beautiful primary and junior high school science the education to carry on an exhaustive But study result enunciation recently according to 1 carried on by the shell 尔 group company(Bayer Group), the primary and junior high school which calls for in the United States didn't receive anticipant The education course of primary school science not only in the classroom teaching, even the incumbency trained ago in still be placed in a "second-grade" This research of the shell 尔 group company completes May in 2004, they investigated 1000 near primary school teachers who just graduated from the school and 250 whole beautiful each university education a college The following is this to study of main investigate a result: 1, the teacher of equal amount gives they the before the job training of the reading and mathematics in the place university evaluation for\\\\\\\"A\\\\\\\"(39% and 40%)But to science educational of educate only 18% teachers to give before the job AN Educate the college director's viewpoint these student's standpoints with them not and mutually consistently, they give primary school reading and mathematics trains an AN evaluation to distinguish to 76% and 56% before the job, but for primary school science the education trains before the job of evaluate to 49%Although high in their student's evaluation, away below to the evaluation of before the job training of the readings and 2, teacher's 82% of great majority thinks read the lesson occupancy most position in they now allow to teach of the primary school, only 25% teachers think science lesson is 95% teachers read up everyday
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  • 小学教育的外文文献


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    1 从“开课”到“开好课”还有多远——农村小学英语教学现状透视 湖北教育(时政新闻) 2007/03 中国期刊全文数据库 2 农村小学英语教学中“说”的训练 华

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