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The guitar , and the guitar: LiuXianQin, is a kind of plucked string instrument, shape and violin string, usually have similar The panel and backplanes are flat, from the Angle to waist is A long neck, refers to the board has string containing many narrow and pillow and slightly upward of the metal products, called ", "it is divided into many chromatic scale The guitar is used for various musical style, it in the pop music, rock music, r&b, folk music, Buddha's brother Ming is regarded as the main There are also in the guitar classical music, there have been a lot of solo, selects a use of and It usually have six strings, but there are four strings, eight and ten strings, ten strings ErX There are two main categories: guitar ShiYou history, a wooden sound box with the timber guitar, 8031 ErShiEr 10th century were invented, electric guitars Loudspeakers Timber guitar is usually used to classical music, folk music and popular Guitars are often used to, rock music, blues and pop The invention of receiving of western pop culture and music had important 答案补 The guitar , and the guitar: LiuXianQin, is a kind of plucked string instrument, shape and violin string, usually have similar The panel and backplanes are flat, from the Angle to waist is A long neck, refers to the board has string containing many narrow and pillow and slightly upward of the metal products, called ", "it is divided into many chromatic scale
214 评论



99 评论


因为吉他 我曾受到老师的批评因为吉他 我曾考试不及格然而因为吉他 我考上市重点高中因为吉他 我曾彻夜难眠因为吉他 我找到心爱的姑娘然而因为吉他 改变了我的人生爱吉他 就像爱我自己一样

158 评论


  • 吉他的论文

    因为吉他 我曾受到老师的批评因为吉他 我曾考试不及格然而因为吉他 我考上市重点高中因为吉他 我曾彻夜难眠因为吉他 我找到心爱的姑娘然而因为吉他 改变了

    liuyuecao110 2人参与回答 2024-09-06
  • 吉他的论文2000

    吉他的来源、功用   吉他的来源   关于吉他的来源,主要有两种说法:一是说来源由于希腊的吉他拉琴,是一种由罗马人传播下来的拨玄琴,后来演化成维卫拉琴。维卫拉琴

    吴珊珊珊 2人参与回答 2024-09-08
  • 电吉他论文


    大花的大呆地 5人参与回答 2024-09-09
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    小狼雪子 4人参与回答 2024-09-06
  • 关于电吉他的论文


    八彩虹624 6人参与回答 2024-09-06