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The forest provides the lumber to the person, but also can adjust theclimate, the maintenance water and soil, the windproof solid sand, theimprovement water quality, guards against the smoke dustproof, thedisinfection is antiseptic, reduces the noise, beautifies theenvironment, maintenance and improvement ecological If does not have the green plants unceasingly to make theoxygen and the absorption noxious gas, the humanity is unable people's health and the air fit and unfit quality related,but air fit and unfit quality with forest how many
326 评论


“楼上的几位翻译都不符合英语国家的语言习惯,英国有一本期刊杂志就叫美食与生活,英文原文是:Dining & Living ”回答者:yuwazhang - 魔法学徒 一级 8-25 08:20※※※※※※※※※※※※※※英国有那么一本杂志就表示也要用那本杂志的名字????(不说抄袭可耻,侵权违法,至少也说明你没有自己的脑瓜,缺乏创意)这也就成了否认起他人翻译的根据?什么翻译具有如此的唯一性特点?你这样学英语也会有出息?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Gourmet's Life

349 评论


Make breathing in green is fluent, make land between root together! Did you eat today forest, desert will eat you (3) for future generations left blue sky green!

205 评论


Forests provide people with timber, but also the regulation of climate, soil conservation, sand immobility,improving the water quality,sterilization, noise reduction, landscaping, maintaining and improving the ecological balance,they are able to play other important roles,windproof, dustproof,smokeproof,If there are no green plants that constantly create oxygen and absorb harmful gases, humanity will not be able to People's health and quality of the air are closely related, and air quality has a direct relationship with the number of the

187 评论


Can provide humans j forest oxygen, is the home of the Forest recently have been destroyed and a serious threat to the survival of wild Calling on the government to enact laws to protect forest; Middle school students action, involved

105 评论



127 评论


Make breathing in green is fluent, make land between root together! Did you eat today forest, desert will eat you (3) for future generations left blue sky green!4 let forever blue sky, green shade for their Protect a green field, hold up a piece of blue It's everybody's duty to make 5 protect The forest is our 6 forest protection is to protect human 让呼吸在绿色中流畅,让土地在根系间凝聚! 今天你吃了森林,明天沙漠就会吃了你。 为子孙后代留下蓝天碧水绿地! 4让天空永远湛蓝,让绿荫拥护家园。保护一片绿地,撑起一片蓝天。5保护树木,人人有责。树林是我们的家园。6保护森林就是保护人类自己

247 评论


Freshman when the family because of the distress, I had to After a time, I have been in the work-study-state life, at that time, Fan Li has given me is of great Academic pressure and work I am a busy day and enrich the lives of tension, but you did not miss it on the 1st Over the years feel like a head buried in the sand bags in the ostrich, thinking that you can forget all the troubles and miss, But I found that I was wrong, short-term problems can be forgotten, but miss the cut in any case is Whenever Yeshenrenjing time, I always think of you all the little Didi, I still never forget your gentle and thoughtful voice, your beautiful, X Whenever they think of the time, I would think I was a happy day, the fatigue will You have to know in Mangwan day after day, with a sweet sleep, I miss the uh, what are absolute You US-good! I am the last to Hangzhou, in fact, you do not have the necessary but not Xu Xujiu that would like to tell you that they want to tell I say to you, Hangzhou, to Actually Liming and I said I had handed over a Subsequently In fact, I just want to test the response you just, when there are feelings and conditions Qutan » Xiao-Reply tell you for allowing me that you had a If I do not think that Italy, it was a fake, whether you had a boyfriend this is true or false, I would sincerely wishes to you! You really feel I have never had »I Haosha! Even by what » Perhaps this to you, I have the Take care! When I respect all these years is wishful thinking, just Z Always to learn how to grow up, especially Oh, say, is like you for giving me a lesson, oh «I stupid people laugh, perhaps Yes, perhaps feeling really should not see such Benlaishixiang amuse you happy earlier point (this is in fact a friend I found out the idea, hey Y) Really do not respect you, I am Hey Perhaps this outcome is a good thing, thank I stupid people laugh, perhaps it Saddam, but how » The same day

92 评论


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