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首页 > 论文问答 > 英语作文校报投稿怎么写

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My school life 这是题目 My school life is very interesting My teacher and my classmates are very friendly with me I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon I have two PE classes every week I read book and listen to music after class I play football with my classmates on Sunday I am very happy Don’ worry
312 评论


你说的这些杂志都属于学习类杂志,这些杂志的目的是为了帮助母语非英语的人学习英语。所以这些杂志的文章基本上都来自于国外主流媒体(电视、报纸、杂志),也有一些是他们自己写的文章,但比例不多!至于是不是接收投稿,这个倒不一定,就像中国的《读者》,基本上是没有原创作品的,但他们有自己专业的团队来在各大报刊杂志书籍上摘录精彩文章。但中国的《读者》也是接收读者投稿的,凡是发表过的,只要他们编者觉得不错都会选用。我想你说的中国英语杂志应该也会接收读者的推荐。但问题就是…… 《Reader's Digest》这么著名的杂志…… 里面的文章如果有符合这些中国英语杂志主题并适合发表的…… 他们的编辑早就瞄上了,不用你投稿吧?想要投的话,建议还是多投一些没有在大的杂志、刊物上发表的好文章。毕竟大的杂志和著名刊物,发行量大,你看到了,人家编辑那么专业怎么可能没看到?!

216 评论


How are you doing these days I am so pleased that you remember my birthday !And I am so happy for the nice present given to me !Tell you what ,I hope that you can come to here if you have enough time !I promise that you'll be entertained very well ,then we'll have a good time !What else ,I hope you can tell me the direction of useing that kind of stuff ,namely my nice present !Thank you very much !I'm looking forward to hearing from you !

261 评论
