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中国科学引文数据库期刊1 动物分类学报C 2 动物学报 C 3 动物学研究 C 4 动物学杂志 C 5 古脊椎动物学报C 6 四川动物 E 7 中国实验动物学报C
132 评论


关于英语杂志,我是最有发言权的 我看过很多杂志,也在杂志上发表稿件若干,现在集中推荐一些 〈英语沙龙〉 包含初级版,实战版,阅读版 2〈英语文摘〉 包含时事版,心境版 英语广场 初级学习者读物 海外英语 很好的杂志 推荐]

232 评论


Jokes About Animal A cat with suspected Multiple Personality Disorder: As an experienced veterinary psychologist, I have treated many cats for a wide variety of conditions, including Feline Factitious Disorder (FFD), Siamese Schizophrenia, Generalized Angora Anxiety Syndrome (GAAS), Hysterical Hairballs, Catnip Dependence, Finicky Personality Disorder, and of course, MPD (usually known as Feline Dissociative Disorder, multiple type) What small success I have had has been the product of rigorously applied Multiphasic Empathic Ontogenic Work (MEOW) It is demanding of both therapist and patient, but given sufficient motivation and an understanding owner, it is the only The first phase of treatment requires repeated application of Feline Exo-Empathic Dysphoric Mood Exercises (FEEDME) until a stable period of at least one month has been The next phase begins the challenging of the fragmentation, and it entails the Lovingly Interpreted Transferential Topographic Entity Rapprochement By Observed Xenophobia maneuver (LITTERBOX) in which the very fragmentation itself is made toxic to the The final phase produces a single, intact personality through Positive Unified Reintegrated Reinforcement (PURR), and though this phase can last upwards of two years, it is essential that it be performed unerringly with intensely focused A thorough exegesis of MEOW treatment can be found in my latest book, "Feline Analytic Theory & Character: Assessment and Technique" (FATCAT)

211 评论


给你推荐几种(有详细地址的是SCIE收录的期刊):1.Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionBimonthly ISSN: 0931-2439WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774 2.Journal of Applied Animal NutritionCambridge University Press 3.Animal Feed Science and TechnologyBiweekly ISSN: 0377-8401 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 4.Archives of Animal NutritionBimonthly ISSN:1745-039XTAYLOR & FRANCISLTD, 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTONPARK, ABINGDON, ENGLAND,OXON, OX14 4RN 5.INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITIONQuarterly ISSN:0970-3209ANIMAL NUTRITIONSOC INDIA,C/O HI-TECH COMPUTERS, KUNJPURA ROAD, KARNAL, INDIA, 00000 6.BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONSemimonthly ISSN:0007-1145CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, EDINBURGHBLDG, SHAFTESBURY RD, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND,CB2 8RU 7.Journal of Animal Science and BiotechnologyQuarterly ISSN: 2049-1891BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 236 GRAYS INN RD, FLOOR 6, LONDON, ENGLAND, WC1X8HL 8.Journal of Pet Animal NutritionJapanese Society of Pet Animal Nutrition

130 评论


  • 关于动物的杂志英语

    给你推荐几种(有详细地址的是SCIE收录的期刊):1.Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionBimo

    龙井12345 3人参与回答 2024-07-01
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    新艺能门窗公司 6人参与回答 2024-06-30
  • 关于英语的杂志

    The Economist,英语周报,英语学习,英语广场,21世纪报,这些英文杂志都是非常好的选择。

    麦兜籹籹 7人参与回答 2024-06-28
  • 关于动物的杂志


    满堂红李娜 5人参与回答 2024-06-29
  • 有关动物的英语论文

    Im I can't make sorry~~~

    长亭不再送别 2人参与回答 2024-07-01