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《商业模式的经济解释Ⅱ(全彩版)》(魏炜)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: -cfXIdqzCdfmLTJqur0fWA 提取码: vpvn    书名:商业模式的经济解释Ⅱ(全彩版)作者:魏炜豆瓣评分:9出版社:机械工业出版社出版年份:2015-1-1页数:225内容简介:商业模式如何不只依赖于商业直觉,而是系统化地进行设计并持续升级,《商业模式的经济解释(2)》将单个企业的边界打破,开创性地提出了商业模式共生体、商业模式设计工程学等新概念、新方法、新思想,使企业的商业模式设计有依据、有途径、有方法,更加系统化。《商业模式的经济解释(2)》中不仅有定性的方法,比如设计商业模式的原理和原则,还提出了定量的方法,例如基于商业模式的“会计核算方法”和基于商业生态圈的“财务分析方法”等。这些方法,无疑可以帮助企业家、创业者和管理者设计出更好的商业模式,获得企业的长足发展与成功。作者简介:魏炜,1965年12月出生于新疆农六师105团,湖南宁乡人。1990年在清华大学获工学硕士学位,2004年在华中科技大学获管理学博士学位。主要从事企业战略管理、商业模式、组织经济学等方面的研究。曾在新疆工学院和新疆大学工作,现为北京大学汇丰商学院管理学副教授、北京大学汇丰商学院聚成实践家商业模式研究中心主任。兼任创维集团、中兴通讯、大连獐子岛、新疆金风科技、新疆新能源、北京居泰隆、天音控股等多家上市/非上市公司的独立董事或管理顾问。在《管理世界》《经济与管理》《统计与决策》《创富志》《中欧商业评论》《北大商业评论》《清华管理评论》等国内外学术和财经期刊发表论文100余篇。已出版论著:《透析盈利模式》《商业模式的经济解释》《发现商业模式》《重构商业模式》《慈善的商业模式》《管理制度的经济分析与设计》《再造商学院课堂》等。朱武祥,1965年5月19日出生,江西高安人。清华大学管理信息系统专业学士(1987年),技术经济专业硕士(1989年),数量经济学博士(2002年)。现为清华大学经济管理学院公司金融学教授、博士生导师。研究领域为公司金融,包括:企业微观交易结构与商业模式,企业金融微观结构与金融解决方案(企业金融工程),企业资本运作与价值管理(战略投资,多元化,并购重组)及金融市场管制与发展。现任中国金融学会常务理事、中国金融学会金融工程专业委员会常务委员、中国农村金融学会常务理事、中国社科院融资租赁研究基地副理事长。出版论著:《透析盈利模式》《商业模式的经济解释》《发现商业模式》《重构商业模式》《商业银行突围》《中国股票市场管制与干预的经济学分析》《中国公司金融学》《轻资产运营:以价值为驱动的资本战略》《轻是美好的:一流企业的轻资产运营模式》等。林桂平,1982年10月出生,广东揭阳人。北京大学经济学博士,香港大学金融学硕士,北京邮电大学工科学士。主要研究领域为商业模式、战略管理、公司金融等。现为北京大学汇丰商学院聚成实践家商业模式研究中心研究员。曾在《管理世界》《中欧商业评论》《清华管理评论》《创富志》《管理学家》、Academy of International Business(AIB)、Emerald、中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)、Digital Enterprise Design and Management(DED&M)conference等知名期刊、杂志、国际会议上发表中英文论文20余篇。已出版论著:《透析盈利模式》《商业模式的经济解释》、Approaching Business Models from an Economic Perspective。

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150 评论


你你你这叫少啊。In system, hobbyhorse trick concealing and go over eliminate 402444206 @ of method Chen Jian 05 computer shifts business affairs academy Xinjiang finance and economics university Abstract: Now hobbyhorse kind and quantity are more and more many in the network , how, discovering and eliminating their is difficult one Key words: Hobbyhorse go over eliminates system The "hobbyhorse" is a piece in preface system very the headache thing, we introduce hobbyhorse procedure trick concealing , automation loading method underneath first, before the way introducing answering specifically for these Self way "hobbyhorse" procedure "hobbyhorse" procedure is concealed is able to want to use up all way concealing self , whose main approach has: Conceal self in mission fence: This is the most fundamental , the attribute sets up for False , ShowInTaskBar sets up for False as long as with the Form Visible, cannot only be capable to do turn up time procedure work hitting the target in mission Conceal the body in mission administration implement: The hobbyhorse can pretend very relaxedly as long as procedure is set up for "system service " It also certainly is able to get it in gear silently , self strikes a "hobbyhorse" again after the consumer is unable to get it in gear every time coming to work to serve end picture bid , serve end therefore the "hobbyhorse" will be voluntarily laden during the period of the consumer gets it in gear every time, automation loading application method ", "hobbyhorse" city have used Windows time system starting, such as: Start the good local being that the "hobbyhorse" goes into hiding such as group , ini , ini , logon Check "hobbyhorse" if automation loading in ini document, [WINDOWS] underneath, "the run = " and "the load = " are to may add the approach being loaded with "hobbyhorse" procedure , must notice them Under ordinary circumstances , behind their equal mark what not having , start a document if discovering a later and having route and the document is not that you know well that, your computer has moved towards the above-average "hobbyhorse" of You also certainly have to watch clear, because of a lot of "hobbyhorse", if "AOLTrojan hobbyhorse ", it disguises oneself becoming the xe document, if not paying attention to may can not discover it is not a real system starting In ini document, have the "shell = document in underneath [BOOT] The correct document has ought to be "xe", if being not "xe" , but "shell = xe procedure , that procedure following then later has been "hobbyhorse" procedure , you have already been hit by a "hobbyhorse" in other Condition in form is the most complicated in the logon , order firing the logon form editor implement greatly by regedit, in the strike extremely: The automation starting document , expansion if having self under "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" catalogue , in checking the key value not knowing well that called EXE , must always remember that here: Oneself document, thinks of some "hobbyhorse" procedure come into being document very much like system by pretending to slide through a test, if "AcidB0 hobbyhorse ", it transforms the lower logon form "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" Explorer key value into Explorer = "C: WINDOWSxe " ", the "hobbyhorse" only have "i" and the "l" difference between procedure and real E Still have much local certainly in logon form being able to conceal "hobbyhorse" procedure, such as ": HKEY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun " ", HKEY-USERS * * * * all are in the cards under the SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun " catalogue , the best way is the document finding "hobbyhorse" procedure under "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" , the reconnaissance is OK again in entire logon Check the operating principle killing a "hobbyhorse" having known a "hobbyhorse" , check to kill a "hobbyhorse" becoming very easy right If find that have a "hobbyhorse" existence, safety is also that effective method it is General Ma computer and network to disconnect most , prevent a hacker from carrying out go at on you by the

138 评论


In system, hobbyhorse trick concealing and go over eliminate 402444206 @ of method Chen Jian 05 computer shifts business affairs academy Xinjiang finance and economics university Abstract: Now hobbyhorse kind and quantity are more and more many in the network , how, discovering and eliminating their is difficult one Key words: Hobbyhorse go over eliminates system The "hobbyhorse" is a piece in preface system very the headache thing, underneath, first, we introduce hobbyhorse procedure trick concealing , automation loading method , are in the way introducing answering specifically for these Self way "hobbyhorse" procedure "hobbyhorse" procedure is concealed is able to want to use up all way concealing self , whose main approach has: Conceal self in mission fence: This is the most fundamental , the attribute sets up for False , ShowInTaskBar sets up for False as long as with the Form Visible, cannot only be capable to do turn up time procedure work hitting the target in mission Conceal the body in mission administration implement: The hobbyhorse can pretend very relaxedly as long as procedure is set up for "system service " It also certainly is able to get it in gear silently , self strikes a "hobbyhorse" again after the consumer is unable to get it in gear every time coming to work to serve end picture bid , serve end therefore the "hobbyhorse" will be voluntarily laden during the period of the consumer gets it in gear every time, automation loading application method ", "hobbyhorse" city have used Windows time system starting, such as: Start the good local being that the "hobbyhorse" goes into hiding such as group , ini , ini , logon Check "hobbyhorse" if automation loading in ini document, [WINDOWS] underneath, "the run = " and "the load = " are to may add the approach being loaded with "hobbyhorse" procedure , must notice them Under ordinary circumstances , behind their equal mark what not having , start a document if discovering a later and having route and the document is not that you know well that, your computer has moved towards the above-average "hobbyhorse" of You also certainly have to watch clear, because of a lot of "hobbyhorse", if "AOLTrojan hobbyhorse ", it disguises oneself becoming the xe document, if not paying attention to may can not discover it is not a real system starting In ini document, have the "shell = document in underneath [BOOT] The correct document has ought to be "xe", if being not "xe" , but "shell = xe procedure , that procedure following then later has been "hobbyhorse" procedure , you have already been hit by a "hobbyhorse" in other Condition in form is the most complicated in the logon , order firing the logon form editor implement greatly by regedit, in the strike extremely: The automation starting document , expansion if having self under "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" catalogue , in checking the key value not knowing well that called EXE , must always remember that here: Oneself document, thinks of some "hobbyhorse" procedure come into being document very much like system by pretending to slide through a test, if "AcidB0 hobbyhorse ", it transforms the lower logon form "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" Explorer key value into Explorer = "C: WINDOWSxe " ", the "hobbyhorse" only have "i" and the "l" difference between procedure and real E Still have much local certainly in logon form being able to conceal "hobbyhorse" procedure, such as ": HKEY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun " ", HKEY-USERS * * * * all are in the cards under the SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun " catalogue , the best way is the document finding "hobbyhorse" procedure under "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" , the reconnaissance is OK again in entire logon Check the operating principle killing a "hobbyhorse" having known a "hobbyhorse" , check to kill a "hobbyhorse" becoming very easy right If find that have a "hobbyhorse" existence, safety is also that effective method it is General Ma computer and network to disconnect most , prevent a hacker from carrying out go at on you by the

106 评论


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