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Cherish the water Good afternoon!my dear ladies and gentalman!today,I am glad to stand here to give you a speech and thank you giving me such a chance,I will not disappoint we all know that we can not live without water,although there is much water on the earth, but the water which we can drink ,it is very litte It just occunt for thirty percent ,the other seventy percent is and the seventeen percent of the thirty percent is on the north pole and south pole's so we can't drink it maybe someone will ask me why we don't drink the seawater ? there is much seawater on the earth ,isn't there?Yes,I have to admit that is truth,but do you know why we can't drink the seawater? Because the seawater include much poisonous thing and saltcontant it's bad for our Now, because humankind built a lot of fictory on the earth, it made the water became yellow from green and the sky became grey from blue, the north pole and south pole's glancier has began to thaw,and the sealelvel and temperature has razen when I was a child , there is a river in my hometown, at that time ,there are many frogs and fishs in the river ,when spring come ,many frogs sang songs onthe bank ,many children swam in the river, it made the river full of vim but now it has chenged , it became dirty and smelly,fishs and frogs disappear from this river ,it just leave much rabbish and weast-products in the accroding to this rivers experence ,I think if we don't control it we will distroy maybe someone will laugh at me and think I say frighting thing just to cause alarm,but we all know that the weather is more and more hot and arid,many river has began to dried-up, and many place became so, ladies and gentalman, we must cherish the waterand protect our environment or it will do harm to thanks for listening !

239 评论


水是人们生命中不可缺少的源泉,然而大量的开采和随手乱扔的垃圾以及排出的废水使我国的河流严重污染。 近年来不少人们认为虽然有些地区受到了水污染的影响,但是南京的水源还是不错的,因此而放松了自己对环保的意识。 我认为这样做是不对的。因为如果每一个人都这么想,那南京总有一天也会成为一个水污染较为严重的城市之一。但是光凭着我说是远远不够的。于是我来到了长江大桥下对长江水进行了调查,发现长江水的表面上有许多漂浮物;在大桥底下还有许多是人们随手扔下的垃圾;水也十分的浑浊,大量的泥沙被卷入到江水中。可见长江已经受到了较为严重的污染。已经有这么一条河流受到污染了,那一定还有更多的河流受到了污染。 如果人们继续去破坏河流那将会危机到人们的身体健康。人们要是喝下了这些被污染的水就会导致生病,使大量的水生物和农作物得到危机。所以人们必须从自我做起去保护好水源: 1、不向河里乱扔垃圾。 2、节约用水。 3、不要滥捕水生物。 4、工厂、医院等不要将污水排入水中。 5、不要在河边洗污物。 6、去提醒别人保护好水源。 让我们从身边的小事做起,去保护每一处水源共同来建造美好家园吧!

218 评论


  • 水环境论文3000字题目怎样写

    水是人们生命中不可缺少的源泉,然而大量的开采和随手乱扔的垃圾以及排出的废水使我国的河流严重污染。 近年来不少人们认为虽然有些地区受到了水污染的影响,但是南京的水

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  • 水环境论文3000字题目怎么写


    冰雪江天 5人参与回答 2024-06-25
  • 水环境论文3000字题目

    收稿日期: 2006 - 07 - 01  论工业革命以来生态环境危机的  客观必然性及其根治途径  毕学云,张智婷,郝明亮,李吉利,李瑞平  (河北小五台山国

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    梦梦890505 4人参与回答 2024-06-25