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Nut black oxide surface Magnesium stick an electrochemical corrosion test standards ASTMG97-89, the current efficiency is greater than or equal to 50 percent, the actual 1100Ah/kg capacitance greater than or equal Core and the anode should not exceed 01 ohm resistors4 welding between the core and the nut thickness of greater than or equal to Anode rod location with the nut welded stress test, test pressure ≥ 5Bar, packing more than 5 seconds, no- Anode rod and nut assembly was conducted after the 100kg, where testing, product can not pull off or cause other Core eccentricity of less than 5mm应该是这样吧
154 评论


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251 评论


1 nuts surface oxidation process 2 the electrochemical corrosion test of magnesium rod, standard ASTMG97-89, current efficiency is equal to or greater than 50 per cent, actual capacity is equal to or greater than the 1100A j h/kg3 core and anode resistance must not exceed 01 Core and nuts between welding thickness is equal to or greater than 35 anode and nuts welding position pressure test, the test pressure, the pressure it 5 Bar above 5 seconds, not leak6 the anode and nuts assembly and test, the product May 100kg there or other damage pulled Core eccentricity than 5 mm

133 评论


7 The size of the ferrite core is eccentricity limited within 5mm

180 评论


one nuts surface oxidation process wo the electrochemical corrosion test of magnesium rod, standard ASTMG97-89, current efficiency is equal to or greater than 50 per cent, actual capacity is equal to or greater than the 1100A j h/kgthree core and anode resistance must not exceed 01 ohmsfour Core and nuts between welding thickness is equal to or greater than 35 anode and nuts welding position pressure test, the test pressure, the pressure it five Bar above 5 seconds, not leaksix the anode and nuts assembly and test, the product May 100kg there or other damage pulled offseven Core eccentricity than 5 mm

336 评论


  • 物理化学学报英文文献翻译要求

    one nuts surface oxidation process wo the electrochemical corrosion test of m

    燃情咖啡 4人参与回答 2024-07-13
  • 物理化学学报英文文献翻译

    SCI的全称是Scientific Citation Index ,中文翻译是科学引文指数,是美国科学信息研究所(ISI)编辑出版的引文索引类刊物。创刊于196

    喵小萌103 4人参与回答 2024-07-13
  • 物理化学学报英文文献翻译版


    清清河中 2人参与回答 2024-07-12
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    Nucleic acids and proteins such biological molecules life is the material base,

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  • 生物化学文献翻译英文

    意思我明白……可是有些专业术语…… 要彻底明白这些assembly形成它们的功能的途径,需要捕获这些assembly在起作用的过程中每一步的原子结构。

    papapaopao 4人参与回答 2024-07-13