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首页 > 论文问答 > 小学生是正规刊物吗英语作文初一

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I have a pen She is a girl of twelve years She is from Astrulia\America\JOn the photo,she has bule\brown\black eyes and curly\straight She is very She can speak English\Janpanese very Her favorite sports is And she likes musice very There are 4 people in her family,her father,mother,brother and All the people in her family like China very much,and they hope one day can visit China so she is studying Chinese hardly This is my penpal,how about you?
222 评论


进官网_html是中学生话就点右上角的中学,然后进入页面以后在公告里面就有了。《21世纪报》是由国内最大的英文报系中国日报主办,集世界各地第一手的英文报刊资讯,是一张面向中国广大英语爱好者的普及性英语周报。在使用和学习英语的广大知识知识分子、涉外工作者中享有极度高的声誉和广泛的影响力。同时,也是英语四、六级考试,以及考研的理想读物。【报纸分类】《二十一世纪英文报》创刊于1993年,是为中国青年人学习英文、融入世界而量身订制的英文时事周报,坚持用原汁原味的语言、国际化的视野、思辨的态度、友善的设计,让英文学习变为真正的乐趣。《21世纪学生英文报》“高中版”创刊于2001年,是我国第一份根据中学生的英文阅读水平和需求而设计的英语时事周报。该报广泛用由国际主流媒体和出版机构提供的独家、最新专稿,以报道国内外新闻时事热点和文化娱乐时尚为主,内容集知识性、趣味性、可读性为一体,为青少年读者奉献了一份以新闻时事为主导、贴近广大中学生的学习和生活、富有鲜明时代特色的英文报刊。2007年“高中版”按照高中年级难度分为三个级别(高一版、高二版、高三版)。《21世纪学生英文报》“初中版”                                                               创刊于2003年,是国内第一份专门为初中生设计的英语学习时事周报,每周一出版。“初中版”以报道时事文化为主导,以浅显地道的英语为读者报道新闻时事、校园热点、文化知识、休闲阅读、娱乐体育等方面的精彩内容。2007年“初中版”针对各阶段读者的特点分级改版为“初一版”、“初二版”及“初三版”。《21世纪学生英文报》“小学版”创刊于2003年,是一份专门为小学生设计的,以趣味时事、文化知识和卡通故事为主要内容的教育性双语周报,语言地道浅显,内容生动有趣、版面活泼新颖,是一份真正属于小学生自己的英文报。《21世纪英语教育》2005年5月创刊,是国内目前惟一一份针对英语教育产业的新闻资讯和行业调研的权威刊物。该报致力于为英语教育行业提供最优质的信息服务,及时整合和发布业内资讯、洞悉英语教育行业最新走向,并集合了大批英语教育界资深专家及协会资源,包括美国世界英语教师协会(TESOL)、美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)、英国国际英语教师协会(IATEFL)、剑桥大学英语考试部(ESOL)、中国教育协会外语教学专业委员会、全国基础外语教育研究培训中心、全国双语教育实验学校理事会、中国外语教育研究中心、教育部留学服务中心、中国翻译协会等。

196 评论


Snow Dusk and fog, sunset the The sun in the west have not yet fallen, the moon, the rush came from the East Dai-colored sky, scattered under the Every petal, it seems that also with a hint of Leisurely inundated with snow, built up into the heaven and earth in a vast expanse of Catkin general snow, aloe general snow, mist and snow in general, flow, chase, to no staining when Xian Chen, dust off the point of time is not A blossoming flowers hexagonal, exquisitely carved, no one re- Powder carving Yuzhuo, but which an artist could design such a sophisticated lines? Which one can be carved so intricately carved out of arts and crafts? Not so much a masterpiece of nature, I would rather believe that a certain fairy palace days of tears! Twinkling of an eye, fir, pine trees have become Ke Qiong Yu- Yu Yang in exchange for the autumn of wearing a simple tunic, Fenglin is Tunxia six months of showing off a small red Jade Delpy kind of snow flying sky, the earth would just put on a thin silk yarn sweaters Want to get out of the octagonal kiosk stands a long time, just arrived Pavilion mouth, towards the feet could not help also Sparkling snow spilled everywhere, so I seem to have Tai-yu, "hoe out of hand to spend Xiulian, forbearance Petals come and go " M Of course, I'm not Lin Tai-yu, nor is it Li Qingzhao, otherwise, I will fill out a new word for a popular Standing on top of the hill, like a little wind Xiaofeng breeze is not Branches on the snow on the roof when the wind's embrace of several rotation playing smart children, to get another How many pieces pitch-black sky full of pearls Zhuizhuo, sometimes flash a soft hint of luster, dim, and carries the number of memories and yearning for Cher stars were not as deep, like diamonds, like right, as if fireflies, bits and pieces, flashing blur of light, seems to have Ying-stars in the sky was light I do not know when a small clothes covered with snow, looking at them, I suddenly recalled an article written by Lu X It is specifically written snow, the specific content of forget, but always remembered the snow M Lu Xun, known as the essence of soul Consider also, rain, or water; snow out? S This is perhaps, lies the charm of the snow bar! That elusive snow will be less than the rain to smoke such as fog flowers in general, no further than the beautiful flower patterns show to As long as you like, as long as the snow is not broken do not oriented, you can enjoy your fill thin Zai Z You appreciate that the snow is Gently shake off a silver heart, some went so far as to accept defeat, to pursue it, and then go beyond it, step by step, walk down the

342 评论


What shall we do to help protect our environment? Since our environment has been polluted so much, we should do something and take some measures to protect our poor Fristly, I'd like to tell everyone that our environment is very weak so that we should try our best to protect our We throw the waste here and Secondly, water shouldn't be We can even use water in Finally, education can not be If there's no education, everything having been done means almost So let's take action to protect our 你要是觉得不够就自己加吧,自己看着删,肯定不会和别人撞,我刚自己写的,语法应该没什么问题的~ 给分吧~

255 评论


Since last summer, I have written to my pen pal, Seda, who lives in T I became acquainted with her when I went to England for a study We stayed with the same family, and she was my roommate and classmate as Sometimes we went to the movies together after Seda is very easy to get along I will always remember the two weeks I spent with We didn't forget each other and kept writing to each other after we returned Although I haven't seen her again since I left England, I still know how she is through letters, cards and Seda tells me her secrets and also shares her happiness and sadness with me Both of us hope that we will meet each other somewhere one Maybe I'll go to Turkey to visit her, or she'll come to Taiwan to visit

243 评论


【Hello ,We have some interesting and fun things this 不计词数】Firstly,we have an Art Festivel on September 8th and a school trip in QThen,there is an English test in November Finally,there are two great activities in December——an English party on December 2nd and a soccer game on December 【44words】 Here we hope each student can take an active part in these activities and make good 【44+17words=63words】祝你开心如意!

198 评论


I have a good He is my pen His name is THe is 14 years He is from America。He likes playing basketball best。He want to go to Cina。He want to go to the Great WMy English is poor,so,he helps me to study English。We are good friend我自己写的,应该对了

120 评论
