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System Trojan hidden tricks and clear the check method Chen Jian 05 computer classes in Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics College of Business Abstract: The network is now in the type and quantity of horses more and more, how to find and remove them is a difficult Keyword: Trojan systems to clear checks Foreword System "Trojan horse" is a very troublesome thing, we first introduced the following Trojans hidden trick, ways to load automatically, since the introduction of these tricks of the "Trojan horse" program to hide their own "Trojan horse" program would leave no stone unturned to hide their own, the main way: Taskbar to hide their own: This is the most basic, as long as the Form's Visible property to False, ShowInTaskBar set to False, run-time program will not appear on the Stealth Task Manager: as long as the Trojan horse program is set to "service" can easily disguise Of course, it will start quietly, not every time users click on their own after the start of "Trojan horse" icon to run the services side, the "Trojan Horse" for each user will be automatically loaded server, Windows system start-up Automatic load application methods, "Trojan horse" will be used, such as: start the group, ini, ini, registry and so on are "Trojan horse" a good place to View the "Trojan Horse" is automatically loaded in the ini file, in the [WINDOWS] below, "run =" and "load =" it is possible to load the "Trojan horse" program means they have to look Under normal circumstances, they equate the back of nothing, if we find that there followed the path and file name you are not familiar with the startup file, your computer may be in the "Trojan horse" Of course, you have to take a closer look, because a lot of "Trojan horse", such as "AOLTrojan Trojan horse", it disguised itself xe document may not be found to not pay attention to if it is not the real start of the file In the ini file in the [BOOT] below have a "shell = file " The correct file name should be "xe", not "xe", but "shell = xe process", then followed that procedure is the "Trojan horse" program, you have to say " Trojan horse " In the registry of the most complex situations, through the command regedit open the Registry Editor, click to: "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" directory, there are no keys to see that they are not familiar with the automatic start of the document, known as the expansion EXE, bear in mind here: Some of the "Trojan horse" program to generate a document similar to its own file system, trying to muddle through camouflage, such as "AcidB0 Trojan horse", the registry will "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" under the Explorer key Read Explorer = "C: WINDOWSxe", "Trojan horse" program with the Explorer's really only between "i" and "l" In the registry, of course, there are many places to hide, "Trojan horse" program, such as: "HKEY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun", "HKEY-USERS **** SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" of the directory may, in the best course of action is "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" found under the "Trojan horse" program of the file name and then search the entire registry can Killing "Trojan horse" to know the "Trojan Horse" of the working principle, the killing of "Trojan horse" becomes very If it is found that the "Trojan horse" exists, the safest and most effective way to immediately disconnect the computer network to prevent hackers on your network to carry out
353 评论


新疆财经大学 百科名片  新疆财经大学是新疆唯一一所财经类高等学府,也是新疆维吾尔自治区重点建设的五所高校之一,担负着为新疆经济社会发展培养高层次人才的重任。学校坐落在乌鲁木齐市风景秀丽的北京路上,南、北两个校区总面积近62万平方米。  目录[隐藏]  学校简介  历史沿革  学校校训  师资力量  办学规模  办学理念  学校领导李中耀  阿斯哈尔·吐尔逊  乌斯满•达吾提  刘喜让  学校简介  历史沿革  学校校训  师资力量  办学规模  办学理念  学校领导 李中耀  阿斯哈尔·吐尔逊  乌斯满•达吾提  刘喜让  新疆财经大学校徽  [编辑本段]学校简介  新疆财经大学新疆财经大学的前身是1950年成立的新疆省人民政府干部培训班,1959年升格为新疆财经学院;1962年由于国家宏观形势变化和政策调整,新疆财经学院转制为新疆财贸学校;1980年5月,经国务院批准,恢复新疆财经学院建制;2000年12月,新疆财经学院、新疆经济管理干部学院和新疆财政税务学校合并组建新的新疆财经学院;2007年经教育部批准,学校更名为新疆财经大学。[1]  [编辑本段]历史沿革  1950年,成立新疆省人民政府干部学校。 1998年,获得硕士学位授予权。 2000年,原新疆财经学院、新疆经济管理干部学院、新疆财政学校含新疆税务学校合并成立新的新疆财经学院。 2001年,获得了MBA办学权。 2007年,正式更名为新疆财经大学。[2]  [编辑本段]学校校训  经世济公,至善至诚校训  [编辑本段]师资力量  学校共有教职工1449人,专任教师828人,占教职工总数1%,其中教授、副教授344人,副高以上职称教师占专任教师总数的5%;硕士学位教师403人,博士学位教师88人,硕士以上学位教师占教师总数的3%。学校共有硕士生导师125人,其中7名教师被中国人民大学、上海财经大学和中央财经大学遴选为博士生导师。 [1]  [编辑本段]办学规模  至善楼学校以普通本科教育为主,形成了包括研究生教育、成人教育和留学生教育在内的人才培养体系。目前各类在校生15000多人,其中研究生1334(含MBA)人,普通本专科生9600余人,留学生235人。 学校现有管理学、经济学、法学、文学、理学、工学等六大学科门类,16个硕士学位授权点(含MBA),26个本科专业,1个国家级特色专业建设点,2个自治区级重点学科,7个校级重点学科,设有14个学院和2个基础教学部,附设继续教育学院和商务学院(独立学院)。国家汉语水平考试(HSK)和英国雅思考试(IELTS)新疆考点均设在该校。 学校教学设施良好,拥有74间多媒体教室、14个(42间)实验室、60个校外实习基地,有现代化的运动场以及在新疆高校居领先地位的校园网络;图书馆拥有各类藏书103万多册。电子图书馆一角 学校现有管理学、经济学、法学、文学、理学、工学等六大学科门类,16个硕士学位授权点(含MBA), 学校重视科学研究工作,科研实力不断增强,科研特色与优势日益显著。近三年共承担了200多项国家和自治区等各级别科研课题,获得自治区级以上教学科研奖励数十项。 学校与中国人民大学、上海财经大学、中央财经大学等学校建立了对口支援关系,并与美国阿祖萨太平洋大学、日本亚细亚大学、吉尔吉斯斯坦比什凯克人文大学等9所大学建立了交流合作关系。学校与国内外学术界保持着密切的联系,经常邀请国内外知名学者来校进行学术交流,极大地促进了学校的教学和科研工作。[1]  [编辑本段]办学理念  世纪楼学校坚持以人为本的办学理念,坚持为新疆经济建设和社会发展服务、为新疆各族人民服务的宗旨,遵循以学科建设为龙头,以人才队伍建设为关键,以深化改革为动力,在改革中求发展,在发展中求提高,在服务中求支持,坚持走特色化办学之路,努力创建高水平财经大学。[1]  [编辑本段]学校领导  李中耀  李中耀李中耀,男,汉族,河南孟津人,1982年7月入党,1969年3月参加工作,北京师范大学教育经济与管理专业毕业,研究生学历, 教育学博士,教授。 现任新疆财经大学党委书记、副校长。 1982年7月,毕业于新疆大学中文系,后留校任教。 1990年6月,获四川大学中国古代文学硕士学位。 1991年后,先后任新疆大学校办副主任、人才交流中心主任、党办主任。 1996年8月,任新疆大学党委副书记。 2000年晋升教授。 2003年9月,新疆财经学院党委书记、副院长。 2003月12月,获北京师范大学教育学博士学位。[3]  阿斯哈尔·吐尔逊  阿斯哈尔·吐尔逊阿斯哈尔·吐尔逊,男,维吾尔族,新疆柯坪县人,1985年5月入党,1985年8月参加工作,新疆财经学院计划统计系计划统计专业毕业,大学学历,经济学学士,教授。 现任新疆财经大学党委常委、副书记、校长。 1981年9月-1985年7月新疆财经学院计划统计系学习; 1985年8月-1987年6月新疆沙湾县乌兰乌苏乡副乡长; 1987年7月-1987年12月新疆沙湾县计委副主任; 1987年12月-1988年2月新疆经济管理干部学院财商系教师; 1988年3月- 1993年5月新疆经济管理干部学院团委副书记、书记; 1993年6月-1994年1月新疆经济管理干部学院学生处处长; 1994年2月-1995年5月新疆经济管理干部学院教务处处长兼学生处处长; 1995年6月-1998年5月新疆经济管理干部学院总务处处长; 1998年5月-1998年7月新疆经济管理干部学院培训处处长; 1998年7 月-2000年11月新疆经济管理干部学院党委常委、副院长; 2000年12月-2005年3月新疆财经学院党委副书记、副院长; 2005年4月新疆财经学院党委常委、副书记、院长。[4]  乌斯满•达吾提  乌斯满•达吾提乌斯满•达吾提,男,维吾尔族,新疆麦盖提人,1976年7月参加工作,1985年7月入党,喀什师范学院体育专业, 在职研究生,副教授。 现任新疆财经大学党委常委、副书记。 07 新疆麦盖提县第二中学教师; 03 喀什师范学院体育系体育专业学习; 02 新疆师范大学体育系教师、球类教研室副主任; 01 新疆师范大学学生处副处长; 01 新疆师范大学学生处处长(其间: 09-07中央党校培训部新疆班学习); 09 喀什市委副书记(正县级 其间:07-07中国社会科学院研究生院经济法专业研究生课程班在职学习); 10 叶城县委副书记、代理县长; 01 叶城县委副书记,县长; 04 新疆财经学院党委常委、副书记。[5]  刘喜让  刘喜让,男,汉族,山东东明县人,1981年3月入党,1975年8月参加工作,1982年2月新疆农业大学植物保护专业毕业,农学学士,副教授,现任新疆财经学院党委委员、副书记。 现任新疆财经大学党委常委、副书记、纪委书记。 1978月3月至1982年2月在新疆农业大学(原新疆八一农学院)植物保护专业学习 1982年3月至1984年3月在新疆农业大学农学院任辅导员 1984年4月至1986年10月在新疆农业大学党委组织部工作 1986年11月至1994年2月在新疆农业大学植保系任副书记、副主任 1994年3月至2005年5月在新疆农业大学任党委组织部部长,其中,从2000年12月开始任党委常委 2005年6月任新疆财经学院党委常委、副书记。

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你你你这叫少啊。In system, hobbyhorse trick concealing and go over eliminate 402444206 @ of method Chen Jian 05 computer shifts business affairs academy Xinjiang finance and economics university Abstract: Now hobbyhorse kind and quantity are more and more many in the network , how, discovering and eliminating their is difficult one Key words: Hobbyhorse go over eliminates system The "hobbyhorse" is a piece in preface system very the headache thing, we introduce hobbyhorse procedure trick concealing , automation loading method underneath first, before the way introducing answering specifically for these Self way "hobbyhorse" procedure "hobbyhorse" procedure is concealed is able to want to use up all way concealing self , whose main approach has: Conceal self in mission fence: This is the most fundamental , the attribute sets up for False , ShowInTaskBar sets up for False as long as with the Form Visible, cannot only be capable to do turn up time procedure work hitting the target in mission Conceal the body in mission administration implement: The hobbyhorse can pretend very relaxedly as long as procedure is set up for "system service " It also certainly is able to get it in gear silently , self strikes a "hobbyhorse" again after the consumer is unable to get it in gear every time coming to work to serve end picture bid , serve end therefore the "hobbyhorse" will be voluntarily laden during the period of the consumer gets it in gear every time, automation loading application method ", "hobbyhorse" city have used Windows time system starting, such as: Start the good local being that the "hobbyhorse" goes into hiding such as group , ini , ini , logon Check "hobbyhorse" if automation loading in ini document, [WINDOWS] underneath, "the run = " and "the load = " are to may add the approach being loaded with "hobbyhorse" procedure , must notice them Under ordinary circumstances , behind their equal mark what not having , start a document if discovering a later and having route and the document is not that you know well that, your computer has moved towards the above-average "hobbyhorse" of You also certainly have to watch clear, because of a lot of "hobbyhorse", if "AOLTrojan hobbyhorse ", it disguises oneself becoming the xe document, if not paying attention to may can not discover it is not a real system starting In ini document, have the "shell = document in underneath [BOOT] The correct document has ought to be "xe", if being not "xe" , but "shell = xe procedure , that procedure following then later has been "hobbyhorse" procedure , you have already been hit by a "hobbyhorse" in other Condition in form is the most complicated in the logon , order firing the logon form editor implement greatly by regedit, in the strike extremely: The automation starting document , expansion if having self under "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" catalogue , in checking the key value not knowing well that called EXE , must always remember that here: Oneself document, thinks of some "hobbyhorse" procedure come into being document very much like system by pretending to slide through a test, if "AcidB0 hobbyhorse ", it transforms the lower logon form "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" Explorer key value into Explorer = "C: WINDOWSxe " ", the "hobbyhorse" only have "i" and the "l" difference between procedure and real E Still have much local certainly in logon form being able to conceal "hobbyhorse" procedure, such as ": HKEY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun " ", HKEY-USERS * * * * all are in the cards under the SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun " catalogue , the best way is the document finding "hobbyhorse" procedure under "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun" , the reconnaissance is OK again in entire logon Check the operating principle killing a "hobbyhorse" having known a "hobbyhorse" , check to kill a "hobbyhorse" becoming very easy right If find that have a "hobbyhorse" existence, safety is also that effective method it is General Ma computer and network to disconnect most , prevent a hacker from carrying out go at on you by the

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