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两个都是学术型硕士,以后毕业拿到的学位也都一样都是“文学硕士”但是,所属院系不同 翻译学属于上外高翻学院,在虹口校区。英语语言文学属于上外英语学院,在松江校区。其次,学习的内容不一样。概括地说,翻译学是一门专注于翻译理论研究的学科,它更倾向于描述翻译现象,把翻译放到文化背景和时代背景下去考察,从而探究翻译背后的原因,对特定的翻译现象作出解释,因此,翻译学是与翻译实践相对应的理论学科,其培养目标是向国家输送更多的学术型人才,从而推进翻译学科的发展。当然,这并不是说学了翻译学就只是一门心思地研究理论,实践就可以弃置不顾了,上外高翻在培养 MA 硕士时,除了重视翻译理论的教学外,同时也开设笔译、口译等实践课程,以期促进学生的全面发展。由于目前许多人对 MA 存在诸多误解,所以弄清楚这个学科的真实面目对打算报考 MA 的同学来说是非常重要的。►翻译学 学费 学费:4万/3年 全日制住宿费:800-1200元/年► 翻译学 研究方向口译研究 、笔译研究、 译学理论研究英语语言文学专业也是学硕,以培养教学和科研人才为主,侧重语言学方向的理论研究。强调专业理论功底扎实、专业技能熟练、知识结构完善、专业理论水平要求高、国际视野开阔。能在外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、科研等部门从事翻译、管理、教学研究的工作。特别是将来如果想进高校和出版机构,建议选择学硕。 ►英语语言文学 研究方向语言学方向、英美文学方向、比较文学方向、教学法方向、翻译学(笔译)方向、口译学方向、英语国家文化研究►英语语言文学 专业必修课程高级英语综合课、英语语法、英语泛读、英语视听说(I、II)、高级英语视听说、英语口语、英语口译(I、II)、英美概况、翻译理论与实践、语言学、学术论文写作、高级英语写作、英国文学史、美国文学史、英语教学法、美国思想经典作品导读等。►英语语言文学 专业选修课程英语语音、欧洲文化入门、西方礼仪、中国文化(英文讲授)系列课程、英语应用文写作、应用文翻译、英语影视鉴赏、英国文学选读、美国文学选读、英国社会与文化、美国社会与文化、英国史、美国史、外报外刊、西方修辞学、词汇学、英语演讲、英语辩论、美国诗歌选读、英语短篇小说选读、英语散文选读、英语长篇小说赏析、英国思想史作品选读、美国思想史作品选读、西方戏剧精华、西方文明史、英语报刊选读、英语文体学、西方经典原著导读、政务口译、商务口译、国学典籍翻译、商务翻译、报刊选读与翻译、影视翻译、西方翻译理论概要、英汉语言对比与翻译等50余门选修课程。►费用 学费:4万/3年 全日制住宿费:800-1200元/年

229 评论


The above equation was used to obtain θ for various values of L for each The block heights were calculated using E (1) 上面的方程式用来得出每一玻璃块的不同L值时的θ。玻璃块的高度用式(1)计算。The difference between measured height and mean calculated height for the four blocks were, respectively, 16 mm, 18 mm, 07 mm and 15 4个玻璃块实测高度和平均计算高度之间的差别分别是16 mm, 18 mm, 07 mm 和 15 mm。The maximum difference was 16% and the minimum difference was 2% 最大差别是16%,而最小差别为2%。This results show that the variation of projection angle across the field of view will not introduce significant 这一结果表明,投影角跨视场的变化将不会引入明显的误差。Thus, the variation of projection angle across the FOV is not critical in height measurement using the 因此,投影角跨视场的变化在采用本装置进行高度测量时不是关键的。5 Tilt measurements on glass 5 对玻璃块的倾角测量 In the work on glass block tilt measurement, experiments were conducted using six different 在对玻璃块倾角测量的研究中,用了6个不同的隔离物进行实验。Slip gages were used as spacers to introduce tilts in the glass blocks because they can be attached easily to the glass surface by sliding 采用滑移规作为隔离物来引入玻璃块的倾角,因为它们可以用滑移动作方便地附于玻璃表面。In addition, the gages allow small differences in tilts to be 此外,滑移规还可允许引入小的倾角差别。The experiment was conducted twice with different sets of spacers to confirm 实验用两组不同的隔离物进行两次,以证实重复性。Tilts were introduced in three of the glass blocks, while one was kept in the horizontal 在三块玻璃块上引入倾角,另一块则保持水平位置。The horizontal block was referred to as the reference 该水平的玻璃块就看作参考玻璃块。The first set of spacers of thickness 0 mm, 2 mm and 4 mm were used to introduce the tilts in blocks A, B and C, respectively, shown in F 3(a) 厚度为0 mm, 2 mm 和 4 mm的第一组隔离物分别被用来引入A块、B块和C块的倾角,如图3(a)所示。 To avoid errors caused by the positioning of spacer, the glass block and spacer edges were aligned using a steel 为了避免因隔离物定位引起的误差,玻璃块和隔离物的边缘用一把钢尺对准。The same steps were followed in preparing the glass block tilt specimens for the second set of spacer 在为第二组隔离物厚度准备玻璃块倾角样本中,遵循相同的步骤。In this experiment the tilt was introduced with spacers of thickness 5 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm on block A, B and C, respectively, to verify the 在本实验中,分别在A块、B块和C块上以5 mm, 3 mm a和 5 mm厚度的隔离物引入倾角,以验证实验。The tilted heights of the three blocks were measured relative to the height of reference block using the phase shifting 这三块玻璃块的倾斜的高度用相位偏移技术,相对于参考玻璃块的高度进行测量。The relative heights were computed from the phase map shown in F 3(d) 相对高度由图3(d)中所示的相位图进行计算。The pixel coordinates on the phase map were scanned using a computer 相位图上像素的坐标用一个计算机程序进行扫描。 The x-coordinates where the scanning starts are same for all the blocks, whereas the y-coordinates vary for each 扫描开始处的x坐标对所有玻璃块来说多相同,而y坐标则每一块都变化。The scanning stops when the end of the block is 当达到玻璃块的末端时,扫描就停止。The pixel values along each tilted block were traced from the starting x-coordinate to locate the approximately same grayscale value on the reference 沿每一倾斜玻璃块的像素值从开始的x坐标起被跟踪,以定位参考玻璃块上的近似相同的灰度值。The grayscale values were matched within ± 2 gray values as 如前面那样,灰度值在±2的灰度值以内是匹配的。The program then converts the matched pixel coordinates of both blocks into physical dimensions (in mm) and calculates the shift δx for the each matched gray 于是,程序将两个玻璃块匹配像素的坐标转换成物理尺寸(以mm为单位),并计算每一匹配的灰度值的偏移δx 。Using the values of δx and the illumination angle calculated using the θ-L relationship for the particular block height, we calculated the height of the tilted block relative to the reference 采用δx 值和利用特定玻璃块高度下的θ-L关系计算得出的照明角, 我们计算了倾斜玻璃块相对于参考玻璃块的高度。The height data were fitted using the least-squares method and the tilt angles for the blocks were obtained from the gradient of the fitted 高度数据用最小二乘法拟合,玻璃块的倾角由拟合数据的梯度而得到。

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