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哈哈,我是用百度搜的中文再用在线词霸转成英文贴给你的,可能不全能用,但有些应该能,我顺便把中文原文也给你。不过,狠狠,请注意人都是有社会性的,现在论文抄袭风猖狂,也有你一份功劳!我其实还可以检举你的综观语言科学的发展史,从高度抽象层面来看,其间总是交织着形式与功能两种理论观点的对峙与竞争,由此产生的不同学术观点、理论流派和描述方法,成为语言学发展的原动力,推动着整个学科不断向前。本世纪七十年代以后,这种对立愈演愈烈,形成所谓“索绪尔悖论”,在关注焦点和研究内容上体现为“内置语言”研究与“外置语言”研究之间的差别。就理论分野而言,社会语言学研究属于功能一派。在实际使用过程中,语言现象与社会文化因素发生交互作用之时,语言代码不再仅仅表示单纯语言学上的符号意义,而是蕴涵着复杂的社会因素和深刻的文化意义,—语言学研究有必要对此进行描述与解释。七十年代末,Chomsky将社会语言学研究喻为采集蝴蝶标本的工作,其重要性无法同理论语言学相提并论。二十余年之后,乔氏改变了当初的看法,声称从不怀疑社会语言学研究在语言科学中的合法地位。社会语言学研究的意义,还表现在促进课程建设、重视应用研究、繁荣语言学研究这三个方面。社会语言学自问世以来,在语言学研究发达的西方国家受到重视,同句法学、音系学,以及语义学一起,成为不少大学语言学系的核心课程。此外,社会语言学应用性研究也引起学术界广泛的重视,分别在法律语言、广告语言、诊断语言以及广义的语言教学与研究等领域得到充分实现。最后,社会语言学试图为语言实际使用中普遍存在的语言变异现象提供一种整合研讨模式与理论解释,特别是通过考察各种语言变体形式与社会文化影响之间的关系,旨在揭示言语行为与社会文化因素的互动模式,并对变异现象从多维角度进行说明与解释。让我们举一个常见的英语用法实例,来说明社会语言学对语言学研究的贡献。众所周知,反意问句是英语特有的现象。从结构上讲,反意问句有两种句法形式:1) This is an interesting book, isn't it?2) This isn't an interesting book, is it?这两种句法结构可视为同一语言现象的不同变体形式———两者可以在任何情况下互用,而不影响意思的表达。这一结构从形式上可以进一步表述为下列规则:Tag Question Rule in EnglishNP + VP, VP + NP? | + negative | | - negative | | + pronominal | | - negative | | + negative |但是从功能上讲,特别是在口语当中,同样都是反意问句,通过使用不同语调所表达的底蕴却大不相同。传统的解释是:句子后半部分读作轻声调时,表示信息咨询;句子后半部分读若降调时,含有期望对方确认之意。七十年代以来,随着社会语言学研究的发展,对这一语言现象及其功能特征有了新的认识。首先,来自语言性别差异的研究表明,反意问句从语言功能上讲多含有“犹豫不决”、“企盼认可”、“避免冲突”等底蕴,与西方文化对于女性社会角色的认定相吻合,故多为女子所使用。其次,来自方言变体的研究表明,在英国文化中反意问句常常用来表示“纡尊降贵”的言外之意,暗含明显的优越感底蕴。最后,来自法庭语境的调查还表明,反意问句不是女性的专利———其使用频率受到社会语境的制约和角色身份的支配,与其说是“女子英语”的表现,不如说是“弱式英语”的特征。由此可见,社会语言学为语言学研究提供了一种新的观察视野、新的分析方法,从而丰富了语言科学的研究内容,加深了我们对语言本质的了解。Looking at the history of scientific development languages, from the highly abstract level, during which are always intertwined with the theory of form and function of two kinds of conceptPoint of confrontation and competition, resulting in different academic perspectives, theories and describe the method of genres to become linguistic developmentThe driving force to promote the subject as a whole continue to move After the seventies of this century, this opposition intensified, the formation of theThat "Saussure's paradox", in focus and research content, an expression of "built-in language" research and "external language"Study the difference On the theory of distinction, the social function of linguistic research are In the actual use ofProcess, the linguistic phenomena and socio-cultural factors, interaction occurs when the language code is no longer just that simple linguisticOn a symbolic significance, but implies a complex social factors and the profound cultural significance - the need for linguistic researchThis description and The late seventies, Chomsky described as the social linguistic research work of butterfly specimens collected, And its importance can not be compared with the theoretical More than 20 years later, Qiao Shi has changed the original view, claiming thatNever doubted the social linguistic research in the language of science in legal The social significance of linguistic research, but also in the promotion of curriculum construction, emphasis on applied research, to study the prosperity of LinguisticsThree Since the inception of Sociolinguistics in the Linguistics developed Western countries be taken seriously, with sentences of Law, Phonology, and semantics, together with a number of the Department of Linguistics, University of the core In addition, social linguistics should beWith a wide range of research also attracted academic attention, respectively, in the legal language, advertising language, diagnosis, language, and generalLanguage teaching and research in such fields as fully Finally, social linguistics, the actual use of language in an attempt to PuOver the existence of the phenomenon of language variation to provide an integrated model and discuss theoretical explanation, in particular by looking at a variety of languagesVariations of form and the social and cultural impact of the relationship between the behavior and speech to reveal the interaction model of social and cultural factors, And the phenomenon of variation from the description and interpretation of multi-dimensional Let us take a common English usage examples to illustrate the social linguistics contribution to the study of Public of the WeekI know, anti-sense questions with the English language-specific Structurally speaking, the anti-sense questions with two syntax forms:1) This is an interesting book, isn't it?2) This isn't an interesting book, is it?Syntactic structure of these two phenomena may be regarded as the same language in different variations --- the two can cross in any circumstancesUse, without affecting the expression of This structure can be further from the formal presentation of the following rules:Tag Question Rule in EnglishNP + VP, VP + NP?| + Negative | | - negative | | + pronominal || - Negative | | + negative |But from the functional sense, especially in the spoken language among the same questions with both anti-Italian, by using a different tone expressed by theHeritage is much The traditional explanation is: the latter part of the sentence read as soft-tune, it said that information consultation; sentence after theHalf of the time if the falling tone, the meaning contains the hope that the other party to Since the seventies, with the hair of SociolinguisticsExhibition of this language phenomenon and its functional characteristics of a new First of all, from the linguistic studies have shown that gender differencesAnd anti-meaning from the language function in terms of questions with multiple containing the words "hesitant," "look forward to approval", "avoid conflicts" and so on at the end ofYun, and Western culture for the identification of social roles of women in line, so mostly used by Secondly, from the dialectStudies have shown that variants in the British culture is often used to indicate anti-sense questions with "pride and Yu," meaning, which impliedObvious sense of superiority Finally, the Court of context from the survey also showed that anti-sense questions with not unique to women --- Its frequency of use by the social context of the constraints and the role of dominant identity, not so much a "women's English" performance, As it is "weak English" Thus, social linguistics, linguistics research for a newObserve the field of vision, a new analysis method, thus enriching the language the content of scientific research to enhance the nature of our languageL
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论指称理论的后现代演变,哲学研究,1998, 4期, 58-论真理观的后现代走向,自然辩证法研究,1998, 7期, 13-论心理意向的后现代重建,自然辩证法研究,1999, 1期, 5-托马斯·库恩:1992-1996(译文),科学技术与辩证法,1999, 6期, 56-语言哲学的后现代趋向,山西大学学报(哲社版),2000, 3期, 10-在转向中运动:20世纪科学哲学的演变及其走向,哲学动态,2000, 8期, 29-论“语言学转向”的哲学实质,科学技术与辩证法,2000, 5期, 28-理性重建的新模式―哈贝马斯规范语用学的实质(上),科学技术与辩证法,2001, 3期, 30-理性重建的新模式―哈贝马斯规范语用学的实质(下),科学技术与辩证法,2001, 4期, 32-后现代主义与科学实在论,自然辩证法研究,2001, 1期, 6-11,纳百家之言,数学术新风,科学技术与辩证法,2001, 1期, 科学哲学:它的过去与未来,洛阳师范学院学报,2001, 1期, 16-浅谈人文社会科学的科学性及发展取向,中国高等教育,2001, 9期, 8-论科学技术中的文化多样性,科学技术与辩证法,2002, 1期, 74-论哈贝马斯“语用学转向”的实质,自然辩证法研究,2002, 3期, 10-从语义学到语用学的转变,哲学研究,2002, 7期, 54-论语义学和语用学的界面,自然辩证法通讯,2002, 4期, 13-德国哲学传统中的语用思维,科学技术与辩证法,2003, 1期, 39-英国哲学传统中的语用思维,山西大学学报(哲社版),2003, 5期, 8-从科学逻辑到科学语用学,自然辩证法研究,2003, 9期, 21,论“语用学转向”及其意义,中国社会科学,2003, 3期, 53-论“语用学转向”及其意义(转载),新华文摘,2003, 11期, 36-美国哲学传统中的语用思维,科学技术与辩证法,2004, 4期, 33-法国哲学传统中的语用思维,洛阳师范学院学报,2004, 1期, 31-弘扬学术特色 创建学派基础 ,科学技术与辩证法,2004, 2期, 94-哲学传统中的语用思维,阴山学刊,维特根斯坦“语言游戏”语用学的构造, 江西社会科学, 2005,2期,44-认识活动实在性的语言符号表征, 科学技术与辩证法, 2005年,02期,39-语境分析方法的起源, 科学技术与辩证法, 2005年,4期,13-视域与路径:语境结构研究方法论, 科学技术与辩证法, 2005,5期,38-科学知识合法化的新解释:社会认识论视野,自然辩证法研究,2006,4,18-当代西方社会科学哲学的研究现状、趋势和意义,中国社会科学,3,26-语境主义世界观的特征,哲学研究,2006年5期,94-社会科学哲学的论域,科学技术与辩证法,3,71-从语义学到语用学的转变,哲学堂,2005,1,71-当代西方社会科学哲学发展趋势, 新华文摘, 2006,论库恩的语言学转向,科学技术与辩证法,2006年6期,53-科学语言的形成、特征和意义,自然辩证法研究,2007年2期,13-论技术负面价值根源的形成,科学技术与辩证法,2007年2期,79-社会认识论视野中的认知偏见,自然辩证法通讯,2007年3期

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