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The power semiconductor device and the micro electron power semiconductor device is in the semiconductor device important link, it and the micro electron component relations is close, because the micro electron component required power semiconductor device forms a complete set provides its power source and the execution If develops rapidly computer, when CPU from 286,486, to gallops I, II, III, IV…When development, to took the power source the power semiconductor request increasingly is also For example the present is developing the voltage to be smaller than 1 volt, on the electric current hundred amperes power sources, this must develop the newest MOSFET component to be able to meet the In order to achieve these renew unceasingly the performance index, the power semiconductor device must use the micro electron component similar fine This will also be this article is detailed The power semiconductor device and the integrated circuit close union, in the one has arranged in order four aspects in the chart: Namely 1) power and micro electron component in chip manufacture craft already day by day close: The power MOS component in order to achieve a better performance, for example requests to pass condition the resistance lowly, its craft already from 20 year ago several microns technologies rapidly to submicron even deep submicron This and the micro electron component development is 2) the MOS component seal technology is also approaching to the integrated These for years, the power MOS component has used has inverted (Flip) likely, ball grid array (BGA) and packing forms and so on multi-chip module (MCM)These all are the quite new integrated circuit packing 3) looked from the component structure that, makes the power MOS component and the integrated circuit in the identical chip perhaps the identical packing, is one of recent development Therefore the power semiconductor device equates simply for established separately the component no longer to be Take the IR Corporation product as the example, the power integrated circuit, perhaps and IC does in the same place power component, as well as the special advanced component, held its product one above the 4) the comprehensive solution (Total Solution) is each kind of component finally Seeks the component the function integrity, in the solution application all questions is the component manufacturer's Had the integrated circuit to enter the power semiconductor device, this kind of comprehensive solution plan was easier to Not only to the low power direction is so, even the high efficiency direction is also pursuing a greater integration rate and the comprehensive Certainly, contains all functions by a component not necessarily forever is the preferred For example must consider the rate of finished products the loss, but also must pay attention to the protection customer to develop the electric circuit on own initiative the
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推荐《仪器仪表学报》,EI期刊,以下是该杂志的收录情况,希望有所帮助:《仪器仪表学报》被以下数据库收录:CA 化学文摘(美)(2014)SA 科学文摘(英)(2011)JST 日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(日)(2013)EI 工程索引(美)(2016)CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(2017-2018年度)(含扩展版)北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》来源期刊:1992年(第一版),1996年(第二版),2000年版,2004年版,2008年版,2011年版,2014年版;

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    推荐《仪器仪表学报》,EI期刊,以下是该杂志的收录情况,希望有所帮助:《仪器仪表学报》被以下数据库收录:CA 化学文摘(美)(2014)SA 科学文摘(英)(2

    全全英英 2人参与回答 2024-07-05
  • 中国集成电路杂志社

    2008年第16届“中国十大杰出青年”获得者是:广州军区某部班长宗道辉; 中国航天科技集团公司第五研究院载人飞船系统副总设计师张庆君 中国乒乓球队运动员张怡宁(

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    小女孩不懂事 3人参与回答 2024-07-05
  • 中国集成电路期刊

    刊名: 中国集成电路 China Integrated Circuit主办: 中国半导体行业协会周期: 月刊出版地:北京市语种: 中文;开本:

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    Datasheet5 集成电路查询网 是中国最全、最新、最权威的电子元器件、集成电路数据手册、应用指南查询和下载网。你可以在里面查询很多的集成电路IC的资料或P

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