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首页 > 论文问答 > 有关植物生理学的论文摘要

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Using the plant soilless cultivation method, about two leaves a corn seedling to experience deficiency The missing element for K After three weeks of training to take out and maize physiological and biochemical indexes measuring, experimental results show that the deficiency of the corn seedling cultivation, the growth of the training of the obvious difference YuQuanSu corn seedling, and the deficiency symptoms performance in different Deficiency the raise, plant growth rate drop, rootshoot ratio changed, for plant growth and has great influence on
105 评论


不好。《谷物化学》是发表高质量科学论文的国际期刊,报告了最近在大麦、玉米、小米、燕麦、大米、黑麦、高粱、麦穗、小麦等谷物的遗传、组成、加工和利用等领域进行的重要研究。豆类(豆类、扁豆、豌豆等)、油籽和特产作物(堇菜、亚麻、藜麦等)。本报告涵盖了促进仪器、分析和方法领域的研究,以及与人类和动物健康或营养有关的谷物的利用。 谷类化学的摘要和/或索引载于:生物摘要、生物和农业索引、化学摘要、目前的内容、营养摘要和评论、药物摘要、科学引文索引、奶制品科学摘要、田间作物摘要、牧草摘要、植物育种摘要、回顾植物病理学,土壤和肥料,杂草提取。

87 评论


This article focus on agriculture and plant physiology is carried out on the basis of science, first of all, talking about plant physiology over the past few decades for the enormous contribution made by agriculture, followed by a talk at the beginning of China's agricultural situation in plant physiology, as well as the scope of the study, said the final plant Physiology research and the development of

357 评论


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    This article focus on agriculture and plant physiology is carried out on the bas

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    This article focus on agriculture and plant physiology is carried out on the bas

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