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Huang, Q, PM Huang, A Violante 2008 Soil Mineral-Microbe-Organic Interactions: Theories and Applications, Springer-Verlag, B 黄巧云 主编 2006 土壤学 中国农业出版社 Huang Qiaoyun 2006, Soil Biochemistry, In Land Use and Cover, edited by W Verheye, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, [] 吴金水 林启美 黄巧云 肖和艾 编著 2006 土壤微生物生物量研究方法及其应用,气象出版社。 Huang, Qiaoyun, W Chen and X Guo 2005 Sequential fractionation of Cu, Zn, and Cd in soils in absence and presence of In Soil Abiotic and Biotic Interactions and Impact (E PM Huang, A Violante, J-M Bollag and P Vityakon), Science Publishers, I, New Hampshire, USA, 301- Huang, Qiaoyun, M Pigna, MARao and AViolante 2005 Influence of acetate, phosphate, and citrate on the adsorption of acid phosphatase on variable-charge minerals and soil clays: implications in rhizosphere In Soil Abiotic and Biotic Interactions and Impact (E PM Huang, A Violante, J-M Bollag and P Vityakon), Science Publishers, I, New Hampshire, USA, 409- 黄巧云 2001 根际土壤的化学 《土壤化学》(李学垣主编)高等教育出版社, pp350- 黄巧云 胡红青 2001 土壤的氧化还原化学《土壤化学》(李学垣主编)高等教育出版社, 316- Huang, Qiaoyun, XGuo and W Chen 2001 Influence of rhizobia on the forms of Cu, Zn and Cd in two Chinese In: Biogeochemical Processes and Cycling of Elements in the Environment (JWeber, E Jamroz, J Drozd and A Karczewska ), 271-272, Polish Society of Humic Substances, Wroclaw, P 黄巧云(编委)2000 《土壤学》(黄昌勇主编), 中国农业出版社,北京 Huang Qiaoyun; MJiang and XLi 1998 Effects of variable-charge soil minerals on the adsorption, activity and kinetics of In Soil, Human and Environment Interactions ( Zhihong Cao et ), China Science & Technology Press, B 392- Huang Qiaoyun; MJiang and XLi 1999 Adsorption and properties of urease immobilized on several iron, aluminum oxides and In Effect of Mineral-Organic- Microorganism Interactions on Soil and Freshwater E ( J Berthelin; P M Huang; J-M Bollag and F Andreux), 167-174, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New Y (ISTP) 黄巧云主编 1997 迈向21世纪的土壤与植物营养科学, 中国农业出版社,北京。 黄巧云 陈雯莉 1997 土壤酶学研究的某些进展 《迈向21世纪的土壤与植物营养科学》, 208-214,中国农业出版社,北京。 吴剑媚 黄巧云 1997 土壤矿物与微生物的相互作用 《迈向21世纪的土壤与植物营养科学》,221-225 中国农业出版社,北京。 Chen, W; JZhou;Qiaoyun Huang and F Li 1996 Diversity of sym plasmid in Rhizobium fredii strains and plasmid stability under free-living and symbiotic In Diversity and Taxonomy of Rhizobia (FLi et ), 116- China Agricultural Scientech Press, B 黄巧云 1996 土壤酸碱化学 《土壤化学及实验指导》(李学垣主编),195-201, 中国农业出版社,北京。 黄巧云 1996 根际土壤的化学特点与养分元素的生物有效性 《土壤化学及实验指导》 (李学垣主编),201-208, 中国农业出版社,北京。 胡红青 黄巧云 李学垣 1995 铝毒及酸性土壤的改良,《现代农业科学研究进展》,70-73, 天津科学技术出版社,天津。 Huang, Qiaoyun; XLi and FXu 1994 Studies on diagnostic indices of aluminum toxicity and calcium deficiency for wheat growth in acidic The 15th World Congress of Soil Science, Acapulco, Mexico 5b:245- LX, Qiaoyun Huang and FXu et 1994 Forms of active Al in acid soils and Al The 15th World Congress of Soil S, Acapulco, Mexico 5b:246- 黄巧云 胡红青 李学垣 1994 土壤酸化与植物生长 《现代土壤科学研究》 (徐明冈等主编), 734-737, 中国农业科技出版社,北京。 Huang, Qiaoyun; XLi and FXu 1993 The Status of active and potential aluminum in acid soils and their toxicity to Pedosphere, 230-237, Nanjing University Press, N 黄巧云 徐凤琳 李学垣 杨金安 1992 溶液pH和硅、钙浓度对小麦铝胁迫的影响,《土壤资源的特性与利用》(李晓琳主编), 274-280,北京农业大学出版社,北京。
308 评论


土壤学报杂志社投稿主管单位:中国科学院主办单位:中国土壤学会 国内刊号:CN 32-1119/P国际刊号:ISSN 0564-3929《土壤》相关刊物中国土壤与肥料计算机农业应用水土保持通报农业工程学报土壤学报水土保持学报核农学报农业环境与发展土壤与环境植物营养与肥料学

265 评论


1土壤学报 中国土壤学会2土壤中国 科学院南京土壤研究所3土壤通报 中国土壤学会4中国水土保持 水利部黄河水利委员会5土壤肥料 中国农业科学院土壤肥料研究院、中国植物营养与肥料学会6水土保持通报 中国科学院、水利部水土保持研究所7土壤侵蚀与水土保持学报(改名为:水土保持学报) 中国科学院、水利部水土保持研究所8干旱地区农业研究 西北农业大学陕西省杨陵镇西北农业大学9植物营养与肥料学报 中国植物营养与肥料学会还有:PNAS ,SBB (soil biology and biochemistry),plant and soil

120 评论



218 评论


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