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1999年以来在正式期刊上发表论文40多篇(SCI收录9篇),还发表国际会议论文5篇。部分论文如下:(1) Anisotropy evolution in Ce2Co17-xGax compounds, Hu Shejun, JMMMater,1999 (196-197):707 (SCI, EI, ISTP收录)(2) Magnetic properties of Ho2Co17-xSix compounds, Hu Shejun, JAlloys and Copmds,1999 (284):60 (SCI, EI收录)(3) Structure and magnetic properties of Y2Co17-xSix compounds, Hu Shejun, Physica B, 1999 (270):157 (SCI, EI收录)(4) Structure and magnetic properties of Ce2Co17-xAlx compounds, Hu Shejun, JAlloys and Copmds, 1999 (283):83 (SCI, EI收录)(5) Magnetic domain structures and giant magnetoresistance of (Ni74Fe16Co10)35Ag65 films, Wang Hao, …, Hu Shejun etal, J A P 2000 (7): 4216 (SCI, EI收录)(6) Structure evolution and giant Magnetoresistance of granular NiFeCo-Ag films,Wang Hao, Hu Shejun etal, J P D: A P 2000 (33): 1464 (SCI, EI收录)(7) Structure and magnetic properties of Ce2Co17-xSix compounds,Wei Xingzhao, Hu Shejun, etal, Physica B, 1999 (262): 306-311 (SCI, EI收录)(8) Structure and magnetic properties of Gd2Co17-xSix compounds, Wei Xingzhao, Hu Shejun, etal, Physica B, 1999 (266): 249-255, (SCI, EI收录)(9) Ho2(Co,Si)17化合物的结构与磁晶各向异性,胡社军等,物理学报,2000, 49 (2): 355, (SCI收录)(10) Si原子择优占位对R2Co17化合物中Co次晶格磁晶各向异性的影响,胡社军等,金属学报,2000, 36 (6): 584(11) 非磁性原子对Ce2Co17居里温度和磁化强度的影响,胡社军等,中国稀土学报,2000 (3): 229(12) Ce2(Co,Si)17化合物的结构与磁晶各向异性,胡社军等,材料研究学报,2000 (4): 438(13) Ce2(Co,Ga)17化合物的结构与磁性,胡社军等,功能材料,2000 (3):255 (EI收录)(14) 多弧离子镀弧源靶工作条件对氮化钛薄膜中钛液滴的影响,胡社军,曾鹏,谢光荣等,真空,2000 (2): 30(15) Ti-Mo-N三元多层膜的结构与性能,胡社军,曾鹏,谢光荣等,材料科学与工程,2000 (3):31(16) Investigation of Multi-arc plating film equipment Bulat-6,胡社军等,功能材料,化工出版社,1997,北京,p: 483(17) 多弧离子镀膜机Bulat-6的技术特性,胡社军,曾鹏,谢光荣等,金属热处理,2000 (11): 41(18) RF/DC溅射316L/SiO2复合膜力学性能与显微结构的研究,温伟祥,胡社军,曾鹏,谢光荣等,真空,2001(2):16(19) 射频/直流磁控溅射不锈钢/陶瓷复合薄膜组织与性能的研究,胡社军,曾鹏,谢光荣等,材料导报,2001(4):25(20) 射频/直流磁控溅射不锈钢/Al2O3复合薄膜组织与性能的研究,温伟祥,胡社军,曾鹏,谢光荣等, 新技术新工艺,2001(3):20(21) 多弧离子镀Ti-W-N多元多层膜的研究,胡社军,曾鹏,谢光荣等,材料科学与工艺,2000 (3)(22) 工模具钢的金属离子注入强化工艺及其强化机理,吴起百,黄拿灿,胡社军等,热加工工艺,2000 (2): 8(23) Mo+C双元离子注入65Nb钢表面的研究,吴起百,黄拿灿,胡社军等, 材料科学与工程,2000 (2): 74(24) Ti,Y离子注入65Nb钢的表面优化,黄拿灿,吴起百,胡社军等, 金属学报,2000 (6): 634(25) WC+Co硬质合金离子束表面改性研究,黄拿灿,吴起百,胡社军等, 金属热处理,2000 (7): 10(26) Mo+C双元离子注入65Nb钢表面的研究,吴起百,黄拿灿,胡社军等,材料和学与工程,2000 ,18(2): 74(27) 纳米TiN颗粒在真空电弧反应中沉降的临界条件及表征,曾 鹏,胡社军等, 真 空, 2000 (6): 12(28) 真空电弧沉积多元膜复合靶成分离析效应的研究,曾 鹏,胡社军等,真空科学与技术学报,2000 (5): 373(29) Mo对多弧离子镀(Ti,Mo)xN涂层与组织性能的影响,曾 鹏,胡社军等, 金属热处理,2000 (8): 7(30) 多弧离子镀(Ti,W)xN合金涂层组织与性能,曾鹏,胡社军等, 材料工程,2000 (9): 33(31) 离子注入技术在纳米薄膜材料中应用,曾 鹏,胡社军等,广东省纳米材料研究进展,华南工大出版社,1999,广州, p:(32) 低能离子束对非晶Ni-P薄膜组织与性能的影响,曾 鹏,胡社军 等,材料保护,2001,8(33) 动态偏压与真空度对真空电弧沉积TiN涂层组织与性能的影响,曾 鹏,胡社军等, 金属热处理, 2001,8(34) 脉冲偏压对真空电弧沉积TiN薄膜组织与性能的影响,曾 鹏,胡社军等, 材料热处理学报,2001,22(3):62(35) Ti-Me多元复合靶真空电弧沉积的研究,曾 鹏,胡社军等, 机械工程材料,2001,25(11):30(36) 工艺条件对爆炸喷涂Al2O3陶瓷涂层,曾 鹏,胡社军等 宇航材料与工艺,4(37) 多弧离子镀Ti-W-N多元多层膜的研究,曾 鹏,胡社军 等,材料科学与工艺, 2000,8(3):37
258 评论


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其实Elsevier 公司的杂志都不要版面费,你可以登陆他们的网站查一下,ziice(站内联系TA)中文的没有不要的啊。还是发英文的吧,还比较快。liuyang8118(站内联系TA)如果真的没有,那有没有稍微便宜一点的啊!三五百也好啊!哪些动不动就上千啊!hotday(站内联系TA)这年头,发个论文都要钱xucz(站内联系TA)热加工工艺好像不太贵吧!casclzb(站内联系TA)宇航材料及工艺,应该不是很贵,且为核心期刊bringlee(站内联系TA)钢铁钒钛,核心 一月内有结果 审稿费不要,版面费每页200~300lizhou691(站内联系TA)路过,顶一下:D:Dwest_wind1(站内联系TA)老板交呗surnay(站内联系TA)国内的杂志大部分都是要版面费的,改成英文投国外吧,基本不收版面费sdueming(站内联系TA)国内中国科学E英文版不要审稿费和版面费zjqfree(站内联系TA)国外的要的比较少

190 评论


容敏智,聚合物粒子的生长,见:王乃昌等编, 定向聚合, 北京: 化学工业出版社, 1991, P268- M Q Zhang, M Z Rong, K Friedrich, Processing and properties of Non-layered nanoparticle reinforced thermoplastic composites, In Handbook of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites, Edited by H S Nalwa, American Science Publishers, 1~11发表的论文主要目录:近5年在国内外学术刊物正式发表共计84 篇,国外学术刊物 57 篇, 国内学术刊物 27 篇,SCI和EI收录 60 篇。获得与申请国内发明专利共5 项。[1] Hu JW, Li MW, Zhang MQ, Xiao DS, Cheng GS, Rong MZ, Preparation of binary conductive polymer composites with very low percolation threshold by latex blending, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2003, 24 (15): 889-893[2] 马传国,容敏智,章明秋,聚合物基复合材料导热模型及其应用, 宇航材料工艺,2003,3,1-[3] Wu CL, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Lehmann B, Friedrich K, Deformation characteristics of nano-SiO2 filled polypropylene composites, Polymer & Polymer Composites, 2003, 11 (7): 559-562[4] Li JR, Xu JR, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Carbon black/polystyrene composites as candidates for gas sensing materials, Carbon, 2003, 41 (12): 2353-2360[5] Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Shi G, Ji QL, Wetzel B, Friedrich K, Graft polymerization onto inorganic nanoparticles and its effect on tribological performance improvement of polymer composites, Tribology International, 2003, 36 (9): 697-707[6] Dong XM, Fu RW, Zhang MQ, Zhang B, Rong MZ,Carbon black filled poly(2-ethylhexyl methacrylate) as a candidate for gas sensing material, J M S L, 2003, 22 (15): 1057-1059[7] Lehmann B, Friedrich K, Wu CL, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Improvement of notch toughness of low nano-SiO2 filled polypropylene composites, J M S L, 2003, 22 (14): 1027-1030[8] Lu X, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Shi GA, Yang GC, All-plant fiber II: Water absorption behavior and biodegradability of unidirectional sisal fiber reinforced benzylated wood, 2003, P C, 24 (3): 367-379[9] Shi G, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Wetzel B, Friedrich K, Friction and wear of low nanometer Si3N4 filled epoxy composites, Wear, 2003, 254 (7-8): 784-796[10] Hou YH, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Performance stabilization of conductive polymer composites, J A P S, 2003, 89 (9): 2438-2445[11] Dong XM, Fu RW, Zhang MQ, Zhang B, Li JR, Rong MZ, Gas sensing materials from carbon black/poly(methyl methacrylate) composites, P & P C, 2003, 11 (4): 291-299[12] Dong XM, Fu RW, Zhang MQ, Zhang B, Li JR, Rong MZ, A novel sensor for organic solvent vapors based on conductive amorphous polymer composites: carbon black/poly(butyl methacrylate), P B, 2003, 50 (1-2): 99-106[13] Dong XM, Fu RW, Zhang MQ, Zhang B, Li JR, Rong MZ, Vapor-induced variation in electrical performance of carbon black/poly (methyl methacrylate) composites prepared by polymerization filling, Carbon, 2003, 41 (2): 371-374[14] Privalko VP, Shumsky VF, Privalka EG, Karaman VM, Walter R, Friedrich K, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Viscoelasticity and flow behavior of irradiation grafted nano-inorganic particle filled polypropylene composites in the melt state, J M P T, 2003, 137 (1-3), 208-[15] Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Wang HB, Zeng HM, Surface modification of magnetic metal nanoparticles and its influence on the performance of polymer composites, J P S P P, 2003, 41 (10), 1070-[16] Li JR, Xu JR, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Electrical response to organic vapor of conductive composites from amorphous polymer/carbon black prepared by polymerization filling, M M E, 2003, 288 (2), 103-[17] Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Zhang HB, Friedrich K, Mechanical properties of low nano-silica filled high density polyethylene composites, P E S, 2003, 43 (2), 490-[18] Lu X, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Shi G, Yang GC, Self-reinforced melt processable composites of sisal, C S T, 2003, 63 (2), 177-[19] Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Liang HC, Zeng HM, Surface modification and particles size distribution control in nano-CdS/polystyrene composite film, C P, 2003, 286 (2-3), 267-[20] Hou YH, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Carbon black-filled polyolefins as positive temperature coefficient materials: The effect of in situ grafting during melt compounding, J P S P P, 2003, 41 (1), 127-[21] 马传国,容敏智,章明秋, 纳米碳酸钙及其表面处理对等规聚丙烯结晶行为的影响, 高分子学报,2003,3,381-386,[22] 石光,章明秋,容敏智, 纳米AL2O3填充环氧树脂复合材料的摩擦学性能(学术论文), 摩擦学学报,2003,23(3),211-215[23] 唐明明,容敏智, 章明秋等,AL2O3的表面处理及粒子尺寸对SBR导热橡胶性能的影响, 合成橡胶工业,2003,26(2),104-107,[24] Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Wang HB, Liang HC, Zeng HM, Magnetic metal nanoparticles filled polymer composites, Proceedings of the ACNU - 4, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2002, p331 - 335 (ISBN: 0 7334 18627)[25] Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Friction and wear performance of grafted nano-SiO2/epoxy composites, Proceedings of the ACNU - 4, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2002, p339 - 343 (ISBN: 0 7334 18627)[26] 吴春蕾, 章明秋, 容敏智, 纳米SiO2表面接枝聚合改性及其聚丙烯复合材料的力学性能, 复合材料学报,2002,19(6),61-67[27] Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Pan SL, Friedrich K, Tensile properties of polypropylene filled with nanoscale calcium carbonate particles, A C L, 2002, 11 (6): 293-298[28] Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Yu SL, Wetzel B, Friedrich K, Effect of particle surface treatment on the tribological performance of epoxy based nanocomposites, Wear, 2002, 253 (9-10), 1086-1093[29] Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Wang HB, Zeng HM, Surface modification of magnetic metal nanoparticles through irradiation graft polymerization, A S S, 2002, 200 (1-4), 76-93[30] Wetzel B, Haupert F, Friedrich K, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Impact and wear resistance of polymer nanocomposites at low filler content, P E S, 2002, 42 (9), 1919-1927[31] Ji QL, Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Friedrich K, Graft polymerization of vinyl monomers onto nanosized silicon carbide particles, P P C, 2002, 10 (7), 531-539[32] Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Liu Y, Zhang ZW, Yang GC, Zeng HM, Mechanical properties of sisal reinforced composites in response to water absorption, P P C 2002, 10 (6), 407-426[33] Lu X, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Shi G, Yang GC, All-plant fiber I: Unidirectional sisal fiber reinforced benzylated wood, P Composites, 2002, 23 (4), 624-633[34] Wu CL, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Friedrich K, Tensile performance improvement of low nanoparticles filled-polypropylene composites, C S T, 2002, 62 (10-11), 1327-1340[35] Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Liu Y, Zhang ZW, Yang GC, Zeng HM, Effect of stitching on in-plane and interlaminar properties of sisal/epoxy laminates, J C M, 2002, 36 (12), 1505-1526[36] Privalko VP, Karaman VM, Privalko EG, Walter R, Friedrich K, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Viscoelasticity and flow behavior of irradiation grafted nano-inorganic particle filled polypropylene composites in the melt state, S T A M, 2002, 3, 111[37] Privalko VP, Karaman VM, Privalko EG, Walter R, Friedrich K, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Structure and thermoelasticity of irradiation grafted nano-inorganic particle filled polypropylene composites in the solid state, J Macromolecular Science-Physics, 2002, B41 (3): 487-505[38] Liang HC, Xiang H, Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Zeng HM, Wang SF, Gong QH, Self-organization of CdS nanoparticles in polystyrene film, Chinese P L, 2002, 19 (6), 871-874[39] Rong MZ, Ji QL, Zhang MQ, Friedrich K, Graft polymerization of vinyl monomers onto nanosized alumina particles, E P J, 2002, 38 (8), 1573-1582[40] Hou YH, Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Yu G, Zeng HM, Improvement of conductive network quality in carbon black-filled polymer blends, J A P S, 2002, 84 (14), 2768-2775[41] Zeng R, Wang SF, Liang HC, Rong MZ, , Nanostructured silver/polystyrene composite film: Preparation and ultrafast third-order optical nonlinearity, P P C, 2002, 10 (4), 291-298[42] Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Liu Y, Yan HM, Yang CG, Zeng HM, Interfacial interaction in sisal/epoxy composites and its influence on impact performance, P Composite, 2002, 23 (2), 182-192[43] Zeng R, Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Liang HC, Zeng HM, Laser ablation of polymer-based silver nanocomposites(学术论文), A S S, 2002, 187 (3-4), 239-247[44] Zhang MQ, Rong MZ, Yu SL, Wetzel B, Friedrich K, Improvement of tribological performance of epoxy by the addition of irradiation grafted nano-inorganic particles, M M E, 2002, 287 (2), 111-115[45] 梁海春,容敏智,章明秋,曾汉民,微乳液法制备纳米银粒子的结构及其荧光现象研究, 物理学报,2002, 51 (1),49-54[46] 容敏智,章明秋,郑永祥,曾汉民,纳米SiO2增韧增强聚丙烯的界面效应与逾渗行为, 复合材料学报,2002,19(1),1-4,[47] 吴春蕾,章明秋,容敏智,聚丙烯固相接枝苯乙烯和丙烯酸乙酯的研究, 中国塑料,2002,16(8),48-52,[48] 李军荣,许家瑞,章明秋,容敏智,填充型聚合物基气敏导电复合材料, 材料导报,2002, 16(11),48-51,[49] 陈慧文,容敏智,章明秋,分子与纳米自组装材料的研究进展, 材料导报,2002,16(8),59-61[50] 马传国,容敏智,章明秋,导热高分子复合材料的研究与应用, 材料工程,2002,7,40-45[51] 卢询,章明秋,容敏智,剑麻纤维增强聚合物基复合材料, 复合材料学报,2002,19(5),1-6,[52] 容敏智,章明秋,王红兵,纳米磁性粒子/聚合物复合材料的界面与特性控制, 复合材料-生命、环境与高技术,天津大学出版社,2002,p203 (ISBN 7-5618-1677-4)[53] 容敏智,章明秋,刘原,缝合天然纤维层板的平面和层间性能研究, 复合材料-生命、环境与高技术,天津大学出版社,2002,p1085 (ISBN 7-5618-1677-4),[54] 石光,章明秋,容敏智,纳米Al2O3/环氧树脂复合材料的制备及摩擦学性能的研究(学术论文), 复合材料-生命、环境与高技术,天津大学出版社,2002,p213 (ISBN 7-5618-1677-4),[55] 卢询,章明秋,容敏智,全植物纤维复合材料-I 剑麻纤维自增强复合材料的制备与力学性能研究(学术论文), 复合材料-生命、环境与高技术,天津大学出版社,2002,p90 (ISBN 7-5618-1677-4),[56] 卢询,章明秋,容敏智,全植物纤维复合材料-I 剑麻纤维自增强复合材料的酶降解性能研究(学术论文), 复合材料-生命、环境与高技术,天津大学出版社,2002,p96 (ISBN 7-5618-1677-4),[57] Shumsky VF,… 容敏智,Viscoelastic behaviour of polypropylene-based nanocomposites in the melt state, A C L, 2001, 10 (4), 191-195[58] Zeng R, Rong MZ, Zhang MQ, Liang HC, Zeng HM, Interfacial interaction in Ag/polymer nanocomposite films, J M S L, 2001, 20 (16), 1473-1476[59] Min Zhi RONG, Ming Qiu ZHANG, Yuan LIU, Gui Cheng YANG, Han Min ZENG, Effect of Fiber Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Sisal Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Composites Science and Technology, 2001, 61(10), 1437-1447[60] Minzhi Rong, Mingqiu Zhang, Yongxiang Zheng, Hanmin Zeng, Rolf Walter, Klaus Friedrich, Structure-Property Relationships of Irradiation Grafted Nano-inorganic Particle Filled Polypropylene Composites, Polymer, 2001, 42, 167-183[61] Minzhi Rong, Mingqiu Zhang, Yongxiang Zheng, Hanmin Zeng, Klaus Friedrich, Improvement of Tensile Properties of Nano-SiO2/PP Composites in Relation to Percolation Mechanism, Polymer , 2001, 42, 3301-3304[62] Mingqiu Zhang, Minzhi Rong, Hanmin Zeng, Stefan Schmitt, Bernd Wetzel, Klaus Friedrich, An Atomic Force Microscopy Study on Structure and Properties of Irradiation Grafted Silica Particles in Polypropylene Based Nanocomposites, J A P S, 2001, 80, 2218-2227[63] Minzhi Rong, Mingqiu Zhang, Hong Liu, Hanmin Zeng, Bernd Wetzel, Klaus Friedrich , Microstructure and Tribological Behavior of Polymeric Nanocomposites, Industrial Lubrication & Tribology, 2001, 53(2), 72-77[64] Songting Tan, Minqiu Zhang, Minzhi Rong, Hanmin Zeng, Fangming Zhao, Properties of Metal Fiber Filled Thermoplastics as Candidates for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, Polymer & Polymer Composites, 2001, 9(4), 1-6)[65] Yan Hui Hou, Ming Qiu Zhang, Kan Cheng Mai, Min Zhi Rong, Gang Yu, Han Min Zeng, Heat Treatment-Induced Multiple Melting Behavior of Carbon Black-Filled Polymer Blends in Relation to the Conductive Performance Stabilization, J A P S, 2001, 80 (8), 1267-1273[66] Xun Lu, Minqiu Zhang, Minzhi Rong, Guang Shi, Guicheng Yang, All-Plant Fiber Composites: Selfreinforced Composites Based on Sisal, A C L, 2001, 10(2),73-79[67] Minzhi Rong, Mingqiu Zhang, Yongxiang Zheng, Hanmin Zeng, Rolf Walter, Klaus Friedrich, Irradiation Graft Polymerization on 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    容敏智,聚合物粒子的生长,见:王乃昌等编, 定向聚合, 北京: 化学工业出版社, 1991, P268- M Q Zhang, M Z Rong, K Fri

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