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《股市密码》(简称SMC),是由中国证券投资研究院主管,《股市密码》杂志社主办的中国首家证券教育类期刊,全书共96页,每月6日出版,面向全国公开发行。内容涵盖国际国内财经类重要资讯以及当月股市热门话题,杂志社汇集了中国证券界众多专家、学者及权威人士,以“证券实战教育、实用操作技巧、投资理论分析”为目标,旨在为中国亿万股民提供专业权威的股市资讯和炒股实战经验。目前开辟有《深度》、《前瞻》、《解密》、《理财》、《投资》等十余个特色栏目,为适应杂志社发展需要,现面向全国读者诚征稿件,欢迎踊跃投稿。  征稿内容  《谈股论金》:本刊卷首语,内容为股市当前热点、焦点等重大事件的社论,也可是针砭时弊的个人短评,文体不限,只要够尖锐,够辛辣,够智慧均可,每篇稿件3000字内。  《人物》:对金融行业专家、学者、上市企业负责人、证券所、银行高级管理层、股民等行业相关人士进行的报道,可是对某一个问题的简单采访,可以是他们在工作或生活甚至娱乐中的片段剪辑,从不同角度展示股市精英的生活状态,稿件应配主人公照片。每篇5000字内。  《解秘》:本刊重点文章。共分四个子栏目:  1、证券知识:关于证券,股票等基本常识类文章,字数不限;  2、战法技巧:在炒股中各种实用技巧类文章,字数不限;  3、经典案例:对个案、事件、政策或行业的案例分析,引导股民在此类案例中如何操作,字数不限;  4、热点解读:对当前的股市热点品种的分析及推荐文章,每篇2000字内;  《投资》:本刊重点栏目,共分三个子栏目:  1、 基金:最新基金品种详细介绍,针对不同群体推荐相同品种等文章,以及如何选择基金,如何认识基金等知识性文章,字数不限;  2、 期货:关于期货的研究报告,专业知识性文章,字数不限;  3、 黄金:关于如何认识黄金,如何投资黄金,如何认识黄金市场等相关文章,为读者投资做参考和指引,字数不限。  《前瞻》:本刊重点栏目,共分2个子栏目:  1、 名家专栏:金融、证券行业人士等对证券市场的分析、解读、趋势走向或相关联文章,字数不限;  2、 股声:亿万股民自己的思想阵地,内容可是普通炒股者的经历、对炒股技巧的介绍、对行业、个股等的个人观点等,每篇4000字内。  《股事》:专为广大股民开辟的故事性栏目,可讲述自己的炒股经历,或与股市发生的系列趣  味性故事,每篇3000字左右。  《旧闻》:内容可为名人与股市的趣闻,与金融、股市有关的历史故事等,体裁、字数不限。  征稿要求  1、稿件应符合所征集的栏目要求,来稿请注明作者姓名,详细联系方式,所投递的栏目名称等信息。  2、本刊征集的稿件均要求原创,作者文责自负,请勿一稿多投,60天内未收到通知者,稿件请另行处理。  3、所有来稿本刊均有删减权,如有特殊要求请注明,来稿请发至本刊电子邮箱:,电话:023-61631333

152 评论


当前的金融危机是由美国住宅市场泡沫促成的。从某些方面来说,这一金融危机与第二次世界大战结束后每隔4年至10年爆发的其它危机有相似之处。   然而,在金融危机之间,存在着本质的不同。当前的危机标志信贷扩张时代的终结,这个时代是建立在作为全球储备货币的美元基础上的。其它周期性危机则是规模较大的繁荣-萧条过程中的组成部分。当前的金融危机则是一轮超级繁荣周期的顶峰,此轮周期已持续了60多年。   繁荣-萧条周期通常围绕着信贷状况循环出现,同时始终会涉及到一种偏见或误解。这通常是未能认识到贷款意愿和抵押品价值之间存在一种反身(reflexive)、循环的关系。如果容易获得信贷,就带来了需求,而这种需求推高了房地产价值;反过来,这种情况又增加了可获得信贷的数量。当人们购买房产,并期待能够从抵押贷款再融资中获利,泡沫便由此产生。近年来,美国住宅市场繁荣就是一个佐证。而持续60年的超级繁荣,则是一个更为复杂的例子。   每当信贷扩张遇到麻烦时,金融当局都采取了干预措施,(向市场)注入流动性,并寻找其它途径,刺激经济增长。这就造就了一个非对称激励体系,也被称之为道德风险,它推动了信贷越来越强劲的扩张。这一体系是如此成功,以至于人们开始相信前美国总统罗纳德�6�1里根(Ronald Reagan)所说的“市场的魔术”——而我则称之为“市场原教旨主义”(market fundamentalism)。原教旨主义者认为,市场会趋于平衡,而允许市场参与者追寻自身利益,将最有利于共同的利益。这显然是一种误解,因为使金融市场免于崩盘的并非市场本身,而是当局的干预。不过,市场原教旨主义上世纪80年代开始成为占据主宰地位的思维方式,当时金融市场刚开始全球化,美国则开始出现经常账户赤字。   全球化使美国可以吸取全球其它地区的储蓄,并消费高出自身产出的物品。2006年,美国经常账户赤字达到了其国内生产总值(GDP)的2%。通过推出越来越复杂的产品和更为慷慨的条件,金融市场鼓励消费者借贷。每当全球金融系统面临危险之际,金融当局就出手干预,起到了推波助澜的作用。1980年以来,监管不断放宽,甚至到了名存实亡的地步。次贷危机导致发达国家金融机构必须重新估计风险、分配资产,未来两年,发达国家资金将纷纷逆转回涌,加强当地金融机构的稳定度。由此将导致新兴市场国家的证券市场价格大幅缩水、本币贬值、投资规模下降、经济增长放缓甚至衰退,其中最为脆弱的是波罗的海三国和印度。新的金融危机将为中国经济增长带来压力,但中国资金也面临“走出去”抄底整合并购相应企业的好时机

309 评论


Financial crisis in the insurance intermediary John cenaIn the short term insurance intermediaries to survive more pressure from the insurance industry itself, financial intermediaries on the crisis in the industry have a direct impact is These include a limited impact, originally planned in the near future listing of intermediaries may be extended indefinitely; global capital markets in the doldrums, so that the listing and other financing are more difficult to obtain venture capital and additional investment cost will be □ Wang Jin By the time the US loan crisis triggered by the financial tsunami from the United States has spread to the global financial crisis the industry has penetrated into the real economy and lead to a global economic Many well-known economists believe that the crisis in the breadth, scope, and the degree of hazard than the 1920s crisis of the century In the face of this crisis, governments around the world have made a very timely response and have implemented a series of measures and policies to The positive impact of financial crisis The global insurance industry The crisis on the global insurance industry has an enormous negative The world's largest insurance group American International Group (AIG) suffered a crisis of bankruptcy, and the US government to enable it to rescue a huge According to estimates, there are a number of insurance companies to invest in huge losses of mortar nests, within two years if the global capital market is not big improvement, the insurance companies will be very difficult to support the insurance From the breadth and depth of the crisis point of view, the global economy and capital markets recovery may take Pessimistic, over the next two years, on a global scale, or there will be more difficult and even insurance companies into Insurance intermediary is not optimistic about the Marsh (Marsh), Aon Corporation (Aon), Willis (Willis), and other institutions in the same period a profit decline, the stock In the economic globalization, China's insurance industry could not escape the global financial crisis, the direct China Ping An Group's overseas investment is almost tragically, the loss of their need to be able to make up for the operation of a number of The insurance industry is also part of the domestic investment significantly from last year's surplus into a floating F Insurance misfortunes never come singly, part of the investment loss, or part of the underwriting loss or gave birth to the potential In 2008, the Insurance industry's underwriting losses almost certain, and life insurance company through various channels for a large number of sales even dangerous, such as universal insurance to investment-oriented insurance are no huge If in the next few years can not have a certain amount of investment income, perhaps to a certain point in the future to cover the outbreak of the crisis may lead to further life insurance company bankrupt a domino Professional insurance intermediary In the short term survival pressures Leaving the marketing and insurance agents and industry, professional insurance intermediary companies from the three main categories: insurance agents, insurance brokers and insurance As we all know, in the insurance industry, professional intermediaries are very small and Over the years, through insurance agents and insurance brokers for the realization of the total premium size of the premium has not been able to break 3% of the public insurance assessment companies in coastal areas to play a role in the development of the Midwest and Northeast are very From the figures, the professional insurance intermediary for the insurance industry contribution to the small, almost Professional insurance intermediary for the insurance industry with its limited contribution to the commitment of the insurance and related Insurance is basically all-round organ, the actuarial, product development, product sales, a single, nuclear security, scheduled for loss, claims, investment and so on all the functions of its direct sales business difficult to achieve, agents and brokers to help their bodies to complete, the agent Brokers and agencies of its direct sales only added Public service is also estimated insurance claims of the department In many cases, customers need a strong, or insurance claims department is difficult to operate, the public insurance assessment will be It is clear that if the insurance company to maintain its "large" the functions of the professional insurance intermediary to the development of the space is very In the short term, insurers will continue its "large" Strengthen the direct sales business is still in, for example, the Insurance companies are still greater efforts to promote direct telephone business, life insurance companies also continue to expand its marketing In the direct extrusion business, led by auto insurance agent to increase the pressure to survive, led by life insurance agents must be more life insurance salesmen in direct competition, the industry is still in the loss of state agents Companies, operating in the short term will be even more Insurance agents and brokers industry a little different, top 50 brokers in approximately 80% of all shareholders to support a strong background or context of foreign investment, these companies completely dominated the brokerage Shareholders do not support the context of foreign investment and brokerage firm, do not have to face old colleagues, but also insurance companies and direct face-to-face competition advantage does not exist, to survive together, to mention In addition, the financial crisis in the insurance industry under the adverse investment policies to cover benefits the poor, in regard to insurance payment is likely too severe, which often affect the agency's service quality, easily lead to the loss of policy holders on the agency's confidence and At the same time, insurance companies and their harsh on the commission paid by the inertia of the agency may have a negative Parts of the insurance companies may even join forces, compression and the public commission estimated the cost ratio, which not only damage the interests of the intermediary industry, but also hindered the intermediary service innovation is not conducive to policy holders for the agency to provide better, more comprehensive insurance S As a result, within a short period of survival intermediaries more pressure from the insurance industry itself, financial intermediaries on the crisis in the industry have a direct impact is These limited the impact of the original plan in the near future, including the listing of intermediaries may be extended indefinitely; global capital markets in the doldrums, so that the listing and other financing are more difficult to obtain venture capital and additional investment cost will be Bigger and stronger insurance industry Can not do without intermediaries All walks of life can not be separated from the development of intermediary The emergence of various types of intermediaries and prosperity of the market to lower transaction costs and improve market efficiency, greatly promoted the development of all walks of life and global The insurance industry in developed countries, insurance companies will not only become bigger, stronger, the agency also very strong, very well- The development of intermediary institutions need specialization in accordance with the insurance company's request to reduce operating costs and improve operational efficiency as the goal, some of the functions of a "Large" is based on cost-efficiency and low cost, to break the "large" system, insurance companies will be able to radically reduce operating costs, out of the underwriting loss for the difficulties emerging from the shadow of financial crisis and enhance core competitiveness, Will be able to show in the international arena Although the domestic professional intermediaries is also very weak, but is fully capable to assume certain functions of the insurance Shenzhen's insurance sector to pioneer the first transfer of vehicle accidents Gusun functions to the people too, led by an assessment of the public sector to grow rapidly in the near Practice has proved that the domestic and foreign insurance companies to shift some of its non-core functions of the first to benefit from the insurance companies, policyholders can get better service, an intermediary to get the healthy development of the industry; intermediary and the healthy development of the industry, in turn, further reduce the insurance companies The cost of outsourcing services for the insured to provide a better And other industries, the insurance industry specialization is the trend of the times, but also insurance companies to lower operating costs, increase efficiency in the one and only If the insurance companies to gradually transfer the sales, a single, Gu Sun, claims, risk management, customers and even some of the functions such as actuarial, to maintain its core competence, more professional intermediaries, such as generation, a single company, estimated the public, Set loss, detection, security management, actuarial, and other companies will soon emerge and development of the insurance industry, the principal will have a stronger competitive edge, industry-wide decline in operating costs, improve service levels, the whole society on the insurance industry Greater confidence and Prudential case, the insurance industry not only bigger, stronger, but also will become the envy of everyone's career

262 评论


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