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首页 > 论文问答 > 学校杂志社要举行以感恩为主题的英语征文活动吗

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The person that I want to thank most   In my life there’re lots of people I want to thank , but the person I want to thank most is my mother   I remember one day when class finished , it was raining I saw mum waiting for me outside with an umbrella And on our way home , she held the umbrella for me , but got wet herself I was moved deeply  I think we should learn about thankgiving , so I will study harder and learn to care for my mother I hope she’ll be happy and healthy forever !
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The Thanksgiving Day in this year is on November 24 th and it is around the How shall we welcome it? Who shall we give our thanks to? I’d like to share my idea with I always think if everyone is grateful to our society, it will be more If everyone has got a grateful heart to our parents, teachers, friends ,love and happiness will greet us Gratitude is so important and necessary that we should take action right Let’s start with small things… give our parents a warming hug or make them a cup of tea, design beautiful thank-you cards for dear teachers and send than-you emails to our friends Don’t Just do it! 试题分析:这是一篇话题类作文。11月的第四个星期四是感恩节。2013年的感恩节是11月28日星期四。某英文杂志社要举办一次征文活动。活动的主题是: “Learn to be grateful” 假如你叫李华,请根据下列提示写一篇120词左右的短文投该杂志社。主要内容包括:1、为什么要感恩?2、对谁感恩?3、感恩实际行动(给父母泡一杯热茶或给他们一个拥抱;给老师作感恩卡;给同学和朋友发短信感谢他们的帮助…)。需要写的内容已经粗略给出,需要我们翻译成完整通顺的句子,适当添加些内容,使文章更充实。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。一定要给出自己的看法。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型为文章润色。注意要求的词数120词左右,不要太多也不要太少。【亮点说明】If everyone has got a grateful heart to our parents, teachers, friends ,love and happiness will greet us 这里含有一个条件状语从句;Gratitude is so important and necessary that we should take action right 这里含有一个so… that…句型。

239 评论


The Person that I Want to Thank MostIn my life, of course, parents are the most important persons for I really feel that words fail me when I am writing this My parents bring me up from a They give me not only food, clothes and the place to live in, but also care and When I argue with my friends, they often tell me to say "sorry" to They tell me friendship is one of the most important things in the When I am upset about bad grades, they always tell me that everyone will make mistakes in They also tell me that I will be successful if I put my heart into my I grow up day and day, my parents become older and I really want to do something to show my love to I think I will try my best to look after them well when they're old, it's the way that I love them!

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