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《财新中国经济与金融》(Caixin-China Economics & Finance),内容涵括金融、产业、政经、环境、文化等领域,以财新传媒精选资讯、新闻解读与时事分析,以及针对新闻事件及人物的专题报道,为具全球视野的读者呈现独立、精准、生动的中国经济图景。面向在华外籍企业高管、外籍投资人群和全球读者。通过财新网订阅中心、ZINIO、KINDLE及悦读网平台提供在线电子订阅和定向赠阅,并在香港和新加坡地区零售。财新英文还通过英文网站、iPhone手机英文客户端等为用户提供在线新闻、资讯播客及新闻电邮等一系列英文产品。 吴敬琏主编,是当今中国权威的经济学连续出版物。刊物秉承“以比较传递理念、思想和智识”的宗旨,广采世界一流经济学家的最新理论和思想,有针对性地介绍国内外学术理论界对中国经济改革的方案设计、政策建议和评论。双月出刊,每年双数月份出版。

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近五年课题:1. microRNA124调控微量金属元素吸收抑制胰腺癌细胞的机制研究, 黑龙江省重点基金,10-10,20万,ZD20170012. miRNAs对动物组织干细胞的调控及其机制研究, 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,4-3,50万,2572016EAJ3参加人:梁洋、赵翊丞、王春生、何梅、于泽、李旭艳、金家民、孔德麟3. miR-124/EGFR信号调控胰腺祖细胞增殖机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,1-12,86万,参加人:赵翊丞、梁洋、张振武、何梅、李旭艳、梁杰、李云超、孔德麟近五年SCI: Ze Yu, Hao Wang, Yilin Fang, Liangliang Lu, Minghao Li, Bingru Yan, Yuzhe Nie and Chunbo T Molecular chaperone HspB2 inhibited pancreatic cancer cell proliferation via activating p53 downstream gene RPRM, BAI1, and TSAP Journal Of Cellular B 2020, 121(3): 2318-    Miao Liu, Wen Yu, Jing Jin, Mingjun Ma, Tiezhu An, Yuzhe Nie and Chun-Bo T Copper promotes sheep pancreatic duct organoid growth by activation of an antioxidant protein 1-dependent MEK-ERK American Journal Of Physiology-Cell P 2020, 318(4): C806-C  Zhang Z, Zhai W, Liang J, Chen Z, Ma M, Zhao Y, Liang Y, Li X, Teng C-B: Mutual inhibitions between epidermal growth factor receptor signaling and miR-124a control pancreatic progenitor Journal Of Cellular Physiology 2019, 234:12978-  Yang L, Zhu Y, Kong D, Gong J, Yu W, Liang Y, Nie Y, Teng C-B: EGF suppresses the expression of miR-124a in pancreatic beta cell lines via ETS2 activation through the MEK and PI3K signaling International Journal Of Biological Sciences 2019, 15:2561-  Yu Z, Wang H, Fang Y, Lu L, Li M, Yan B, Nie Y, Teng C: Molecular chaperone HspB2 inhibited pancreatic cancer cell proliferation via activating p53 downstream gene RPRM, BAI1, and TSAP Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry  (非通讯)Zhang F, Ma D, Liu T, Liu YH, Guo J, Song J, Wu Q, Pan Y, Zhang Y, Guo C, Teng, C, Jin, L: Expansion and Maintenance of CD133-Expressing Pancreatic Ductal Epithelial Cells by Inhibition of Transforming Growth Factor-beta S Stem Cells And Development 2019, 28:1236- Yu Z, Zhou R, Zhao Y, Pan Y, Liang H, Zhang J-S, Tai S, Jin L, Teng C-B: Blockage of SLC31A1-dependent copper absorption increases pancreatic cancer cell autophagy to resist cell Cell Proliferation 2019,  Yu Z, Yu Z, Chen Z, Yang L, Ma M, Lu S, Wang C, Teng C, Nie Y: Zinc chelator TPEN induces pancreatic cancer cell death through causing oxidative stress and inhibiting cell Journal Of Cellular Physiology 2019, 234:20648-   Yin W, Yang L, Kong D, Nie Y, Liang Y, Teng C-B: Guanine-rich RNA binding protein GRSF1 inhibits myoblast differentiation through repressing mitochondrial ROS Experimental Cell Research 2019, 381:139- Qi H, Teng M, Liu M, Liu S, Li J, Yu H, Teng C, Huang Z, Liu H, Shao Q, et al: Biomass-derived nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots: highly selective fluorescent probe for detecting Fe3+ ions and Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science 2019, 539:332- Ma R, Wang Y, Qi H, Shi C, Wei G, Xiao L, Huang Z, Liu S, Yu H, Teng C, Li, H, Murugadoss, V, Zhang, J, Wang, Y, Guo, Z: Nanocomposite sponges of sodium alginate/graphene oxide/polyvinyl alcohol as potential wound dressing: In vitro and in vivo Composites Part B-Engineering 2019, 167:396- Liu J, Cao L, Zhao N, Feng Y, Yu Z, Li Y, Teng C, Hu J, Li T: miR-338-3p inhibits A549 lung cancer cell proliferation and invasion by targeting AKT and beta-catenin signaling Molecular Medicine Reports 2019, 20:33- Li X, Teng C, Ma J, Fu N, Wang L, Wen J, Wang T-Y: miR-19 family: A promising biomarker and therapeutic target in heart, vessels and Life Sciences 2019,  Kong D, He M, Yang L, Zhou R, Yan Y-Q, Liang Y, Teng C-B: MiR-17 and miR-19 cooperatively promote skeletal muscle cell Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS He M, Zhou D, Ding N-Z, Teng C-B, Yan X-C, Liang Y: Common Carp mef2 Genes: Evolution and E Genes 2019,  Jin J, Teng C, Li T: Combination therapy versus gemcitabine monotherapy in the treatment of elderly pancreatic cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled Drug Design Development And Therapy 2018, 12:475- Zhou RT, He M, Yu Z, Liang Y, Nie YZ, Tai S, Teng CB: Baicalein inhibits pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and invasion via suppression of NEDD9 expression and its downstream Akt and ERK signaling Oncotarget 2017, 8:56351-  Zhao Y, Song Y, Yao L, Song G, Teng C: Circulating microRNAs: Promising Biomarkers Involved in Several Cancers and Other D DNA And Cell Biology 2017, 36:77- Li X, Zhang Z, Li Y, Zhao Y, Zhai W, Yang L, Kong D, Wu C, Chen Z, Teng C-B: miR-18a counteracts AKT and ERK activation to inhibit the proliferation of pancreatic progenitor Scientific Reports 2017,  Zhao Y, Wang T, Yu Z, Wang H, Liu B, Wu C, Teng C-B: Inhibiting cyprinid herpesvirus-3 replication with CRISPR/C Biotechnology Letters 2016, 38:573- Zhao Y, Wang T, Yao L, Liu B, Teng C, Ouyang H: Classical swine fever virus replicated poorly in cells from MxA transgenic Bmc Veterinary Research 2016,  Li XY, Zhai WJ, Teng CB: Notch Signaling in Pancreatic D International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2016, 17:19  Yang J, Zhou F, Xing R, Lin Y, Han Y, Teng C, Wang Q: Development of Large-Scale Size-Controlled Adult Pancreatic Progenitor Cell Clusters by an Inkjet-Printing T Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7:11624-  Kong D, Zhao Y, Men T, Teng C-B: Hippo signaling pathway in liver and pancreas: the potential drug target for tumor Journal Of Drug Targeting 2015, 23:125- He M, Teng C-B: Divergence and codon usage bias of Betanodavirus, a neurotropic pathogen in Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 2015, 83:137- Zhao Y, Dai Z, Liang Y, Yin M, Ma K, He M, Ouyang H, Teng C-B: Sequence-specific inhibition of microRNA via CRISPR/CRISPRi Scientific Reports 2014, 4

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  • 动物学报中文版在线阅读


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    综合性大学的学报Q--综合性生物科学 1、生态学报 2、应用生态学报 3、生物多样性 4、生物工程学报 5、遗传 6、生物化学与生物物理进展 7、微生物学报 8

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    如果看你改得不错,好好改吧,很大可能还是到通个审稿人手上,意见是修改后重审,审稿人满足了录用 可能性大多了。投了个浙大学报,貌似只有一个审稿人,一个月给的审稿意

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