
Normal Families of Holomorphic Functions Concerning Zero Numbers


1 Introduction and Main Results

Let F be a meromorphic function in C,and D be a domain in C.F is said to be normal in D if any sequence{fn}⊂F contains a subsequence fnjsuch that fnjconverges spherically locally uniformly in D,to a meromorphic function or ∞ (see[1]–[3]).

In 1959,Hayman[4]proved the following result.

Theorem 1.1 Let f be a meromorphic function in C,n≥5 be a positive integer,and a(0),b be two finite constants.If f− afnb,then f is a constant.

The following normality criterion corresponding to Hayman’s result was proved by Drasin[5]and Ye[6].

Theorem 1.2 Let n≥2 be a positive integer,a(0),b be two finite constants,and F be a family of Holomorphic functions in a domain D.If for each f ∈ F,f−afnb,then F is normal in D.

Recently,by the idea of concerning zero numbers,Deng et al.[7]proved the following result.

Theorem 1.3 Let m,n,k be three positive integers satisfying n≥m+1,a(0),b be two finite constants,and F be a family of Holomorphic functions in a domain D,all of whose zeros have multiplicity at least k.If for each function f∈F,f(k)−afn−b has at most mk distinct zeros in D,then F is normal in D.

A natural problem arises:what can we say if f(k)in Theorem 1.3 is replaced by the(f(k))d?In this paper,we prove the following result.


Theorem 1.4 Let m,n,k,d be four positive integers satisfying n≥(m+1)d,a(0),b be two finite constants,and F be a family of holomorphic functions in a domain D,all of whose zeros have multiplicity at least k.If for each function f∈F,(f(k))d−afn−b has at most mdk distinct zeros in D,then F is normal in D.

Example 1.1 Let n,k,d be three positive integers,a be a nonzero finite constant,and F={fj=jzk−1:j=1,2,3,···},D={z:|z|< 1}.Then,for each f ∈ F,(f(k))d−afn−0 has just one distinct zero in D,but F is not normal in D.This shows that the zeros of function f∈F have multiplicity at least k is necessary in Theorem 1.4.

Example 1.2 Let n,k,d be three positive integers,a be a nonzero finite constant,and F={fj=jzk:j=1,2,3,···},D={z:|z|< 1}.Then,for each f ∈ F,(f(k))d −af(m+1)d−1−0 has exactly[(m+1)d−1]k ≥ mdk distinct zero in D,and(f(k))d−af(m+1)d−0 has exactly(m+1)dk≥mdk+1,but F is not normal in D.This shows that both n≥(m+1)d and(f(k))d−afn−b have at most mdk distinct zeros in Theorem 1.4 are best possible.

On the other hand,by(2.2),we have

2Some Lemmas

In order to prove our theorems,we require the following results.


Lemma 2.1[8] Let F be a family of meromorphic functions on the unit disc Δ satisfying all zeros of functions in F have multiplicity≥p and all poles of functions in F have multiplicity≥ q.Let α be a real number satisfying−p< α< q.Then F is not normal at a point z0if and only if there exist

(i)points znΔ,zn→z0;

(ii)positive numbers ρnn → 0;

(iii)functions fn∈F

such thatfn(zn+ ρnζ)→ g(ζ)spherically uniformly on each compact subset of C,where g(ζ)is a nonconstant meromorphic function satisfying the zeros of g are of multiplicities≥p and the poles of g are of multiplicities≥q.Moreover,the order of g is at most 2.If g is holomorphic,then g is of exponential type and the order of g is at most 1.

Lemma 2.2[9] Let f be a nonconstant meromorphic(entire)function in the complex plane,a(0)be a finite constant,and n be a positive integer with n≥4(n≥2).Then f−afnhas at least two distinct zeros.

Lemma 2.3 Take f be an entire function,let a(/0)be a finite constant,and n,m,d,k be four positive integers satisfying n≥(m+1)d and mdk≥2.If all zeros of f have multiplicity at least k,then


Since all zeros of f have multiplicity at least k,it follows f(k)(z)0.Otherwise,f is a polynomial with degf ≤ k − 1,thus f is a constant,a contradiction.Hence Ψ(z) 0.

根据2011年国务院批复的《全国重要江河湖泊水功能区划》,长江流域及西南诸河共划定了1 521个水功能区(其中长江流域1 363个、西南诸河1 58个),并根据每个水功能区内的现状水质和开发利用程度以及规划用水需求确定了每个水功能区的水质管理目标。对于需要保护和严格控制开发的水功能区,确定了较严格的水质管理目标;对于要承载开发利用活动的水功能区,则以用水水质要求做作为管理目标。这些制度体现了水功能区管理统筹兼顾、分类指导的原则。

By(2.1),we have

Thus,we get



Obviously,(g)d−agnhas at least n ≥ (m+1)d=mdk+d≥ mdk+1 distinct zeros,this is a contradiction.


By(2.2),we have


and Ψ (z) 1.Otherwise,we get

Because f is an entire function,we have



a contradiction.Hence Ψ (z) 1.

it follows that

Thus by(2.3)–(2.5)and Nevanlinna’s first and second fundamental theorems,we have


it follows from(2.6)–(2.8)that

Lemma 2.3 is proved.


3 Proof of Theorem 1.4

Considering n≥(m+1)d,by(3.1),we get

spherically uniformly on compact subsets C,where g is a nonconstant holomorphic function on C and whose zeros have multiplicity at least k.Moreover,the order of g is at most 1.Obviously,(g(k)(ξ))d − agn(ξ) 0.Suppose not,since g is an entire function,we have

(1)激光淬火生产中存在的主要问题 根据激光淬火工艺研究中工艺参数及其内在联系可知:在激光淬火生产过程中操作人员对各项工艺参数准确控制、要求严格,不可避免会出现工艺稳定性较差情况发生。出现这一现象的原因主要是光斑功率密度及激光不均匀性影响淬火工艺的稳定性;光斑形状对淬硬层均匀性的影响;激光淬火中大面积淬硬层难以保证;工件初始状态对激光淬火质量的影响。

By(3.1)and noticing that md=2,k=1,we have

So g is a constant,a contradiction.

We claim that(g(k)(ξ))d−agn(ξ)has at most mdk distinct zeros.Suppose that(g(k)(ξ))d−agn(ξ)has mdk+1 distinct zeros ξi(i=1,2,···,mdk+1).We have

uniformly on compact subsets of C.By Hurwitz’s theorem,for j sufficiently large,there exist points ξj,i(i=1,2,···,mdk+1)such that ξj,i → ξiand

However,− b have at most mdk distinct zeros in D,and zj+ ρjξj,i → z0,which is a contradiction.So we can get(g(k)(ξ))d − agn(ξ)has at most mdk distinct zeros.If mdk=1,we get m=1,d=1,k=1,and this is a contradiction with Lemma 2.2.

Next,we consider the case mdk≥2.

Suppose that(g(k))d−agnhas l(≤ mdk)distinct zeros.Since g is an entire function all zeros of g have multiplicity at least k,by Lemma 2.3,we can obtain


Suppose that F is not normal at z0.Then by Lemma 2.1,there exist fj∈F,zj→z0,and ρj→ 0+such that

Thus,we deduce that g is a nonconstant rational function satisfying

Next we consider two cases.


Case 1 md≥2 and k≥1.

We consider two subcases again.

Case 1.1 md≥2 and k=1.

By(3.2),we get

Next we consider two subcases again.


Case 1.1.1 md=2.

In this case we have

We deduce that degg≤2.Next we consider two subcases again.


Case degg=1.

We can write g(ξ)=Aξ+B,where A0.So,

whereis the counting function of zeros of both Ψ and f(k).It follows that

Case degg=2.

We can write g(ξ)=B1(ξ− α1)(ξ− α2),where B10.

When α1= α2,we have


So,we know

this is a contradiction.

If α1 α2,then we are supposed to notice that n ≥ (m+1)d=2+d.If n ≥ 3+d,then by(3.1)and noticing that md=2,k=1,we get

which is a contradiction.

If n=2+d,then g(ξ)=B(ξ− α)(ξ− α),where B0 and α α.Set φ =

112112 noticing that md=2,k=1,next we consider two subcases again.

Case m=2,d=1,k=1.

In this case,we get

Obviously,g− ag3and φφ +a have the same zeros.

SetThen we get ψ= φφ,and we obtain

where is a non-zero constant.So we have

where q1(ξ)is a polynomial with degq1=1.

By Lemma 2.2,we get that g− ag3has at least two distinct zeros,then φφ +a has at least two distinct zeros.Suppose that φφ +a has only two distinct zeros b1,b2,and set

where C is a non-zero constant,and l1+l2=6.So

where q2(ξ)is a polynomial with degq2 ≤ 2.

From(3.3),we also have

where q3(ξ)is a polynomial with degq3 ≤ 2.Noticing that α12and b1,b2are distinct,from(3.4)and(3.5),we get l1+l2−2≤degq3≤2.Then l1+l2≤4,this contradicts with l1+l2=6.Then ψ+a has at least three distinct zeros.So g−ag3has at least 3=mdk+1 distinct zeros,this is a contradiction.

Case m=1,d=2,k=1.

In this case,we have

Obviously,(g)2 − ag4and(φ)2 − a have the same zeros.By a simple calculation,we get

where q4(ξ)=[2ξ− (α1+ α2)]2.Obviously,(φ)2 − a has at least two distinct zeros.Suppose that(φ)2 − a has only two distinct zeros b3,b4,and set

where C is a non-zero constant,and l3+l4=8.Then

where q5(ξ)is a polynomial with degq5 ≤ 2.From(3.6),we also have

where q6(ξ)is a polynomial with degq6 ≤ 3.Noticing that α12and b3,b4are distinct,from(3.7)and(3.8),we get

i.e.,l3+l4 ≤ 5,this contradicts with l3+l4=8.Then(φ)2− a has at least three distinct zeros,so(g)2 − ag4has at least 3=mdk+1 distinct zeros,this is a contradiction.

Case 1.1.2 md≥3.

By(3.2),we obtain

So we get degg=1.As discussed in case,we get a contradiction.

Case 1.2 md≥2,k≥2.

By(3.2),we get

Then we know that g has at most one zero since all zeros of g have multiplicity at least k.Assume that g(ξ)=A(ξ−c)l,where k ≤ l≤ k+1.Then,

Obviously,(g(k))d−agnhas nl−(l−k)d≥mdk+dk distinct zeros,this is a contradiction.

Case 2 md=1,k≥2.

By(3.2),we get

Next,we consider two subcases.

Case 2.1 k=2.

By(3.9),we get

So degg≤4.We divide into two subcases again.

Case 2.1.1 degg=4.

We deduce that g has two distinct zeros at most since all zeros of g have multiplicity at least k=2.If g has only one zero,as discussed in Case 1.2,we get a contradiction.Then g has two distinct zeros.In the condition of n≥(m+1)d≥2,we discuss it in two conditions.If n≥3,then by(3.1)and noticing that md=1,k=2,we obtain

which contradicts with degg=4.If n=2,we can write g(ξ)=A(ξ− α1)2(ξ−α2)2,where A0 is a constant and α1 α2,and set

where β2=A,then

Obviously,g′′− ag2and −2ψ′′ψ +6(ψ)2 − a have the same zeros.From(3.10),we have

where q7(ξ)= −B[2ξ−(α12)],B=and

where q8(ξ)is a polynomial with degq8 ≤ 2.From(3.10)–(3.12),we get

where h(ξ)is a polynomial with degh ≤ 2.Obviously,ϕ−a has at least two distinct zeros.Suppose that ϕ−a has only two distinct zeros b1,b2,and set

where C is a non-zero constant,and l1+l2=8.So

where q9(ξ)is a polynomial with degq9 ≤ 2.From(3.13),we also have

where q10(ξ)is a polynomial with degq10 ≤ 3.Noticing that α12and b1,b2are distinct,from(3.14)and(3.15),we have

i.e.,l1+l2 ≤ 5,this contradicts with l1+l2=8.Then ϕ−a has at least three distinct zeros,so g′′− ag2has at least 3=mdk+1 distinct zeros,this is a contradiction.

Case 2.1.2 degg≤3.

We get that g has only one zero.As discussed in Case 1.2,we get a contradiction.

Case 2.2 k>2.

By(3.9),we get degg≤k+2.So we get that g has only one zero.As discussed in Case 1.2,we get a contradiction.Thus,we deduce that(g(k)(ξ))d − agn(ξ)has at least mdk+1 distinct zeros,this is a contradiction.This shows that F is normal at z0.Thus F is normal in D.


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