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首页 > 学术论文 > 介绍手机的杂志有哪些英语文章简短

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according to Wednesday's Irish Times."Text messaging, with its use of phonetic spelling and little or no punctuation, seems to pose a threat to traditional conventions in writing."The report laments that, in
173 评论


another point in favour of mobile phonesis that you can avoid disturbing anyone when he is sleeping orworking because in that case people often turn off their mobile the other hand,there are some

82 评论


The future mobile phone will have a the features of today's handphone. The future handphone is to be smaller but with bigger hard disk space. There will not be keys for inputting. All operations will b

104 评论


手机的利与弊英语作文带翻译 范文一:Nowadays more and more middle school students take their mobile phone to disturb the teachers very much,But should middle school students take their their mobile

301 评论


The telephone makes things easy in many , after the mobile telephone appears, communication becomes easier and students and people going out for business far away from their homes, the

80 评论


  • 介绍手机的杂志有哪些英语文章简短

    according to Wednesday's Irish Times."Text messaging, with its use of phonetic s

    Chris大王 5人参与回答 2024-07-11
  • 介绍手机的杂志有哪些英语短文简单

    1.《数字通讯》是关于手机的杂志。不过杂志相对于互联网来说信息更新速度还是太慢了,也不够全面,如果想了解关于手机方面的资讯和材料,建议登录 或 查看。

    瑞贝卡tt 5人参与回答 2024-07-10
  • 介绍手机的杂志有哪些英语短文带翻译

    mobile phone bill is also a heavy burden on students' families.翻译:手机是高科技的产物,它不仅体

    cocoabread 5人参与回答 2024-07-11
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    小葛装饰 5人参与回答 2024-07-10