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首页 > 学术论文 > 出现在杂志封面上英语作文怎么说的

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Advertisements 广告 Advertisements can be seen everywhere in modern society. They appear on the TV screen. They occupy a conspicuous place in newspapers and are displayed or painted on walls and e
107 评论


READERS is a integrated abstract magazine published by Gansu People’s Press. Its used name is Reader's Digest. It regards carrying forward the human outstanding culture as its own responsibility. The magazine

200 评论


我想永远和你在一起 2. 一篇英语作文表示对女朋友的爱 Baby, I'm sorry, is not to love you, do not want you, but not hurt you, care about you, please don't doubt my love for you. My heart, can you read

219 评论


My Dream Job Everyone has their dream jobs, so have my family and friends know, I am good at writing and have excellent eloquence(口才),so my dream job, first, is becoming a reporter. I want t

180 评论


set them back on the shelves 4. Bags must be placed on the shelves of the reading room may not be brought into 5. Ban on eating, may not make much noise in order to maintain a clean and quiet envi

201 评论
