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读后感 就是一个词 reflection 老师让写读后感 就说write a reflection 或 write a reflection paper/essay 或者Impressions of after-reading
132 评论


读后感的英语怎么说 读后感的英文: reaction to a book or an article impression of a book or an article 参考例句: I do not read the book because I like it. I have to write a book report. (I read the book not

323 评论


读后感这个单词是:The word "book report. "an artsdome of; a book report of ; A review of。The president ordered a review of US economic aid to Jordan总统下令对美国向约旦提供的经济援助进行审查。review

132 评论


读后感的英文: reaction to a book or an article impression of a book or an article 读后感参考例句: I do not read the book because I like it. I have to write a book report. (I read the book not because I lik

181 评论


发音:英 [riˈækʃn] 美 [riˈækʃn]意思:反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用。复数:reactions。短语:Chain Reaction 连锁反应。例:Reaction to the visit is mixed.

238 评论


  • 教育类期刊杂志读后感英文怎么写的

    发音:英 [riˈækʃn] 美 [riˈækʃn]意思:反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用。复数:reactions。短语:Chain Reaction 连锁反

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