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housework at home. First, that can develop their love for work. Next, that can help them understand their parents better. Last and the most important, that can help them cultivate their ability to live.
322 评论


First,Write about the event(When and where It happened)Next,write about what you and some of your friends,where do you when this event happened。Then writes about why this event was improvement。Our

257 评论


It is so important to get our children to help out and do chores around the house! Although it is always easier for us parents to do things ourselves, it is not sending our children the right message S

328 评论


Dear Steve:I am glad to receive your letter。When I was yuang I had the same trouble as you。So I can feel your feeling。I give you some advices to you for this thing and i hope you can happy so

295 评论


Here is a survey of 100 students’ opinions on the schools rules. 40% of them agree to wear uniforms at school and 60 % think it unnecessary. 99% of the students say they should get to school on tim

311 评论
