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it is important to read after class It is a well-known fact that when there were no televisions or computers, reading was a primary leisure activity. People would spend hours reading books and travel to
197 评论


话题英语作文300字 篇1 Nowadays, there are more and more (某种现象) in (某种场合)。 It is estimated that (相关数据)。 Why have there been so many (某种现象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as f

337 评论


colleagues and strangers. Perhaps it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they have don

217 评论


七年级英语作文 篇1 1、 Dear friend, My name is Sally. I am from China. I want a pen pal in Australia. I am 14 years old. I have no brothers or sisters in my family. MY favorite subject in school is scien

208 评论


Firstly, government should make it a rule that people will get fined or punished if caught behaving against public morals. Additionally, it makes sense that schools should take on the duty to give students

171 评论
