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首页 > 学术期刊 > 关于杂志的电影推荐信英语怎么说

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不好意思,理解错误了 一介绍杂志,二是介绍《2012》,内容很简单的。可以自己翻译吧。I am a middle school our teacher asks us to read some magazines or newspapers after read "Beijing Yout
278 评论


Dear my friend,I have just watched an excellent movie , and now I want to introduce it to you . The name of the movie is Harry Potter . It's really a good movie not only because of its exciting

284 评论


Dear Mary,Thank you for your letter which make me happy all the day. Today I want to show you a movie. I watched a movie which is a pure love story full of sentiment and affection named “Under the

249 评论


recommendation As a * * * * * * * university, vice dean, institute of as * * * students in this teacher in charge, I recommend * * * students to study at this our school curriculum

354 评论


推荐信可以推荐一个人、一个地方、一本书、一部电影。在信中表明推荐的内容、原因及进一步的沟通。第一段概括说要推荐的内容:I am writing to you to recommend .I have sufficient reasons to introduce this to you

81 评论


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    Dear Mary,Thank you for your letter which make me happy all the day. Today I wan

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    dear esteemed principal:xx is a senior high school graduate student from our sch

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    关于英文推荐信范文篇一 dear sir or madame,it is with great pleasure that i write to recom

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