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区期刊不论是jcr分区的一区,还是中科院的一区,只要是一区期刊,都是国际上知名的学术期刊,这部分期刊发表难度是非常大的,也不是任何人都可以发表的,对于普通作者来说,是非常困难的,且不说文章难写,对作者身份职务可能都会有一定门槛,一区期刊是不适合不同作者发表的,一般能发表一区的都是一些专家学者、知名大学教授、或者一些在本专业内有一定影响力的科研工作者。    二区期刊仅次于一区期刊,二区sci期刊国内作者发表的就相对多一些了,目前国内一些标准中明确要求发表二区及以上期刊,所以二区是很多国内作者的首选,二区期刊发表难度略小,但也要看具体的学科和具体的期刊,一般的规律是二区期刊较一区期刊容易一些。    三区四区期刊的发表难度就会更低一些,但三区四区期刊在国内有些许争议,就是因为上述我们提到的硬性要求,有些单位和高校是不认可二区以下的刊物的,因此,很多作者会认为三区四区刊物不值得发表,没有发表价值,其实对于大多数普通作者来说,只要能发表sci论文就已经实属不易了,国内也有很多单位只要是sci论文就认可,对分区,没有过多要求,这种情况下三区四区期刊也是可以发表的。


GoingPub 最新SCI期刊查询及分析系统(2018-2019年)整理了最新SCI收录的详细信息,分属领域,研究方向,中科院SCI期刊分区等。可在这查 /journal/


启明星医学论文解答:SCI:科学引文索引(Science Citation Index) EI:工程索引(Engineering Index)ISTP:国际会议录索引(Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings)SSCI:社会科学引文索引(Social Science Citation Index)A&HCI:艺术与人文科学索引( Arts & Humanities Citation Index) ISSHP:《社会科学和人文会议录索引》

中国科学院下面设有12个分院分别是沈阳、长春、上海、南京、武汉、广州、成都、昆明、西安、兰州、新疆、重庆。  中国科学院简介:  中国科学院(Chinese Academy of Sciences),国家最高学术机构,中国自然科学与高新技术的综合研究与发展中心。中国科学院有6个学部(数学物理学部、化学部、生命科学和医学学部、地学部、信息技术科学部、技术科学部),12个分院(沈阳、长春、上海、南京、武汉、广州、成都、昆明、西安、兰州、新疆、重庆)、104家直属研究机构、4个国家实验室、85个国家重点实验室、153个中国科学院重点实验室、19个国家工程技术研究中心、10个国家工程实验室以及212个野外观测台站,3所高等学校、4个文献情报中心、3个技术支撑机构和2个新闻出版单位,全院科研人员达5万余人,分布在全国20多个省(市)。






这些都是检索系统,一个收录很多论文的数据库。 SCI主要偏重理论性研究。 SSCI是社会科学期刊数据库。 EI偏工程应用。 CSCD和核心期刊都是中国的数据库。 ISTP是会议论文数据库,以上都是期刊论文。

《分析化学》(月刊)1972年创刊,是由中国化学会;中国科学院长春应用化学研究所主办的分析化学学科专业性学术期刊。《分析化学》主要报道我国分析化学创新性研究成果,反映国内外分析化学学科前沿和进展。旨在为冶金、地质、化工、材料、农业、食品、药物、环境等领域从事研究测试的科技人员及高等院校相关专业的广大师生提供新的分析化学的理论、方法和研究进展,促进学术交流和科技进步,为国家的经济建设服务。  《高等学校化学学报》(月刊)创刊于1964年,是中华人民共和国教育部主管并委托吉林大学和南开大学主办的我国化学及其相关学科领域的综合性学术刊物。本刊以研究论文、研究快报和综合评述等栏目集中报道广大化学工作者在无机化学、分析化学、有机化学、物理化学、高分子化学及其相关的生物化学、材料化学和医药化学等学科领域所开展的基础研究、应用研究和开发研究所取得的创新性的科研成果。  《无机化学学报》(月刊)创刊于1985年,由中国化学会主办,是展示我国无机化学研究成果的学术性期刊。报道我国无机化学领域的基础研究和应用基础研究的创新成果,内容涉及固体无机化学、配位化学、无机材料化学、生物无机化学、有机金属化学、理论无机化学、超分子化学和应用无机化学、催化等,着重报道新的和已知化合物的合成、热力学、动力学性质、谱学、结构和成键等。  《物理化学学报》(月刊)创刊于1985年,由中国科学技术协会主管、中国化学会主办、北京大学化学学院物理化学学报编辑部编辑出版。主要刊载化学学科物理化学领域具有原创性实验和基础理论研究类文章。办刊宗旨是坚持正确的办刊方针,以促进学术交流及本学科发展为已任,为发现和培养科技人才服务,提供一个总结、交流、宣传科技成果的园地。面向的读者群主要是化学及相关专业高年级大学生、研究生、教师和科研人员以及企业的研发人员。  《Chinese Journal of Chemistry》(月刊)创刊于1983年,邮发代号:4-646,由中国化学会、上海有机化学研究所主办。刊载物理化学、无机化学、有机化学和分析化学各学科领域基础研究和应用基础研究的原始性、首创性成果,涉及物理化学、无机化学、有机化学、分析化学和高分子化学等。  《Science in China》(英文版)是中国科学院主管、中国科学院和国家自然科学基金委员会共同主办的自然科学综合性学术刊物。主要刊载自然科学各领域基础研究和应用研究方面具有创新性的、高水平的、有重要意义的研究成果,以促进国内外的学术交流。由中国科学杂志社出版。


我国SCI检索的期刊名称: 1 北京科技大学学报(MMM英文版) 2 材料科学技术(英文版) 3 大气科学进展(英文版) 4 代数集刊(英文版) 5 地球物理学报  6 地质学报、土壤圈(英文版) 7 分析化学  8 钢铁研究学报(英文版)9 高等学校化学学报  10 高等学校化学研究(英文版) 11 高分子科学(英文版) 12 高分子学报  13 高能物理与核物理  14 固体力学学报(英文版) 15 光谱学与光谱分析(中文) 16 红外与毫米波学报(中文) 17 化学学报  18 计算数学(英文版) 19 结构化学  20 科学通报(英文版) 21 理论物理通讯(英文版) 22 力学学报(英文版)23 生物化学与生物物理进展 24 生物化学与生物物理学报  25 生物医学与环境科学(英文版) 26 世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) 27 数学年刊B辑(英文版) 28 数学物理学报(英文版)29 数学学报(英文版) 30 无机材料学报 31 无机化学学报  32 武汉工业大学学报(材料科学英文版) 33 物理化学学报 34 物理学报  35 物理学报—海外版 36 稀土学报(英文版) 37 稀有金属(英文版) 38 稀有金属与材料工程  39 应用数学和力学(英文版) 40 有机化学41 植物学报(英文)  42 中国海洋工程(英文版) 43 中国化学(英文版) 44 中国化学工程学报(英文版) 45 中国化学快报(英文版) 46 中国科学A辑(英文版) 47 中国科学B辑(英文版) 48 中国科学C辑(英文版) 49 中国科学D辑(英文版) 50 中国科学E辑(英文版) 51 中国文学(英文版) 52 中国物理快报(英文版) 53 中国药理学报  54 中国有色金属学报(英文版) 55 中华医学杂志(英文版) 56 自然科学进展(英文版)


SCI哪个分区 或者 多少IF? 这个是你求职的关键。 还有博士大学的排名,参与过的项目。说实话SCI四篇的同学不要太多,四篇一作也并不是什么巨牛,关键是看你在哪里发的,SCI差别不要太大。


Android Science Hiroshi Ishiguro makes perhaps the most humanlike robots around--not particularly to serve as societal helpers but to tell us something about ourselvesTEXT SIZE: By Tim HornyakAt the 2005 World Exposition in Japan's Aichi prefecture, robots from laboratories throughout the country were on The humanoids came in all shapes and sizes: they moved on wheels, walked on two legs, looked like lovable little dolls or fantastic mechanical All, however, were instantly recognizable as artificial Except one: it had moist lips, glossy hair and vivid eyes that blinked Seated on a stool with hands folded primly on its lap, it wore a bright pink blazer and gray For a mesmerizing few seconds from several meters away, Repliee Q1expo was virtually indistinguishable from an ordinary woman in her In fact, it was a copy of To many people, Repliee is more than a humanoid robot--it is an honest-to-goodness android, so lifelike that it seems like a real Japan boasts the most advanced humanoid robots in the world, represented by Honda's Asimo and other bipedal They are expected to eventually pitch in as the workforce shrinks amid the dwindling and aging But why build a robot with pigmented silicone skin, smooth gestures and even makeup? To Repliee's creator, Hiroshi Ishiguro, the answer is simple: "Android " Director of Osaka University's Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, Ishiguro has a high furrowed brow beneath a shock of inky hair and riveting eyes that seem on the verge of emitting laser Besides the justification for making robots anthropomorphic and bipedal so they can work in human environments with architectural features such as stairs, Ishiguro believes that people respond better to very humanlike Androids can thus elicit the most natural "Appearance is very important to have better interpersonal relationships with a robot," says the 42-year-old I "Robots are information media, especially humanoid Their main role in our future is to interact naturally with " Although Ishiguro grew up as a typical robot-mod?el-?building Japanese boy near Kyoto, he was more keen on philosophical questions about life than on inventing Mild colorblindness forced him to abandon his aspirations of a career as an oil painter, and he was drawn to computer and robot vision He built a guide robot for the blind as an undergraduate at the University of Yamanashi, and elements of his later humanoid Robovie went into the design of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries's new household communications robot, W A fan of the android character Data from the Star Trek franchise, he sees robots as the ideal vehicle to understand more about To emulate human looks and behavior successfully, Ishi?guro yokes robotics with cognitive In turn, cognitive science research can use the robot as a test bed to study human perception, communication and other This novel cross-fertilization is what Ishiguro describes as android In a 2005 paper, he and his collaborators explained it thus: "To make the android humanlike, we must investigate human activity from the standpoint of [cognitive science, behavioral science and neuroscience], and to evaluate human activity, we need to implement processes that support it in the " One key strategy in Ishiguro's approach is to model robots on real He began research four years ago with his then four-year-old daughter, casting a rudimentary android from her body, but its few actuator mechanisms resulted in jerky, unnatural With Tokyo-based robotics maker Kokoro Company, Ishiguro built Repliee also by "copying" a real person--NHK TV newscaster Ayako Fujii--with shape-memory silicone rubber and plaster Polyurethane and a five-millimeter-thick silicone skin, soft and specially colored, cover a metal Given clothing, a wig and lipstick, it is a near mirror image of F Appearance, though, is only part of human To achieve smooth upper-body movement in Repliee, Ishiguro equipped it with 42 small, quiet air servo- Because a fridge-size external air compressor powers the actuators, locomotion was Similarly, Ishiguro off-loaded most of the android's control elements and Floor sensors track human movement, video cameras detect faces and gestures, and microphones pick up The result is a surprisingly "I was developed for the purpose of research into natural human-robot communication," Repliee says in velvety prerecorded Japanese, raising its arm in instantaneous response to a touch picked up by its piezoelectric skin Humanlike robots run the risk of compromising people's comfort Says Ishiguro collaborator Takashi Minato: "Because the android's appearance is very similar to that of a human, any subtle differences in motion and responses will make it seem " The negative emotional reaction is known as the "uncanny valley," first described in 1970 by Japanese roboticist Masahiro M Repliee, though, is so lifelike that it has overcome the creepiness factor, partly because of the natural way it One of Ishiguro's android-science experiments demonstrates the importance of He had subjects identify the color of a cloth behind a curtain after it had been pulled back for two Unknown to participants, Repliee was also behind the curtain, either motionless or exhibiting prelearned "micro movements" that people unconsciously When the android was static, 70 percent of the subjects realized that they had seen a But when Repliee moved slightly, only 30 percent realized it was an In a land where Sony Aibo robot dogs are treated like family, it is not surprising that the engineering students who work on Repliee daily have developed a special protectiveness for Gaze-direction experiments suggest that nonengineers can unconsciously accept androids on a social level, In these studies, subjects pausing to consider a thought looked away during conversations with both people and Repliee, leading Ishiguro and his associates to consider that the breaking of eye contact can be a measure of an android's human They see this as key to eliminating psychological barriers to robots playing everyday roles in (Less sophisticated androids are already at work in Japan: Saya, a robot with fewer sensors and limited movement that was developed by Hiroshi Kobayashi of Tokyo University of Science, has been a receptionist in the university's lobby for ) "An android is a kind of ultimate experimental apparatus and test bed," states Ishiguro collaborator Karl MacDorman, who has been examining possible links between the uncanny valley and fear of "We need more of " Although Ishiguro's automatons may even evolve to bipedalism, perhaps ironically, he is sure that androids will never be able to pass for There will be no need, say, for the elaborate Blade Runner-type "empathy " "Two seconds or 10 seconds of confusion is possible, but a whole day is not," Ishi?guro "It's impossible to have the perfect " Still, he wants his next android, a male, to be as authentic as The model? H Ishiguro thinks having a robot clone could ease his busy schedule: he could dispatch it to classes and meetings and then teleconference through "My question has always been, Why are we living, and what is human?" he An Ishiguro made of circuitry and silicone might soon be answering his own

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