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Thoughts on Reading A NewspaperI read a piece of news in the newspaer lately,telling about the earthquake in Wenchuan,Sichuan On May 12th,2008,a terrible earthquake rocked Wenchuan,killing many I was shocked at the bad news first,but people throughout China helped the victims Many people went there to help rebuild the victims's The natrual disaster is cruel,but our people are kind and warm-Thoughts on Reading An Articl in A Magazine I read an article about Bill Gates Bill Gates was the founder of MHe was very He set up his company when he was still in Harvard UHe studied and worked very He made him the richest man in the He was the idol of thousands of people,especially the I was moved by Bill Gates' story after reading the I must learn from him





你好, 高傲得自卑。这是一篇简短的小品文,希望能对你有帮助。As you know,there are many methods to learn ESpeaking is very important among the four How we can be brave and active to speak,I tried some methods to I found that crazy English is It can really make me excited and encourage myself to speak EI think each one has his own methods,however I think crazy English fit me You can also find a good method to suit After we found our better way to practise English,we should carry on and never give You must succeed just as you Remember:use your effective method all along,talking,talking and talking,don't

First off, this is my opinion of the man L I am a student learning English in CI got the basics on my own, and a teacher filled me in He then asked me how much money I made, and wasn't happy with "enough" He hounded me a bit, and since he is a guest at the school, and the school was getting some face (we are not the biggest school in town, but we are the only place he came too), I went And again, that is not really to bad, from what I know, my salary is a well known secret on the The part that got to me, and I was to shocked and embarrassed, was when he offered some of his Sure, sharing food isn't so bad, but cold food? And not letting me use chopsticks, telling me to eat with my hands ( cold, wet dumplings, with my hands)? I found out after, one of his staff had made some kind of error, and he was rude to her, said something about her being on, or acting like she was on He also mentioned his daughters ( his wife is white I guess), saying they lived and studied overseas, and that they were very good English half I don't think that is acceptable in China, and I know it isn't in C That is just Now I don't want people to think I am attacking a successful Chinese As a businessman I think he has done very I take issue with his claims of teaching, seeing as he has had no training as a The main point he stress's is that "learning English isn't easy, you have to put a lot of effort into it, and you will make mistakes, but that's how we " I would counter this with "Anything you put effort into, where you make mistakes and still keep going will end in success" It is called hard If you check the slogans on his books however, "English made easy" is one of The teachers played nice with him too, so I still went on stage with him in front of the I played his game, gave him But I did it for the students, and I can point out to them that both he and I have been saying "You have to try, fail, and try No point in being shy, have a " This is the part I He is famous, but famous doesn't equal a good teacher (but being famous for being a salesman, that's pretty good) There are over 30 English teachers in the school, none of them use his If he has helped people learn in the past, that is great, but I have seen so many schools, programs and "shady" tutors promise easy results, take the cash, and the students/clients learn very A Student, just by joining Dave's ESL Cafe can learn just as much, and this is I can save you the money his program 1) Be prepare to work at learning English, when ever you have some free time, speak English out 2) Get some English to read ( it doesn't even have to be correct, his has grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes) The point is you need some English to If you can repeat a tape or movie, that works to, Liyang tries to teach the pronunciation first and the meanings 3) Keep at it, try, fail, try Don't be Shy, have a try! That is This is the same method the schools use, but he spends time saying the government program is He is saying the same thing, just in a different way, lots of excitement, and a flashy To be fair, I use the same tricks in class, but I don't charge the students extra for my "crazy" He does say the teachers are to strict with the students, making them so afraid to fail that they are not willing to I think we forget that high school students spend a lot time at Teachers in China have to teach manners and proper behavior to, remember some students live at school until the weekend or The only adults students deal with are Imagine trying to teach math class, and stopping to cover being polite? Teachers have to be strict in China , they have to raise and teach at the same It is different in the west, but the west is the west, the east is the Some western methods can work, but so many of them focus on one-on-one time with students, they are just not practical in C The ending of my day with Liyang? Headmaster served him a poor lunch after (my first lunch with the Headmaster was very nice) Another teacher pointed that out to me, I was feeling a bit used/dirty after the But best of all, he gave every English teacher his complete collection of books/ None of them are on any desks or in any



一、读后感是一种比较特殊的文体,就是在你读了一本书或一篇文章后,写出你的感受来第一部分:由读而引出感这一部分就象一个帽子或引子一样,交代清楚读了什么书,有什么感想这一部分一般来说要简明、开门见山,不要饶圈子只要概括性说出感受就可以了第二部分:具体的感受过程写法应采用边叙边议的方法,叙就是叙述所看的书报的感人的情节,议就是抒发我们的感受要有层次有顺序把感一步一步推向顶点叙述时要简述,抓住要点,不要抄原文议论要真实得体,这样才能感人这其实就是议论文的论述部分第三部分:把感受落实到自己的现实生活中感的目的就是要指导我们的实际行动,要不感就没有意义了这一部分就是要把感受和现实生活结合起来,把感受落到实处把自己在现实生活中的所作所为同书报感动自己的人或事比较,找出差别,提出改进的方法或建议二、读后感的基本思路如下: (1) 引--围绕感点,引述材料简述原文有关内容(2) 议--分析材料,提练感点亮明基本观点(3) 联--联系实际,纵横拓展围绕基本观点摆事实讲道理 (4)结--总结全文,升华感点围绕基本观点联系实际


这时翻译: 最受欢迎的奥斯汀卷《傲慢与偏见》的主题,以一种温和的爱情和婚姻的幽默的表现手法。作为一名女性作家,她表现出不同的态度所描绘的几个年轻女性的婚姻不同的血统,经济地位和视野的知识。简单介绍了大量的关于生命的是什么。整本书的机智,以及盛产女作家洞察力和这种倾向和意图无法逃避的生活圈子,揭示她,她的一些观点世间的生活。 The most popular among the Austen's volumes is Pride and Prejudice that takes the theme of love and marriage in a mildly humorous way of As a female writer, she shows different attitudes toward marriage by depicting several young women of different descent, economic position and horizon of A simple theme introduces a great deal of what is about The whole book teems with authoress' wit and And this inclination and intention cannot escape from the reach of her living circle and reveal some of her points about worldly 傲慢与偏见的读后感检举 回答人的补充 2009-08-12 18:39 Do not know this how many times is read this article the Taoist Stan ding, hate BoXiHe, JiChuan small They enjoy the scroll, impressive-looking, sculpture, painting, however, made a hole in the full antiquities, has never again belongs to C China's high, only buy mini The monk tower in writing technique is very excellent, ironically, irony, express feelings PenBo Another group to dunhuang documents into We should 不知道这是第几次读这篇《道士塔》了。,;恨斯坦丁、伯希和、吉川小一郎……他们尽情地、冠冕堂皇地把书卷、画像、雕塑掠走、但无论如何,那满满实实的一洞古物,已绝不再全属中国了。属于中国的,只有高价买回的微缩胶卷。 《道士塔》在写作手法上也极为优秀,讽刺、反语恰到好处,抒发感情时喷薄有力。还有一群为了敦煌文献倾入一生心血的专家。 我们应该反思



写读后感要注意首先要设置一个境界 把你读的文章引出来 后面加一句 读了之后深受感触等话语再把文章的主要内容概括出来然后把你的想法另起一段写出来 要是自己的真情实感然后结合自己的生活实际谈谈你对这个文章的观点最后升化主题简单说就是四个步骤:引,议,联,结 希望对你有帮助


觉得有一句话给我的印象特别深,那就是“百分之一的疏忽,就可能导致百分之百的失败”。是呀,我们做什么事之前都必须考虑清楚有什么细节部分。像造房子,如果地基打的不好,工人们即使造最好看的房子,以后它还是会倒塌;再者说,连一只小小的老鼠都可以搞死一头大象,可要是在细节问题上出了差错,就可以导致你、我或者他,在激烈的竞争中被踢出局。反之,就可以得到百分之百的成功。台湾首富王永庆就是一个成功的人士。 他曾经开了一家米店,可生意一直不好,可他就是通过观察人们的日常生活中的细节,并且努力去做好,这才使他成为了今天的台湾首富。海尔集团的总裁张瑞敏曾说过:“把一件简单的事做好就是不简单,把一件普通的事做好就是不普通。中国人不缺勤劳,不缺智慧,我们最缺的就是做细节的精神!”我们要从身边的小事做起,这样我们才能取得成功!

《读者》的魅力  《读者》,这样一本看似平凡的杂志,有着怎样的力量,可以打动世界百万读者呢。  核心竞争力 最初《读者》曾以美国《读者文摘》为效仿对象,如今,它已找到了外国作品与中国读者之间的沟通方式:选择外国作品时,以“开阔眼界”“反映人性美”为原则,以实用的信息丰富读者的知识,以感人的作品启迪读者的心灵,引导读者以中国人的价值理念理解西方文化中的各种现象。  读者给它的评语是“书淡如菊”,在这个喧嚣的时代,《读者》,的确显得淡漠而安静。正如戏剧家魏明伦评论道:“《读者》不靠‘枕头’,不靠‘拳头’,却能超越‘两头’书刊的销量。靠的是什么?文学感染力,知识信息量,观赏趣味性,德育、智育、美育,多种维生素。”不媚俗、不炒作,清新淡雅的封面,温馨流畅的文字,自创刊二十三年来一直如此。  在一次研讨会上,《读者》总编彭长城总结杂志至今受欢迎的原因时说,不断创新与关注“真善美”是《读者》成功的原因。“杂志有一个口号,叫博彩中外、汇聚精华、启迪思想、开拓眼界,开放性的视野打开了外部世界的窗口,同时也更深层次地了解了我们自身的文化根源。杂志的很多栏目跟人有实实在在的联系,关注人的精神生活、素养的提高和感情的释放。”  定价策略 这本创刊于甘肃的16开文摘性大众刊物,本着“博采中外、荟萃精华、启迪思想、开阔眼界”的宗旨一路走来。刊登的文章涉及政治经济、文学、艺术、历史、科技、卫生、教育等多个领域。  《读者》一直秉承高质低价,64页黑白文字,20页彩色插图,售价3元,为同类、同等印刷质量刊物中售价最低。刊载文章全部来自读者的推荐,发表时刊出推荐者姓名。实行一稿三酬,原作者、原刊发媒体、荐稿者皆有稿酬。  平民化之路 有人说,《读者》好像一直隐藏在某个角落,静静地发出某种声音,那种声音不强大,却很有分量。让这种安静有如此分量的,是对读者的尊重和对社会的责任。打开一期《读者》,在不那么沉重的凡人小事中,扑面而来的是浓浓的人情味与对人生、人性的真切关怀。这种关怀散发着一种绵绵磁力,吸引着寻求温暖的灵魂。  有时,这种直指心性的关怀还能够摆脱不同文化背景的牵绊。至真至善至美的情感,是畅行无阻的语言。海外《读者》已累计发行50多万册,读者遍布美国、日本、澳大利亚、新加坡等国家和地区。  非典时捐款、教师节时赠阅、慰问戍边官兵,参与社会公益事业,《读者》有一副热心肠。在甘肃刘家峡,有林地5000亩,名为“读者林”,是《读者》在全国读者中募得钱款植建而成。而今,“读者林”的规模已达2万亩。一位中学校长说,《读者》为人们种下的,既有今天就可以开放的花朵,也有明天才可以发芽的种子。(右图:《读者时代———一本杂志和她所影响的生活》)  产业链延伸 《读者》的主编彭长城曾说,在市场竞争中,杂志的危机时时刻刻都存在着,要使这个特殊商品像常青树一样生存,既要把它作为一项文化事业来兴办,又必须当成一个文化产业来经营。  为了方便更多的读者,《读者》盲文版、维文版相继推出;为了给农民办一份属于他们的杂志,《读者·乡村版》于2000年诞生;为了拓展海外市场——继2003年成功“借河行船”打开北美市场之后,时值一周年,《读者》又成功进入欧洲和澳洲市场。正在筹划中的原创版、英文版也将很快面世。伴随着《读者》的忠实读者群的日益扩大,《读者》的事业也“越做越大”,《读者》品牌的产业链条正在不断加长和连接。中国期刊业 一个难解的棋局  读者的成功是中国期刊界的一个奇迹,然而也仅只是一个奇迹!我们在欣喜之余,不应忽视的还有很多:  在一篇题为《左边杂志,右边堕落——我的阅读品味是如何堕落的?》文章中,有这样一段话非常真实的写出了目前期刊界的现状,“大大小小的报摊上,摆满的是花花绿绿的时尚杂志,超级模特、电影新星、流行歌手,搔首弄姿地占据着它们的封面;锦衣华服流行情报、欧美家居经典介绍、怪异名车强档出击、美酒咖啡倾情推介,挤眉弄眼地拥塞在它们的内芯。”  另一方面,美国的时代华纳,在上海建立了他们的院线系统,德国的贝塔斯曼在全国建立了书友会,新闻集团在广东落地了……这些一百亿美元以上的营业额的文化和媒体大鳄,携多种媒体跨国界而来了。他们虎视眈眈的不仅仅是我们的报业,还有期刊这块回报最为丰厚甚至可以说暴利的“蛋糕”。偏安一隅的中国期刊业又将如何同他们竞争呢?(左图:《读者》的封面也成为许多人的收藏)  面对内疾外患,我国期刊将如何加快发展步伐,迎头赶上呢?也许我们可以通过对比中美期刊业窥得一二:  新闻期刊的彼尊我卑  相比较于美国三大新闻杂志位居整个杂志业前列的发行量和广告收入来说,中国却还没有一份具备真正强大影响力的新闻周刊,在中国杂志市场占据主要地位的依然是妇女杂志、文摘杂志、娱乐杂志和健康杂志。  我国在上个世纪90年代中后期集中涌现了一批“新生代”新闻周刊,除《三联生活周刊》外,《深圳周刊》、《新民周刊》、《新周刊》以及《中国新闻周刊》都是在这一时期出现的。但10年过去了,这批新闻周刊直到目前为止仍然停留在继续成长的阶段,在整个中国媒介环境中依然颇为尴尬处于弱势地位,充其量也还只是一种“半主流”或“准主流媒体”。  纵向来看,在时政新闻、评论与财经新闻方面比较突出的,目前只有《南风窗》、《嘹望东方周刊》和《财经》三本(当然,《财经》还不属严格意义上的时政新闻期刊);在社会新闻、文化报道方面,中国《新闻周刊》与《三联生活周刊》各具特色;在区域化方面,《新民周刊》、《深圳周刊》各霸一方;《新周刊》则是在这些领域之间游走,没有一个明确的定位。  不同盈利模式下的价格悬殊  从《读者》的经验可以看出他的成功很大一部分得益于低价位。尤其是在目前中国期刊的整体价格均普遍偏高的情形下。一位旅居美国、曾是《三联生活周刊》专栏作家的娜斯在其随笔集《东看西看》中形象描述了中美两国杂志价格的巨大差异:“说到杂志,我对中国杂志的第一大感受就是:贵。美国杂志靠广告挣钱,又靠读者数量去吸引广告商,所以订阅杂志本身是一项极便宜的消费。”  中美期刊的巨大价格差异和各自不同的盈利模式有关:中国期刊靠发行维持收支平衡,而美国则基本上依靠大量广告赚取利润,并不单纯依靠杂志的发行收入,采取发行与广告经营并举的战略,使杂志获得全方位、综合性的成长。许多杂志的经营甚至更多地倚重广告。而在中国,由于杂志还不是主流媒体,所以目前大多数杂志的广告页数远远少于编辑页数,目前的中国期刊依然主要是靠发行赚钱维持生计。  中国期刊的高价格制约了读者数量,而读者数量少的杂志自然不会吸引投资人和广告商的目光,在广告投放量稀少的情况下,期刊又只能以相对较高的上市价格维持自身经济平衡,如此往复,恶性循环。   产业化、集团化程度的巨大差异  让我们来看看这组数字:目前,我国已有39家报业集团,但期刊集团却只有《家庭》1家;美国出版三本以上杂志的期刊集团有500个。中国9000本期刊分散在5000多家杂志社中,平均每家杂志社运作6种杂志;中国刊物最多的期刊社拥有12种刊物,而西方大期刊集团拥有60到80种刊物。(右图:《时代》每期的封面都已成为人们关注的焦点)  最典型的例子是《时代》周刊。从1923年创刊起,时代公司连续成功推出了《生活》、《体育

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